
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Byron Scott is that coach that players can handle for about 3 years, after that, he wears on them and they grow tired of him and stop listening or caring what he says.

Why that is, I don't know, but it's been his track record. 3-4 years, each stop, then the team starts to fade back. Like they stop growing as teams or something. Maybe that's a personell issue, I don't know.

Personally, I would have loved him last year, with this vet team, get those 3-4 years out of him, when the vets all die, he can die with them and start anew. He being a Laker, knowing Kobe, knowing Fish, etc, would have been solid for us.

As for now? Probably too late, even if the Cavs get rid of him.
One thing that I laughed about in the gasol interview was when mychal asked him about how he should get 15-20 touches in the post, pau said thatd be really different considering I only get 2-3 now

Shots fired

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Thanks for the update guys.

And if Pau is still unhappy w/ D'Antoni about his post up touches, he should be equally upset with his teammates for not getting the ball as well as himself for not being aggressive when he has the opportunity. Funny but Gasol has been very active (and healthy) as of late and he's been rewarded accordingly.

He's too smart to fall for those type of media traps, plus it just sounds like a lack of accountability on his part if you ask me...
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Even if we take care of business, it's going to come down to the Timberwolves upsetting the Jazz in one of those b2b games. :smh: Such a sad situation we're in.
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I just listened to that Pau interview. That's so true MJgreat, def took shots at the way he's being utilized and positioned. I don't understand why they don't give him the ball down low 10 plus times a game either. He can score better than D12 with his back to the basket and he's a great passer, can dish it anywhere.

Btw, how does Pau speak better English and with a wider range of vocabulary than probably 90% of NBA players? He didn't learn English until he came to the States, Haha. Dude is def going to places after he retires. Oh, and what a class act he is.
Pau's only hope was having Phil return to utilize him the way he should be. Pau's classiness ended up dooming him; instead of being meek and willing to support whoever the coach would have been after Brown was fired, he (and his agent) should have aggressively pushed for Phil to be hired and lobbied Kobe, Dwight and Steve to want Phil as well. He's a senior member of the team and has the support of Kobe. He failed himself.
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Even if we take care of business, it's going to come down to the Timberwolves upsetting the Jazz in one of those b2b games. :smh: Such a sad situation we're in.

it is a sad situation.. but i dont feel bad.. because the way we've been playing is the only reason we're in it.. not cause of mike dantoni.. we just sucked ***, especially if you lose games against, washington or phoenix.. we dont even deserve to be in it.. and even if a miracle would happen and we'd make it. you think we'd make a lot of noise?not if we play okc
One thing that I laughed about in the gasol interview was when mychal asked him about how he should get 15-20 touches in the post, pau said thatd be really different considering I only get 2-3 now

Shots fired

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Put him in the post where he's effective. I don't think MDA knows how to run a decent half court game.
Pau's only hope was having Phil return to utilize him the way he should be. Pau's classiness ended up dooming him; instead of being meek and willing to support whoever the coach would have been after Brown was fired, he (and his agent) should have aggressively pushed for Phil to be hired and lobbied Kobe, Dwight and Steve to want Phil as well. He's a senior member of the team and has the support of Kobe. He failed himself.

Are you serious? That's ridiculous, you're blaming Pau's character for the Lakers not getting Phil Jackson?

Come on man. Lol
Anyone think OKC might lay down tonight and let the Jazz take it?

Naw I wouldnt think so, they're only a game out of 1st place and in my opinion not only would rather play us or Utah in the 1st round, but having home court throughout the Playoffs is a pretty big deal.
Pau's only hope was having Phil return to utilize him the way he should be. Pau's classiness ended up dooming him; instead of being meek and willing to support whoever the coach would have been after Brown was fired, he (and his agent) should have aggressively pushed for Phil to be hired and lobbied Kobe, Dwight and Steve to want Phil as well. He's a senior member of the team and has the support of Kobe. He failed himself.

Are you serious? That's ridiculous, you're blaming Pau's character for the Lakers not getting Phil Jackson?

Come on man. Lol

I'm blaming Pau for trying to be the nice guy all the time and not being forceful about what he wants and feels is best for everyone.

Just like how a lot of us complain about Pau being soft on the court, so is he off it.

You're going to tell me that we should feel sorry for the guy because he won't stand up for himself? **** that, he and his agent were a big reason why we didn't get Chris Paul. I don't have any sympathy for anyone making as much money as he is.
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We can actually be in control of our destiny with one little thing, OKC win tonight.

OKC wins tonight, we're back in control IF we beat N.O.
Then we beat Portland, who of course want to kill us, and second of a back to back, legs, schedule losses, all that, but we can beat them
THEN, OKC plays GS on Thursday, and we get them Friday. We win that, we're 3-0 and the pressure is on the Jazz.

Too early to tell what S.A. and Houston will do, but as long as we stay in the drivers seat after tonight, maybe the Jazz will cough one up to Minny, or best case Memphis will give them another L.

They have a solid shot at losing twice, we just need to win our games, at home, knowing what's at stake.

We can do it. Not easy, but we CAN do it.
For our sake, I hope you're right. :smh:

Me too man, might just be wishful thinking :\

But I honestly dont think they fear either Utah or us and would much rather have that #1 seed.

On another note, I'll be in attendance tonight :smokin

I know it's the weak Hornets (who we had to make a 27 point comeback against last time :smh: ) but this is a HUGE game. I truly believe if we lose this game then our Playoff chances are done.
I just listened to that Pau interview. That's so true MJgreat, def took shots at the way he's being utilized and positioned. I don't understand why they don't give him the ball down low 10 plus times a game either. He can score better than D12 with his back to the basket and he's a great passer, can dish it anywhere.

Btw, how does Pau speak better English and with a wider range of vocabulary than probably 90% of NBA players? He didn't learn English until he came to the States, Haha. Dude is def going to places after he retires. Oh, and what a class act he is.

Yeah he was :lol: I agree tho he needs the ball more in the post. Also the two man game with him and Kobe is really coming around.

Dude was a med student :lol:
He says he wants to be a doctor after hes done in the nba.
I know I've said it before, but for the last 6-8 months I've been of the belief that it's not Pau's fault, he's being scape goated.
He's been a class act, helped bring us two rings, it's sad how they're treating him.
We can actually be in control of our destiny with one little thing, OKC win tonight.

OKC wins tonight, we're back in control IF we beat N.O.
Then we beat Portland, who of course want to kill us, and second of a back to back, legs, schedule losses, all that, but we can beat them
THEN, OKC plays GS on Thursday, and we get them Friday. We win that, we're 3-0 and the pressure is on the Jazz.

Too early to tell what S.A. and Houston will do, but as long as we stay in the drivers seat after tonight, maybe the Jazz will cough one up to Minny, or best case Memphis will give them another L.

They have a solid shot at losing twice, we just need to win our games, at home, knowing what's at stake.

We can do it. Not easy, but we CAN do it.

CP, I have to give you credit for always staying neutral :lol:

Also reading your posts gives me a calm about our chances

Thanks old man :lol:
I'm blaming Pau for trying to be the nice guy all the time and not being forceful about what he wants and feels is best for everyone.

Just like how a lot of us complain about Pau being soft on the court, so is he off it.

You're going to tell me that we should feel sorry for the guy because he won't stand up for himself? **** that, he and his agent were a big reason why we didn't get Chris Paul. I don't have any sympathy for anyone making as much money as he is.

I agree, athletes should not yearn for sympathy. But, Pau is Pau. Whether you believe he is soft or not, is irrelevant. He's still been one of the greatest bigs in the past 15 years and he's won two rings but he still gets shafted. His personality worked.

But to blame his soft-spokeness for not getting Phil Jackson is ridiculous. Blame Jim, blame Mitch, and to a certain extent maybe Kobe. But Pau wasn't holding any weight in that Laker decision, you know that. Kobe would have been the only one with that type of influence.
We can actually be in control of our destiny with one little thing, OKC win tonight.

OKC wins tonight, we're back in control IF we beat N.O.
Then we beat Portland, who of course want to kill us, and second of a back to back, legs, schedule losses, all that, but we can beat them
THEN, OKC plays GS on Thursday, and we get them Friday. We win that, we're 3-0 and the pressure is on the Jazz.

Too early to tell what S.A. and Houston will do, but as long as we stay in the drivers seat after tonight, maybe the Jazz will cough one up to Minny, or best case Memphis will give them another L.

They have a solid shot at losing twice, we just need to win our games, at home, knowing what's at stake.

We can do it. Not easy, but we CAN do it.

CP, I have to give you credit for always staying neutral :lol:

Also reading your posts gives me a calm about our chances

Thanks old man :lol:

It's my job. Been like that since the day I logged on. Fighting for the rights of Laker fans everywhere!!! :lol:

Win this ****** game tonight. No screwin around, GET. THIS. WIN.
Kevin Love is def someone the Lakers should be targeting. Forget this Dwight Howard business and put attention into that.

Kevin Love actually wants to play for LA and is a better all around player IMO.

IDK how you guys get him though, unless you package a deal with Pau or Dwight and others.

3 teams would def be needed and you guys would need a lot of help.

This line is always nonsense...

No where has the person you are referring to said he "doesn't want to play in LA"
Yall acting like this Pau ish is new u forget that Mavs series 2 yrs ago when he broke up with his girl he had major let down dude is emotional
ya give me a break.

pau cannot rebound or defend to save his life.  he got bullied again by the clippers front court.  that has nothing to do with where he's posting up on offense.  You make 17+ mill a year, no excuses sorry.
I'd be willing to see what Byron Scott gives us, I'd even look at Brian Shaw who I think would be great.

Of course I'd take Phil before both of them.

A new coach is what we need, along with a healthy roster, those things happen and I like our chances in the future.
I'm blaming Pau for trying to be the nice guy all the time and not being forceful about what he wants and feels is best for everyone.

Just like how a lot of us complain about Pau being soft on the court, so is he off it.

You're going to tell me that we should feel sorry for the guy because he won't stand up for himself? **** that, he and his agent were a big reason why we didn't get Chris Paul. I don't have any sympathy for anyone making as much money as he is.

I agree, athletes should not yearn for sympathy. But, Pau is Pau. Whether you believe he is soft or not, is irrelevant. He's still been one of the greatest bigs in the past 15 years and he's won two rings but he still gets shafted. His personality worked.

But to blame his soft-spokeness for not getting Phil Jackson is ridiculous. Blame Jim, blame Mitch, and to a certain extent maybe Kobe. But Pau wasn't holding any weight in that Laker decision, you know that. Kobe would have been the only one with that type of influence.

Nope, because we know how Kobe feels about Pau. Pau has Kobe's ear, he should have lobbied Kobe. That's on him for not even trying.
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