"Demarco Murray was having an affair with my wife" - Ex-teammate, Brennan Clay


Jumped to conclusion? So that wasn't his wife's phone and demarcos number? Doesn't matter someone is texting her wanting to **** her in their bed..

 this guy Brennan.
LOL at jumped to conclusions. Just say you forgave her man, you love your wife and want to move past it. Dont tell that bold faced lie like people are idiots.
Naw more like , "if I can't have her nobody can" mentality. Dude sounds like he's a rejection away from taking the short cut downstairs if you know what I mean
Hate calling people out their names but this dude is a loser straight up. How do you put your woman on blast like that and then pretend you were misled? :smh:
What's worse than your wife in which you have kids with smashing your friend on your bed?

I'll wait....
I will say this though.

THIS eventual ending was the very reason a lot of people questioned why he would publicly put her on blast like that.

He really didn't have to send out that "make up" tweet or photo though. Keep it in the privacy of your home unless you want to see everyone's opinions on it, her, and you.

Dude wanted the attention I guess
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She might have cheated with one person. I know people who have forgiven significant others for cheating with multiple people. And for conceiving children with another person while married...

Awesome, but that wasn't the statement made. "Some of Yall have taken women back from worse" was the statement. The statment is false :lol:


Did she even get on dude for being upset about the situation? :rofl:
She might have cheated with one person. I know people who have forgiven significant others for cheating with multiple people. And for conceiving children with another person while married...

Sadly, one of my closest dudes did that. His wife got pregnant for a side *****. I tried to talk him out of it, but he made the choice he felt was right for his family. Still love him like a brother, I just couldn't do it.
Salon talk, but it was on Deadspin....

Cowboys running back DeMarco Murray missed practice Thursday with a reported illness. According to a source whose tips have proven accurate in the past, however, Murray wasn't sick. He was dealing with some off-the-field matters concerning girlfriend Heidi Mueller, thanks to a scorched-earth maneuver by former Oklahoma teammate Brennan Clay.

Just wanted to give you an update Heidi Mueller left demarco yesterday that's why he missed practice. Brennan clay sent her a bunch of nude pictures of demarco that he had send to a few different girls..

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