Democrats & environmentalist wackos wanna kill da Hemi by 2040

da amount of energy da United States generates from renewables is a rounding error compared to da rest :lol: if i go thru da trouble of posting da graphic you're gonna look like a stooge...


:lol: :smh:
So, renewable energy? I know this doesn't support your narrative, but it looks like that's on the graph. In addition, it also has nuclear power.

My state is quite a bit different with our energy breakdown.

It seems that voting for people that commit to renewable and alternative energy leads to increased usage of renewable and alternative energy. I guess your strategy is to vote for people that refuse to change and then ***** about how there are no alternatives.
Here in NorCal. had rental choice of SS Camaro or a Volvo other day. Chose the volvo

social engineering demostrated.

absolutely no reason why California prices is much higher than da rest of da country other than making it punitive for you to enjoy da type of vehicle you want, or in case of certain big familes, need if you're driving a big suv.
God forbid we get rid of Ninja's Hemi. **** the environment, who cares

Nuclear is the way. But that's never gon happen in the US. One of the cleanest forms of energy known to man.

da hemi is simply a catch all for all combustion engines...

nuclear power gets a bad rap cuz certain constituents (hippy era liberals) are afraid of da atomic bomb and anything do do with nuclear power.
da hemi is simply a catch all for all combustion engines...

nuclear power gets a bad rap cuz certain constituents (hippy era liberals) are afraid of da atomic bomb and anything do do with nuclear power.
I agree. I studied Nuclear Engineering in college. Needless to say I’m not currently in that field :lol: **** is dead in America. Cats hear the word Nuclear and immediately say no
The government HAS to make more subsidies for electric vehicle purchases. This will convert a lot of people who are on the fence. On top of it all, I saw first-hand how effective a city can be when reducing the carbon footprint (Amsterdam.) It was really amazing. US has a lot to do to make this a reality...making public transportation more accessible in distances that go far beyond cities, amongst other things. With the way things are changing on this planet, taking measures to reduce our own carbon footprint (within reason) is a good thing. And this is coming from a former hemi owner :lol:

Many of the cabs in Amsterdam:


aw mang
Was micro stacking for a petro fuel up on something
I’ll fall back :lol:
People not gonna care until we got that toxic, smog air like in China. Gotta check phone apps to see how bad the air quality is that day and wear masks whenever outside.
who is you to tell a is higher professional sport to disappear? :lol: da arrogance.

and automotive industry that services these vehicles would be wiped out, da entire aftermarket...millions of jobs...

some of ya need sound delusional when it comes to da auto world.

BTW, fast & furious was 2001... :smh: :lol:
Delusional to the auto world but you’re delusional to real life. You call people wackos for caring about the ******* planet they live on. Wtf is wrong with you? Step away from Fox News.
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