Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Well, I'll tell you this much, whoever is the last to get a Gjallarhorn is the one who becomes the one who becomes the puller. :lol:
Guess I will start learning how to pull then....will be last to get Gjallahorn and still will have a hoopty for a ride

Edit: I was just about to ask what happens when Xur sells it this week
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Well, I'll tell you this much, whoever is the last to get a Gjallarhorn is the one who becomes the one who becomes the puller.
*time to set my alarm to 5am on Friday morning to get Xur when he spawns just in case*
Guess I will start learning how to pull then....will be last to get Gjallahorn and still will have a hoopty for a ride

Edit: I was just about to ask what happens when Xur sells it this week
I'm safe from this one. 

Wright and I forever team hoopty.
I'm safe from this one. 

Wright and I forever team hoopty.
We just have to make him drive off the side of the cliff like he did last night and we will beat him to the locations. Granted I accidentally bumped you into a boulder later too though
You already know bro :nthat:

Yup I'm down. It looks like I will need to buy a scout rifle from vanguard this week. Need like 50 more marks for that possible exotic bounty. Unless I get lucky and get a vision of conflux, which I'd prefer much more due to the automatic mode.
This is the Scout Rifle:

And this is the bounty steps:
  1. Win 5 crucible matches to obtain An Invitation.
  2. Bring the invitation to the bounty tracker to obtain The First Test.
  3. Perform feats of skill in the crucible to obtain The First Test – Completed.
  4. Return to the bounty tracker to obtain The Second Test.
  5. Trade Motes of Light for Osiris Coins. Use the coins to compete in the Trials of Osiris. If you lose 3 times you will need to buy another coin. With 10 wins on a single coin, or 25 wins total in the Trials of Osiris, to obtain The Second Test – Completed.
  6. Return to the bounty tracker to obtain The Third Test.
  7. Perform kills, headshots, and killing sprees with any scout rifle in the crucible to obtain The Third Test – Completed.
  8. Return to the bounty tracker to finally obtain Fate of All Fools.
Yea I have about 120ish marks with both Vanguard and Crucible, so I need to get a few more marks. I need to decide which one I like better though.

I am about 1300 from level 3 with New Monarchy too though, so I wonder if I should just hurry up and do some bounties and get their scout rifle since that is the one I wanted to get all along anyways. If I do the current bounties I have and do all the vanguard/crucible ones today/tomorrow, I should be at level 3 with them.
I'm down. I want to potentially hit 100 crucible marks this week to get that trophy out of the way.
So funny how we were opposite with the faction rep. I have the 100 crucible marks in a week trophy like 3-4 weeks ago. I just got the 100 vanguard one last week

Granted you and Zero are like level 3 with every other faction

When @Zero23 said he was level 45 with the cryptarch!!!
@Biggie62  @WrightOne86

We guna have to run Skirmish later this week after the raids we do. Get that 3v3 practice down. 
Definitely. You know the try-hards are going to be out in full force for this events in the Crucible.
This might be THE event that starts up the camping and other issues that plagued the CoD community. Fusion Rifles, Sniper camping, and other cheese will ensue.
The only good thing is that if you are still too long, you start to blink on the radar. BUT fusion rifles/shotguns are the go to weapons in Skirmish. Guess I need to level this Invective up now. 77 Wizard is maxed but I haven't spent the energy on the last upgrades. Will move over to work on the Plan C now too.

Wait!!!!! Looks like it is a good thing I saved that Universal Remote primary shotgun....Shotgun/Fusion rifle combo about to be exploited like no other
The only good thing is that if you are still too long, you start to blink on the radar. BUT fusion rifles/shotguns are the go to weapons in Skirmish. Guess I need to level this Invective up now. 77 Wizard is maxed but I haven't spent the energy on the last upgrades. Will move over to work on the Plan C now too.

Wait!!!!! Looks like it is a good thing I saved that Universal Remote primary shotgun....Shotgun/Fusion rifle combo about to be exploited like no other :nthat:

I don't know, I can still see the suros with the extended range perk doing work. It becomes a borderline scout rifle at that point.
Yea it will be good, especially the auto health regen perk that it has going, but in Skirmish since most tend to find a spot/room and hold it down that is when the shotguns and fusion rifles start coming into play. I can be the lead in and you guys picking them off too for 1 way we go about it.

We won't make you be the sacrifical player in this one since you are it for our strikes @Biggie62
Yea it will be good, especially the auto health regen perk that it has going, but in Skirmish since most tend to find a spot/room and hold it down that is when the shotguns and fusion rifles start coming into play. I can be the lead in and you guys picking them off too for 1 way we go about it.

We won't make you be the sacrifical player in this one since you are it for our strikes @Biggie62

I got a legendary fully auto shotty so I am good for close quarters combat. Oh and did I mention that it has a scope too lol.
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If you guys need a 6th for hard Atheon I'm down. With my luck I'll just get chatterwhite again with some shards to upgrade armor I don't have
The raid ******* hates me
do you have to have all of the raid gear to be level 30?

Yes, with non raid armor you can reach a maximum of 111 light level, which is 9 short of the 120 needed for level 30. So 3*3 pieces of armor. But you would need a fully upgraded exotic as a substitute. Otherwise the maximum level is 28 without at least 1 exotic and no raid gear.

On second thought, my math might be wrong. Oh wells, eitherway you need at least 3 raid pieces + an exotic piece or 4 raid pieces.
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