Did any highschoolers here go to school today???

Oct 27, 2008
Spoke to my cousin on myspace earlier and she mentioned she didnt have school today and also on election day, she lives in california by the way
Had to go to school on election day, but today I didn't have to go to school.
wait a minute..
One Love=Hater Boxden ?
I seen a bunch of kids at the park today so im guessing there was no school.
No school here for Public Schools. They didn't have school on Friday and Monday due to professional staff day to prepare/put in grades. No school forelementary schools tomorrow either due to report card pick up. They had school on election day since they have so many days of this off.
my cousing stayed home today...but i always remembered getting veterans day off, but never election day. is that new?
Originally Posted by Nktran001

Who had class on election day?
i'm in college, and we didn't have classes today.

but why would they cancel high school for election day??? pretty much nobody can actually vote in hs.
Originally Posted by FlyNY

Whats your myspace?

yeah we had school here....smh.....the only time we get out of classes is when people make stupid bomb threats and we get out early. happened 9 times last yearand 10-11 the year before
ive had off since wed. and when i go back tom. i got a field trip to philly all day
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