Did being in a relationship change you for the better? Worse?

i see you pip
Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

it changed me. I'm married btw

i've been gettin grouchy a lot lately

im not happy with life like i used to be

sexual appetite hardly exists anymore


get divorced....worked for me...
Worse...Now it makes me have a fortress around my heart for the next lady that comes into my life
Originally Posted by ron honduras

Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

it changed me. I'm married btw

i've been gettin grouchy a lot lately

im not happy with life like i used to be

sexual appetite hardly exists anymore


get divorced....worked for me...
Well Damn!

isnt this thread a downer....
-For all you guys/girls who were in long term relationships and they ended did you think you were going to be with the girl/boy forever?
it changed me

I learned women are vulnerable... you got to take whats yours or what could be yours
Originally Posted by toast1985

Originally Posted by Prez T

for those of you who are have had / are having / will have break up and post-relationship issues and problems in the future , heres a good quote :

XVI. Never be afraid to lose her

You must not fear. Fear is the love-killer. Fear is the ego-triumph that brings abject loneliness. You will face your fear. You will permit it to pass over and through you. And when your ego-fear is gone you will turn and face your lover, and only your heart will remain. You will walk away from her when she has violated your integrity, and you will let her walk when her heart is closed to you. She who can destroy you, controls you. Don't give her that power over yourself. Love yourself before you love her.
If there was one piece of advice I would give anyone given my past relationship experiences, it would definitely be this quote.

That and don't move in with a girlfriend. Ever.
Originally Posted by ron honduras

Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

it changed me. I'm married btw

i've been gettin grouchy a lot lately

im not happy with life like i used to be

sexual appetite hardly exists anymore


get divorced....worked for me...
hell no. i'm not weak. imma work it out.

Its just that i need to improve myself.
My wife definitely changed my life for the better. WE have our ups and downs but nothing is more beautiful than coming home to her and my kids.
Originally Posted by Sneakerhead14

-For all you guys/girls who were in long term relationships and they ended did you think you were going to be with the girl/boy forever?
with the first one i did , but towards the end i hit a wall ; i was completely fed up . luckily for me , with both my long relationships iwas the one to end em and it was at a point where there was nothing left for me to give , which made moving on as easy as moving on from long relationships canbe
ayo Prez T ,where did you get that quote from?????
comes from Roissy's blog entry 'Sixteen Commandments of Poon' . i actually posted all of the commandments in a thread i madelast summer . they are extremely on point and good tools for dealing with women in general , but only the last commandment is applicable to thisthread
i would say for the better, its made me understand what i want in girl
and what qualities to look for and i can also see red flags more clear.
but at the same time every girl has qualities that you like/dislike soo idk!
just some have more than others
I learned alot. Not to be selfish. Compromise. By the time I learned it though I was over the relationship.
Def for the better. Hate to compare love to a game of basketball but you can learn a lot more from a loss than a win sometimes right?
well me losing love made me take a step back and really look at what I did wrong. Just like basketball you want to turn your weakness into strength, I dontwant to ever be that weak person, I know who I can be. and if I am lucky enough to find love again she will get the best of me because I have lost and learned.
Better, I know not to fall for everything a guy tells me because they go real far to tell you anything you wanna hear. Shallow!!

But I became a lot more aware of that after my ex told me, "I only told you tings because it made you happy. I didn't mean half of it."

It just depends on the relationship. My previous relationship was horrible (selfish, attention #$@% of a girlfriend), but it helped me to mature. It helped meto get an idea of the kind of woman I want to be with, but more importantly, I was able to figure out exactly what I DON'T want. Even though it endedhorribly and had me depressed for a while, I feel as though I needed to go through that to learn.

Now, I'm with someone who suits me much better, and she's a lot prettier, too!
Originally Posted by FL0ETiCNOSTALGiA

I'm leaning towards for the better. We used to argue about little things and take them too far, but we realized it's all about compromise. We learned to consider each others' feelings more.
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