DMX hospitalized in critical condition from overdose

my dad used to always be be playing slippin and have the video on mtv blasting with the surround sound on back in the day with one of those huge 60 inch massive big screens from the 90s. :lol:

dad doesn’t really fit the dmx demographic but I guess it spoke to him. :lol:

I feel like that song can relate to just about anybody at some point in their lives. That's the power of DMX.
I don't see any blue checks reporting it. TMZ, mainly, and they've been all over the story.
I’m sure it’s true. Dude was clearly not in good shape in the hospital, so it was only a matter of time. I’m guessing they waited for everyone to say their goodbyes before pulling the plug.

Sad as hell. RIP Earl. :smh: :frown:
He deleted
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