Do women really get pregnant to trap men? vol. "it's okay I'm on the pill"

seems dumber than **** dudes just passively let someone else control things like this.

dudes in here soundin like i got scammed threads. Never ship first homie, and use your condoms, unless you wouldn't mind having a kid with the jont your smashing.
This sounds exactly like my bestfriend ... he was messing around with a scrape nonetheless kept just ******g her over.. but going in her raw(like an idiot) so one day she got him super drunk and got pregnant. Needless to say I will be going to the childs 1 year bday on Sunday smh..... WHY DO MEN GO RAW IN GIRLS THEY DONT TRUST???? #SUPER TRAP... Women are vindictive. If you keep messing us over and think you will keep getting away with it these crazy girls have another thing coming 
There was an interview with mmg in xxl magazine. It was rick wale and meek. anyways they were talking about how girls lock their legs when dudes is about to release. All 3 of them said it happened to them, $;@/ makes me sick. That baller alert $&/) site is trash. I hope all them birds get whats comin to them
There was an interview with mmg in xxl magazine. It was rick wale and meek. anyways they were talking about how girls lock their legs when dudes is about to release. All 3 of them said it happened to them, $;@/ makes me sick. That baller alert $&/) site is trash. I hope all them birds get whats comin to them
It's a two way street the dudes that get licked by these fees are just as scandalous and grimy as the female.  They both deserve each other, and the only one that got trapped is the child.
It's a two way street the dudes that get licked by these fees are just as scandalous and grimy as the female.  They both deserve each other, and the only one that got trapped is the child.
This is true.We cant argue this.Most of the men getting trapped KNOW the women they go raw in aint ish to begin with... THEIR FAULT *shrugs*
if you guys dont think this is happening your nuts... females were catching up dudes in HS with the yambs
This is true.We cant argue this.Most of the men getting trapped KNOW the women they go raw in aint ish to begin with... THEIR FAULT *shrugs*
if you guys dont think this is happening your nuts... females were catching up dudes in HS with the yambs
How can a female make a male do something he doesn't want to do?  It's a situation of two consenting adults that know the possibilities of there actions. 
My pops always told me, don't sleep with a female unless you can see yourself having a kid with them cause anything could happen.

Does a single instance of unprotected (or inadequately/improperly/unluckily protected) sex REALLY qualify as an implicit commitment to raise a child for the next 18 years? I think not. Condoms break. BC fails. **** happens.

As the woman is the sole decider of the fate of the pregnancy (as well as the one who decides when and if a sex act will even take place), she certainly can trap a man.

My pops always told me, don't sleep with a female unless you can see yourself having a kid with them cause anything could happen.

Great advice, but if we all followed it most of us would be virgins well into our 20s. Again, awesome theory tho.
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Does a single instance of unprotected (or inadequately/improperly/unluckily protected) sex REALLY qualify as an implicit commitment to raise a child for the next 18 years? I think not. Condoms break. BC fails. **** happens.
As the woman is the sole decider of the fate of the pregnancy (as well as the one who decides when and if a sex act will even take place), she certainly can trap a man.
Great advice, but if we all followed it most of us would be virgins well into our 20s. Again, awesome theory tho.

If you are taught from an early age that a stove is hot.....and you place your hand on it and get burned, whose fault is it? If having sexual intercourse carries with it the potential to have a must be prepared and expect those consequences to materialize.

Think with your head and not your dickhead and you will be straight.....

Don't engage in sexual intercourse with a woman you are not prepared to deal with for the next 18 years.

That woman you met at the club while you were drunk at 1:30 am is not a prime candidate to raise your potential seed (or she could be who knows).....take your chances.
I've been raw dogging it since I lost my virginity 6 years ago. No kids or STDs. I normally use the pull out method unless the girl really wants me to release in her. I have had to buy Plan B like 3 times, the other times the chicks bought it 

No girls have tried to trap me tho, they were always straight up and said they were on BC or said we had to get Plan B.

Now my girl uses mirena, so I'm chillin 
No girls have tried to trap me tho, they were always straight up and said they were on BC or said we had to get Plan B.
SMH.  In a verbal sense, you fell for the banana in the tailpipe.  Luckily for you, you didn't get caught in the trap.
I've been raw dogging it since I lost my virginity 6 years ago. No kids or STDs. I normally use the pull out method unless the girl really wants me to release in her. I have had to buy Plan B like 3 times, the other times the chicks bought it 

No girls have tried to trap me tho, they were always straight up and said they were on BC or said we had to get Plan B.

Now my girl uses mirena, so I'm chillin 
My pops always told me, don't sleep with a female unless you can see yourself having a kid with them cause anything could happen.

Thats real ****. Unfortunately most of us don't have the self control to do this.

The Balleralert store shame.
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If you are taught from an early age that a stove is hot.....and you place your hand on it and get burned, whose fault is it? If having sexual intercourse carries with it the potential to have a must be prepared and expect those consequences to materialize.
Think with your head and not your dickhead and you will be straight.....
Don't engage in sexual intercourse with a woman you are not prepared to deal with for the next 18 years.
That woman you met at the club while you were drunk at 1:30 am is not a prime candidate to raise your potential seed (or she could be who knows).....take your chances.

The difference, of course, being that touching a hot stove WILL burn you every single time, that touching a hot stove isn't encouraged and facilitated by pretty much every source of outside influence (media, peers, your own body, etc.), I've never heard of a people having a burn drive, and that touching a hot stove isn't the single best physical sensation in life.

Other than that, you're right, it's the same thing.
The difference, of course, being that touching a hot stove WILL burn you every single time, that touching a hot stove isn't encouraged and facilitated by pretty much every source of outside influence (media, peers, your own body, etc.), I've never heard of a people having a burn drive, and that touching a hot stove isn't the single best physical sensation in life.
Other than that, you're right, it's the same thing.

No one ever said that touching a hot stove and sex are the same thing. If you want to take your chances busting inside of mad women with no raincoat (hell even with a condom on).....don't be surprised when she tells you she missed her period and such.

And if the media influences you to have unprotected sex with random women and have babies that you are not ready for......well then so be it.
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