Do you believe the official story of 9/11?

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Always think of this comic when something like this comes up
I never understood why people think all these different entities had to be involved or know enough to expose anything. Like litterally none of the people on that list had to have been involved, maybe a handful of agents.
It's the same logic to believe that we never landed on the moon. With the tens of thousands of people that worked on the project don't you think that SOMEONE would have been pissed off enough about their work going in vein to speak out by now?
Thats an entirely different scenario though. I understand the logic generally, i just dont think that many people would have to have intricate details to pull it off. Maybe 50 people in total could have gotten it done, if you have the right 50 people. And if you look at who benefitted the most, the right 50 people are definitely in that circle.
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0% chance a couple dudes can hold up a plane with boxcutters

not one plane but 4 planes were held up with boxcutters... all 4 cock pits were opened up and seized

not one fighter jet was scrambled for the 60 mins those planes re routed their flight.

3 buildings were knocked down with 2 planes.

the plane in the pentagon melted to dust according to the 9/11 report

no black boxes have been recovered to this date

but a passport survived a 2000 degree oven baked lava pit just to land next to someone's foot days after ground zero.... *****wtbs
I find it interesting that 2 planes blew to peices along with 3 buildings and yet one of the hijackers' passports was found INTACT.

Also, firefighters, NYPD and other witnesses heard explosions on the 1st floor lobby.

Also, Barry Jennings.

Just to name a few things.

also eyewitnesses ON VIDEO during the attack and videos of no planes hitting the towers on youtube.

Always think of this comic when something like this comes up

View media item 2163412

I think this meme overstates the amount of players that would be needed to pull 9/11 off, but I agree with the message. There would still be too many moving parts to control, and the risk of having a whistle blower would be huge. Also, it would be hard to even find folk comfortable with something like 9/11 going down, so recruitment of people would be difficult as well.

Like I said before, Bush and Chaney could have pulled off everything they wanted after 9/11 with less collateral damage. You hijack 8-10 planes, crash them in unpopulated ares, make Bin Laden take credit and boom, you have your foreign boogieman but with around half the death toll. And I believe that it wasn't really the memory of how horrific 9/11 was that made people so willing to let Bush and Chaney run amuck, it was the constant fear that another terrorist attack would happen again. Because boy did that push that talking point.

So nah, I don't believe is was a planned inside job. But will probably don't have the entire story.
I'll put it this way...based on what I've read, for the events of that day to have unfolded as such would indicate not only a MASSIVE failure of even basic security measures at the airline level, but an EXTREME  degree of national security incompetence given that not only was a very similar scenario drilled for by NORAD "sometime before 2001," but the White House was WARNED OF TERROR PLANS BY THE CIA AND INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES ALL ACROSS EUROPE FOR THE ENTIRETY OF THE YEAR, including about a month before the attacks.

there are SO MANY things that are...inconsistent...with the official version of events. it almost insults the intelligence after a while. the actual attacks can be taken at face value IMO, but the mechanisms by which they were allowed to happen...

"Willful Ignorance in Pursuit of a Grander Design" has always been my verdict on the American government's role. either malicious intent or actual mental ******ation was involved here.

it'll be another 15 years before we know even half of the truth.
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Always think of this comic when something like this comes up

View media item 2163412

I think this meme overstates the amount of players that would be needed to pull 9/11 off, but I agree with the message. There would still be too many moving parts to control, and the risk of having a whistle blower would be huge. Also, it would be hard to even find folk comfortable with something like 9/11 going down, so recruitment of people would be difficult as well.

Like I said before, Bush and Chaney could have pulled off everything they wanted after 9/11 with less collateral damage. You hijack 8-10 planes, crash them in unpopulated ares, make Bin Laden take credit and boom, you have your foreign boogieman but with around half the death toll. And I believe that it wasn't really the memory of how horrific 9/11 was that made people so willing to let Bush and Chaney run amuck, it was the constant fear that another terrorist attack would happen again. Because boy did that push that talking point.

So nah, I don't believe is was a planned inside job. But will probably don't have the entire story.

For an opperation of such massive scale to suggest not hitting the towers, which was of great benefit, in order to only kill 1500 US citizens instead of 3000 makes little to no sense. They still would have needed all the coverup.

Lets not forget we are talking about the same people that went into countries that had litterally nothing to do with it, killed and wounded millions of people. Got thousands upon thousands of our own military killed and wounded. To suggest its not plausible because they could have done it a different way and saved 1500 lives seems an odd position to take.
Hard to believe all the checkpoints they were able to clear and like someone said, 5 boxcutters vs a multitude of people. No man.
this kinda bothered me too, but you have to remember most hijackings in history up to about 9am on that day were just "okay, we're taking this plane, we're gonna land somewhere and demand money." 

worst case, a hostage or two gets it before the neighborhood SWAT team comes in and cleans house on the ground.

wasn't nobody using passenger airlines as missiles back in the day.

given the fact that apparently one guy on one of the tower flights bucked up and got his throat slit, I can see the majority of people on the first couple of flights playing the odds that most people were going to come out of it with their lives and just playing the "customer during a bank robbery" role.

now, knowing today what we know, you couldn't pull that **** off with a samurai sword. the passengers of Flight 93 did find out what was going down, which is why that unfolded the way it did.

point is, it's somewhat believable in context.
Don't believe it's an inside job. But you are delusional if you don't think that there were people in power who were hoping for such an event and who wouldn't have let it happen if they knew the exact time it would take place:
TOTALLY FORGOT about the PNAC...called for a new Pearl Harbor verbatim  and if memory serves, it was written that year. like, come on.
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So do most of you that believe the conspiracy think that the planes never even hit the towers and the buiodings were blown up, the govt sponsored the highjackers and the planes hit the towers, the buildings were blown up by the government from the ground after the planes did hit?
Had to google Barry Jennings :wow:

That alone is some scary stuff, you cant tell me that this whole thing was not planned
I don't know if 9/11 was an inside job.

I just know that many lives were lost and many family and friends never recovered from that tragic day.

I remember a couple of days after 9/11, the Afghan family next door began getting their house and cars vandalized because of the ignorance people began thinking. Felt bad for them, since we've lived next door to them for almost 10 years. They sold and moved away within 6 months 

Their daughter was fine too lol
How do you get the patriot act passed?

How do you funnel billions of dollars of taxpayer money to their cronies in the defense industry?

How do you destroy all the evidence of almost every major white collar crime that was under investigation at the time?

How do you open up sovereign nations in the ME for US corporate interests?

What exactly do you think they wanted that they could have accomplished with less collateral damge? And how exactly?
to add onto the "burial of evidence" concept, it has always been sorta fishy for me that Building 7--the third building in the WTC complex that fell that day--just so happened to contain a major CIA terrorism investigation branch along with various other federal government headquarters.

any documents relating to the terror warnings beforehand would have had to have at least passed through here, no?

I will say it's a big case to decide with just circumstantial evidence, but there are just too many goshdarned coincidences for my taste.
fprmer Deputy Director of the Emergency Services Department for the New York City Housing Authority and eyewitness to the attacks, "claims" he heard explosions in Building 7 before either plane hit.

he died under mysterious circumstances  in 2008.
Similar to Pearl Harbor , I think the US knew that an attack like this was likely but "allowed" it to happen in order to take advantage of the situation and use it as an excuse to pursue their interests (in this case, establishing themselves in the Middle East) .By "allow" I don't even mean that they knew about the scope of the attack either; I just mean that I feel that they knew SOMETHING would happen but ignored it.
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There's no doubt in my mind that this was an inside job. Just do a simple search on the amount of 911 whistle blowers that have died or went missing since 2011 and now, Barry Jennings being the most famous example. That in combination with the number or NYPD and FDNY respondents that said they literally heard bombs go off in the buildings, the fact that i've yet to hear a solid explanation on why WTC Building 7 collapse, and the passport thing are just a few reasons why I feel the way I do. People in here saying "I don't believe the government would harm its own citizens for gain" like this isn't a nation that was literally built off Slaves and wiping out indigenous people :lol: I literally don't put anything past our government, they do whatever the hell they want.
Where do you think 93 was headed? Not sure were anyone sees a red flag there.

i mean in the sense of the crash sight. there was nothing there. google plane crashes. 100 percent of the time there is debris. at shanksville there was just a hole in the ground.
Whos Barry Jennings?

And is the official story that they hijacked the planes with box cutters? 

based on this interview, some people believe explosives brought down Building 7.

fprmer Deputy Director of the Emergency Services Department for the New York City Housing Authority and eyewitness to the attacks, "claims" he heard explosions in Building 7 before either plane hit.

he died under mysterious circumstances in 2008.

Kenneth Johannemann is another witness who said he heard explosions and later died of an apparently self inflicted gunshot wound.

Also look into the stories and deaths of Christopher Landis, Dr David Graham, William Cooper, Katherine Smith, and John O'Neill.
So do most of you that believe the conspiracy think that the planes never even hit the towers and the buiodings were blown up, the govt sponsored the highjackers and the planes hit the towers, the buildings were blown up by the government from the ground after the planes did hit?

Personally i think the planes hit while there were already explosives in the building.

The security company for the wtc were running terrorism type drills afterhours in the weeks leading up to the attack. That security company was owned by jeb bush. Building 7 had to been preloaded with explosives.
Similar to Pearl Harbor , I think the US knew that an attack like this was likely but "allowed" it to happen in order to take advantage of the situation and use it as an excuse to pursue their interests (in this case, establishing themselves in the Middle East) .By "allow" I don't even mean that they knew about the scope of the attack either; I just mean that I feel that they knew SOMETHING would happen but ignored it.
this is the most likely thing that happened, imo.
Personally i think the planes hit while there were already explosives in the building.

The security company for the wtc were running terrorism type drills afterhours in the weeks leading up to the attack. That security company was owned by jeb bush. Building 7 had to been preloaded with explosives.
based on this interview, some people believe explosives brought down Building 7.
Kenneth Johannemann is another witness who said he heard explosions and later died of an apparently self inflicted gunshot wound.

Also look into the stories and deaths of Christopher Landis, Dr David Graham, William Cooper, Katherine Smith, and John O'Neill.
Mind is blown right now. Had no idea of any of this
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