Do you believe the official story of 9/11?

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June 28, 2001

"I'm telling you be prepared for a major attack but it won't be Osama bin Laden. It will be those behind the "New World Order"... Whatever is going to happen that they are going to blame on Osama bin Laden, don't you even believe it."

- William Cooper

Read this book.

Amazon product ASIN 0929385225
I own it and it is a valuable resource in digging for the truth on a range of topics. It's like a guide to lead you in the right direction.
June 28, 2001

"I'm telling you be prepared for a major attack but it won't be Osama bin Laden. It will be those behind the "New World Order"... Whatever is going to happen that they are going to blame on Osama bin Laden, don't you even believe it."

- William Cooper

Read this book.

Amazon product ASIN 0929385225
I own it and it is a valuable resource in digging for the truth on a range of topics. It's like a guide to lead you in the right direction.

Yep. Posted the video of him saying this. Also read behold a pale horse. Also ppsted the video of proof that explosives brought all 3 buildings down
Mind is blown right now. Had no idea of any of this

Yeah i think a lot of younger cats arent aware of the moumtains of shady stuff and weird coincidences surrounding this event. A lot were too young to delve into that sort of thing, and never had a reason to go back and look at it. People turned off by the whole conspiracy movement these days, but back then you didnt have 20 wild *** conspiracy theories for every single tragedy that happened.
Shoutout to Cynthia Mckinney for being the only member of congress to risk her position by going after the real "terrorists" that hijacked this country.

They rigged the election against her, slandered her and black balled her out of congress.



The crazy part is that if you follow the PNAC and the money back to the financial beneficiaries of the wars that insued after 9/11; those same perpetrators are at it again. Robert Kagan and the rest of the gang. CNAS has set forth an agenda to finish the job in the middle east and then go after China. Hillary championed for tge CNAS and as of 2 weeks ago has already threatened China with inevitable war.

Don't be surprised if there's a major cyber terrorist attack during Clintons presidency that effects a large portion of Americans lives that ends up being blamed on China and or Russia.


Their CEO, Michele Flournoy will be Hillarys secretary of defense, guaranteed.

Here's the think tank and their proposal to the future presidents administration that I am referring to:

Here's Hillary's promise to China and Russia:


and here is clinton speaking at the CNAS rollout event:

Power hungry friends helping each other get paid and they sincerely believe they are doing what's best for America. Thats more terrifying than a group of demonic worshipping illuminati baby sacrafiers.[/Video][/Video][/Video][/Video]
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That Reddit thread should answer anyone's questions regarding yet another diabolical act in American History
What I want to know is if those guys "hijacked" the planes how were they pin point accurate in hitting not 1 tower but 2 in a sky scrapper city like Manhattan?

Maybe some of you guys know but all ive heard is that these guys were supposedly top of their class in flight & trained. That doesnt explain how they were accurate at that altitude in a 757 i believe and didnt just do it once but twice.Perfectly...
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What I want to know is if those guys "hijacked" the planes how were they pin point accurate in hitting not 1 tower but 2 in a sky scrapper city like Manhattan?

Maybe some of you guys know but all ive heard is that these guys were supposedly top of their class in flight & trained. That doesnt explain how they were accurate at that altitude in a 757 i believe and didnt just do it once but twice.Perfectly...
um... You must be young. The towers literally towered over everything else....
View media item 2167124
I just don't know how people can seriously think there wasnt some kind of foul play.

Blind faith and belief in man is pure ignorance.
Especially in America. Which was built by lairs, rapists & murderers.
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I just don't know how people can seriously think there wasnt some kind of foul play.

Blind faith and belief in man is pure ignorance.
Especially in America. Which was built by lairs, rapists & murderers.
lol, this the one area where I was wondering if Snowden had any insight....
um... You must be young. The towers literally towered over everything else....
View media item 2167124

No **** the towers were over everything your acting like there arent other skyscrappers in the city before you hit those two. Im not young and that was one of the discrepancies in the conspiracies if you read and even in that reddit article. How could two seperate hijackers be that accurate.If they were regular pilots or experts then it would make sense.

I dont know much about flight but if they were that accurate with so little training well damn. Pretty sure someone on NT knows about flight.
Dude, they are 2 Giant marks coming in off the ocean. I see your point but they were the largest things in the area. Yes. There were other tall buildings, but nothing nearly as wide, and if coming from the ocean side, nothing before
when it first happened I thought it was "terrorists" but after research man was I wrong.

I even believe OBL has been dead years before 9/11
I dont know much about flight but if they were that accurate with so little training well damn. Pretty sure someone on NT knows about flight.
I think the hijackers took flight classes. They also used flight simulators, which were an exact replica of an airplane. I hear the hardest part of flying a plane is takeoff and landing, so they didn't really need that training. I think they were trained in Florida a few months before. Basically all they had to do was keep the plane steady and go as fast as possible.

Also, everyone is gonna believe what they want to. If you don't trust anyone, not even yourself, then it's a conspiracy and yadda yadda. If believe there were hijackers, then go with that.
Dude, they are 2 Giant marks coming in off the ocean. I see your point but they were the largest things in the area. Yes. There were other tall buildings, but nothing nearly as wide, and if coming from the ocean side, nothing before

Ah see now this makes sense thank you for the clarification. I didnt know which side they were coming in from so it was a clear target for them.

I think the hijackers took flight classes. They also used flight simulators, which were an exact replica of an airplane. I hear the hardest part of flying a plane is takeoff and landing, so they didn't really need that training. I think they were trained in Florida a few months before. Basically all they had to do was keep the plane steady and go as fast as possible.

If thats all they had to do then I get it now. The easiest part was getting the planes to hit. All the prep and getting into the cockpit & things before were the hardest.

Thats IF "hijackers" even took over these plane but we'll never know.
a major skyscraper is easily the same width as or wider than a runway...if you can take off or land reliably, it's not really an accuracy issue. that's FAR from the hardest thing to believe about this.
That Reddit thread should answer anyone's questions regarding yet another diabolical act in American History
anybody on the fence--hell, even straight believers of the official story--should check out that link. no weird, unrealistic conspiracies, no shape-shifting reptilians, just a big ole pile of convenient coincidences and suspicious circumstances. 
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Only thing I know for certain was that the plane that crashed in PA was shot down by the US.
Anyone here actually see with their own 2 eyes or know anyone who saw with their own 2 eyes the planes flying into the towers?
Only thing I know for certain was that the plane that crashed in PA was shot down by the US.
I kinda believe's a bit odd that the craft body effectively disintegrated in a smoking crater after the crash.

I see why you wouldn't want to tell the citizens of the country that you had to blow up a passenger airliner with a cruise missile for national security purposes, but honestly it makes more sense than the contention that the entire aviation industry passed around the idiot ball for over an hour while the country was under attack.

I will say there are recordings of the passenger uprising out there--the hijackers struggling, the cockpit being battered, general chaos--but you never know.

hell, ya know what? here's how I lost an hour or two the other day.

of note, there just happened to be several terrorism practice exercises in play at the same time the events were unfolding--including, IIRC, a scenario featuring hijacked planes--leading to severe confusion with the military response.

yet another coincidence.
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