Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

Is that not taught/commonplace anymore?

You sure?
I have a junior in HS that was taught cursive from the very beginning.
I would constantly read stuff online about "They're taking cursive out of school!", and I would look at the stuff he's bringing home like, "Well what tf is that? Because that sure looks like cursive."

I just googled it, about only half the states require it. Seen some images and whatnot saying “maybe in 50 years cursive can be our secret coded language” like the letters dont look 99% like their print counterparts. I mean I get its a hyperbole but still. :lol:

I feel like its lower level schools trying to cut the curriculum down in order to boosts grades to get more funding.

It's pointless in my opinion.

99.9% of the things we encounter are in print.

You could always just generate a "signature" for when you need to sign it but I've never viewed the "Kids don't know how to write in cursive" thing as a big deal.

Yall should see how sloppy these kids printing are.

I constant have to make announcements to my class to tells kids stop taking up whole sheets of paper with writing only like 20 words. The overall state of handwriting in general bothers me.
Kind of along the same lines, do you guys talk to your phone or type it?

My dad and grandparents all talk, me and my wife and daughter type.
Kind of along the same lines, do you guys talk to your phone or type it?

My dad and grandparents all talk, me and my wife and daughter type.
I would venture to guess that a solid 90% of the words I output through my phone are via text to talk, including every word of this reply.
At that point just call each other.

I know, all this talk to texting each other and exchanging voice notes. It's strange. This seems like a symptom of the anti-social, social anxiety of younger generations we hear about. All this nameless, faceless socialization on the internet spills over into irl relationships. Idk, maybe I'm just old lol.
Big 'Not ALL white people' vibes. 😬
He’s not wrong though.

My uncle is homeless in Seattle.. by choice. He’s an alcoholic and prefers the homeless life. My father offers him a place to stay but he refuses.. sells the clothes he buys him, and says he’s “living an adventure”.

A lot of homeless around me as well have told my friend who’s a nurse that their life is great and they wouldn’t trade it. They say it’s like a party all the time, hanging out with friends and doing drugs while getting a lot of free stuff along the way.
Neither are the people who say 'Not ALL...'

The larger conversation is more important than the outliers that don't fit the larger conversation.
Right but painting with blanket statements just comes off as an extremist talking point and less like someone who understands that an issue is multi -faceted.
He’s not wrong though.

My uncle is homeless in Seattle.. by choice. He’s an alcoholic and prefers the homeless life. My father offers him a place to stay but he refuses.. sells the clothes he buys him, and says he’s “living an adventure”.

A lot of homeless around me as well have told my friend who’s a nurse that their life is great and they wouldn’t trade it. They say it’s like a party all the time, hanging out with friends and doing drugs while getting a lot of free stuff along the way.

I come in peace.

Do you honestly believe that is a PREFERENCE though or just a way to cope/manage having to live under someone else's roof and following their rules vs. Being able to do what you want and not answer to anyone.

I don't think anyone PREFERS to be addicted to those vices and not have someone to call home.
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