Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

I think tablets are pointless now. Phones getting bigger(unnecessary) and laptops are getting smaller. The only difference is a keyboard


have you tried both the microsoft surface pro or the ipad pro. those a hella of device to use. worth every penny.
if anything, its laptops that are becoming obsolete, and tablets are already reaching laptop-level functionality (still room for improvement though)...

my work issued device (see below) is a Dell Venue 11 Pro w/ keyboard attachment, and provides the same features/programs/functions as the bricks my coworkers were issued...i have a docking station and monitor set up for larger viewing options

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Stranger Things is wild “meh”.
Didn't care for this either, saw 3 episodes and I was done. Same for Black Mirror, and I'll be waiting to watch Black Panther on tv cause I wont feel like watching it in the theater like most Marvel flicks
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