Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

I like these for those comfy days. Might get a pair of dupes for around the house.$cat-main_large$&fmt=jpeg&defaultImage=7213_1802_256_f
I like these for those comfy days. Might get a pair of dupes for around the house.$cat-main_large$&fmt=jpeg&defaultImage=7213_1802_256_f
I’m sure they wear in and get comfy eventually but these were ridiculously uncomfortable the one time i tried them on
I like these for those comfy days. Might get a pair of dupes for around the house.$cat-main_large$&fmt=jpeg&defaultImage=7213_1802_256_f

i'm 39 and starting to f with slip ons heavy. crocs were my gateway drug. so damn practical. til I had to chase someone down the alley that was breaking into my car 😂
White city “liberals” don’t actually hate cars (evidenced by how quickly they are to call Ubers). They hate less affluent people from other parts of the city/burbs having easy access to amenities in their neighborhoods.

It’s basically the reverse of their parents not wanting public transportation to be extended to the ‘burbs back in the 80s and 90s because it would bring “undesirables”.
A man being upset that another man doesn't find another woman attractive is FAR, FAR weirder than caller any women 'averger' or 'mid' with even an ugly gf. Take yourself out of the equation and its 2 dudes arguing because their D's don't agree on arriving at a particular destination.
Eminem is just as corny as Vanilla Ice, he just happens to be more technically gifted
Nah that's too far imo :lol:

Here's my take though as a white person.
Eminem's discography has aged like a corpse for the most part and Relapse was the last album that contained anything worth listening to.
If I had to pick one album to listen all the way through, I'd probably go with Relapse because I find it the least corny/cringeworthy.

I do believe he's easily one of the most technically skilled rappers to ever exist, but his discography is plagued by dog**** production, corny shockjock lines and overly commercial-pop garbage (Recovery for example).
Mixed with some genuine 11/10 classic songs inbetween the trash.

I also think his influence on hiphop has been extremely negative, spawning the likes of Hopsin and everyone in this abomination below:
Eminem is just as corny as Vanilla Ice, he just happens to be more technically gifted

I get you dont like his rap style, I dont either except for a few bangers but I dont think you can be around this many years by a fluke. He would have been a flash in the pan like most cornballs.
the first Eminem song I ever heard was "any man" off soundbombing 2. also his best song to me, idk I don't really like him but I respect him.

Seems like its kinda popular to go after Em at the moment.
Hasn't he faced this exact kind of criticism for most his career?
I respect Eminem as an artist obviously, regardless of anything else his level of technical skill and overall ability is absurd. That's not debatable even if I hate most of his discography.
Seems like there's an agenda behind this comment. There's tons of corny rappers out there but he happens to compare him to vanilla ice. I wonder what it could be???
*fast rapper rapping a bunch of nothing*

*other guy*
"Y'all sell tickets
Like Marvel movies?
Well I still hate it
Like Scorsese.
Y'all are just food from McDonald's
And I'm a gourmet filet
That's more tasty.
I'm more crazy
Than a short lady
Trying to give birth
To 84 babies
In the very back of
A Porsche Cayman.
I bury rappers then
Pour pavement.

*fast rapper with the bridge*
Just because you're rapping fast
Doesn't mean that
You're saying something.

*other guy*
Y'all MFers rap so damn slow
That somehow you're
Literally saying nothing.

*fast rapper again*
Just because you can rap fast
Doesn't mean that
You can rap good.

*other guy*
Just because you can rap at all
Doesn't mean that
Your MFing *** should."

Unironic lyrics are unironic. 😂🤦‍♂️
Is Other Guy talking **** about his own friend... IN THE SONG?! 😂🔥
It’s like what Lord Jamar said about Eminem. He’s done his due diligence, but he’s also never left hip-hop like every other white rapper that I guess for lack of a better term was a culture vulture. gain some popularity and then jump to a different genre like G-Eazy or vanilla ice or Kid Rock or Post Malone with all the other genres they go into Eminem has always been in hip-hop.

He has gone through the trial of fire being in a terrible environment, and going through the battle rap scene. He’s earned respect and his spot
How are we defining corny? Like put the two at issue aside and list 10 well known rappers who are corny, and why they are corny, so we can identify the elements.

Which is to say I think once it's all said and done, saying both of them are as corny as the other one isn't going to mean much.
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