Does everyone cheat in relationships?

Originally Posted by bwrestler15

Originally Posted by Buc Em

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Cheating is at an all time high because its a zombiehoepocalpyse out here. These females are heathens. They are swallowing and devouring so much man meat its borderline cannibalism. Its like the 60's free love movement with a ratchet twist. Make love to who you see fit but its the deception in the game that trips me out. Literally 95% of the women I have dated in the last two years have had boyfriends that I found out about eventually. I'm like the dude that women want to cheat on their man with and I don't get down like that. Chicks will call or text me with their dude in the shower or at work or in the next room playin 2k. I didn't realize how wild it was until I was single again. In all seriousness young girls are worse than dudes now.if you are under 25 and your girl is cute I PROMISE you at one point or another she was talking to another dude inappropriately via,text,facebook etc. Its too easy to cheat now. There are sooooo many avenues to flirt and spark convos with folks. Hell I think women are easier to get at when they are IN a relationship versus being single wherein they have free reign anyway. I stress to you that I do not talk to girls in any form of a "serious" relationship and I have an uncanny ability to sense when a girl has a dude even though they ALWAYS lie. 100% faithful girls are so rare its crazy. Even "good" girls test it out on the low.


so true
so very true.
But now a days,cheating seems to be the norm. As if its ok just to go around cheating on your partner just because you can. Everyone I go, I see cheating. The MAJORITY of the men in my family are cheaters (including my dad), a lot of my friends have either cheated or been cheated on, everyone here on NT is smashing chicks with boyfriends.

I'm going to disagree with what WISEPHAROAH says as well. 

Infidelity has been happening for a long time, it just used to be more discreet.  It seems more common thanks to social media.  People are way too open about their personal lives on the internet.  It's also easier to get caught now.

I'm glad I'm off the grid, sans Twitter and that is because it is somewhat discreet.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

But now a days,cheating seems to be the norm. As if its ok just to go around cheating on your partner just because you can. Everyone I go, I see cheating. The MAJORITY of the men in my family are cheaters (including my dad), a lot of my friends have either cheated or been cheated on, everyone here on NT is smashing chicks with boyfriends.

I'm going to disagree with what WISEPHAROAH says as well. 

Infidelity has been happening for a long time, it just used to be more discreet.  It seems more common thanks to social media.  People are way too open about their personal lives on the internet.  It's also easier to get caught now.

I'm glad I'm off the grid, sans Twitter and that is because it is somewhat discreet.


Cheating is a bigger deal now a days because everyone is getting caught.  Cheating has been occuring forever but it was wayyyy easier to accomplish prior to the internet/social media/cell phones
I was thinking about this the other day, I have been very faithful considering how I used to be, but man these girls be head hunting out here, they want it more than us fellas.
personally for me, i've been single because i like being able to mess around with whoever i want without having any problems or reprecussions come from it. i've cheated in relationships before when i was younger and i regret playing with the feelings of someone i supposedly had feelings for which is why i refuse to get into a relationship again until i find someone i consider right and that i know i'd be willing to give my best effort to.

and with the high amounts of cheating and unfaithfulness being considered the norm in the times we live in, i doubt that will be anytime soon.
Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by scshift

Nah some people do, some people don't. I think it's better and easier to just break up with the person before you cheat on them. Lying and being sneaky is not my strong point, so even if I tried I'd probably mess up sooner or later and I'd rather not have that stress.

But if you the type of dude who doesn't like being tied down, then you probably shouldn't be in a relationship in the first place.

..and I've never cheated..I couldn't hurt anyone like that. ( ._.)
Originally Posted by SonOfTony

some men cheat and some women cheat. women are just way better at it tho
Also true. Most of the time when men cheat, it's just on a whim. No planning or nothing, and it was purely physical, and more than likely he doesn't
really care that he cheated either. Most women get emotionally invested in the cheating. They could be happily married, but a woman could slowly
develop real feelings for somebody else and honestly be in 2 different relationships living 2 different lives for a loooooong time. Then the husband
finds out and ^@_+ hits the fan.

If you're married "holy matrimony" or engaged and cheat then that's straight grimey. However, if it's just a GF/BF relationship, then by all means explore young ones.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

I can say that I never have, nor will my morals allow me to do so. And even if I DID, I would not be able to live that @@$% down.

But now a days,cheating seems to be the norm. As if its ok just to go around cheating on your partner just because you can. Everyone I go, I see cheating. The MAJORITY of the men in my family are cheaters (including my dad), a lot of my friends have either cheated or been cheated on, everyone here on NT is smashing chicks with boyfriends.

So do you think that everyone cheats? Is everyone going to be cheated on at least once in their lives?
Didn't your mom say it's cool to cheat?
Originally Posted by tim teufel

I do the word cheat is stupid. A person should be free to sleep with who ever they chose. alpha male checking in.

dont you have intercourse with other men?
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Cheating is at an all time high because its a zombiehoepocalpyse out here. These females are heathens. They are swallowing and devouring so much man meat its borderline cannibalism. Its like the 60's free love movement with a ratchet twist. Make love to who you see fit but its the deception in the game that trips me out. Literally 95% of the women I have dated in the last two years have had boyfriends that I found out about eventually. I'm like the dude that women want to cheat on their man with and I don't get down like that. Chicks will call or text me with their dude in the shower or at work or in the next room playin 2k. I didn't realize how wild it was until I was single again. In all seriousness young girls are worse than dudes now.if you are under 25 and your girl is cute I PROMISE you at one point or another she was talking to another dude inappropriately via,text,facebook etc. Its too easy to cheat now. There are sooooo many avenues to flirt and spark convos with folks. Hell I think women are easier to get at when they are IN a relationship versus being single wherein they have free reign anyway. I stress to you that I do not talk to girls in any form of a "serious" relationship and I have an uncanny ability to sense when a girl has a dude even though they ALWAYS lie. 100% faithful girls are so rare its crazy. Even "good" girls test it out on the low.
If you're going to cheat on someone you're "emotionally" invested in, why not just break it off and save the heart break?
I'd never cheat on my significant other because I know the feeling. It's a low blow. (no pun intended)
Plus why would you take time to plan things like that? What if your ole girl was doin the same thing?

A 2 year relationship down the drain because a person couldn't control their head. :smh
When i was in a relationship i would spit game just to do it. I had no intentions on cheating. It was more or less just seeing if i still had it.
I'm in my first relationship in which I would never cheat (we're engaged and she's having my baby), no matter the woman. It's also the first one where I'd actually feel devestated if she cheated on me. I truly believe she would never do that to me, and I'm someone who rarely trusts women. Still, I guess you can never know with 100% certainty. If she were to cheat, I know I would never get in a committed relationship again.
This thread reminds me of Phonte song "Who Loves You More" from Charity Starts At Home . What is the point of love when you end up getting hurt. It's amazing we often hurt the people we love, love the people that don't love us. I have never cheated mainly because I believe in KARMA. It's sad..society doesn't value monogamous relationships anymore. %@+ happened to us!!!!

In all honesty I believe most men live with this motto:"How you gon expect that man not to be who he is? I ain't saying that it's right, but we often pay the price, Cause a woman's life is love, a man's love is life, And he gon live it to the fullest" - Little Brother "Breakin My Heart"
Never have but then again I don't feel like I've had "relationships" the way most people describe them as. I've been committed to girls but reason I didn;t cheat wasn't because I felt obligated not to, it was moreso that I just didn't want to. I have fooled around with girls in committed relationships tho so I do have trust issues word to Drizzy. My own fault I guess

I like to use the mom/parent example when people bring up moral ineptitude and cheating. When I think of unconditional love, the first thing I think of is the love I have for my mom. That said, I couldn't tell you how many times I've lied or done things behind her back, knowing it would absolutely break her heart if she found out. But now all of a sudden I'm an evil person for cheating on a girl I've loved for a year? Nah. The idea of an eternally faithful relationship is so romantic and captivating that people embrace it and feel it should be the standard, when in most cases it is just that, an idea.
You dudes are killing my faith in humanity.

But in my mind, if she actually loves you, she isn't gonna cheat.
jus had to tell my girl i had been cheating...

feels batman

she would never cheat on me though, if she did id be jus as devistated as she was and she knows id dead her instantly

were workin through things now and i got her a Kobe ring, so i think im gucci on the her tryna get "even" front

i thank god every day i got a good one, now
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

jus had to tell my girl i had been cheating...

feels batman

she would never cheat on me though, if she did id be jus as devistated as she was and she knows id dead her instantly

were workin through things now and i got her a Kobe ring, so i think im gucci on the her tryna get "even" front
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