Does everyone cheat in relationships?

Dated a beautiful, awesome honduran chick for two years. Before that we were friends for four.
Long story short, she was perfect, I cheated - with her friend (not sex but very close). We were rocky anyway because I was just not handling my life as I should have. 

I hurt her, hurting her hurts me. She had to go and I don't blame her. A year later and she is married already. Crazy the extremes people go to in order to replace pain.

Anyway, I will never do that again. It ruined the best relationship I've ever had.

If you aren't feeling your girl or are interested in another female there are diplomatic ways to go about that.
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Dated a beautiful, awesome honduran chick for two years. Before that we were friends for four.
Long story short, she was perfect, I cheated - with her friend (not sex but very close). We were rocky anyway because I was just not handling my life as I should have. 

I hurt her, hurting her hurts me. She had to go and I don't blame her. A year later and she is married already. Crazy the extremes people go to in order to replace pain.

Anyway, I will never do that again. It ruined the best relationship I've ever had.

If you aren't feeling your girl or are interested in another female there are diplomatic ways to go about that.
I see this crap all the time and it really makes me think...
People are depressed man... Like subconsciously she KNOWS she still thinks about you and gets mad that you were probably that guy... 

Thats why I can't deal with the delusions some times... people love to lie to themselves.

In as much as ya'll justify lying to your "significant others" so they do the same in trying to get over the drama they encounter. 
This S!!! mad depressing. already insecure at times.

I hope i find that one that dont.
I see this crap all the time and it really makes me think...
People are depressed man... Like subconsciously she KNOWS she still thinks about you and gets mad that you were probably that guy... 

Thats why I can't deal with the delusions some times... people love to lie to themselves.

In as much as ya'll justify lying to your "significant others" so they do the same in trying to get over the drama they encounter. 

Sillyputty, you are absolutely right. And to an extent it gets to me too man.
I really wish she didn't go about it in that way. After the break up, I dealt with it in all the wrong ways. Drove her further away. 

One night she told me she kissed a dude and I had a terrible feeling after that.. 

I knew she was going to turn off the rational switch which requires listening to her heart and turn on the woman switch which essentially is pretending like everything is ok for life.

A few weeks ago I was at work and so was she (she helps out her uncle in the mall I work in like once a month) and I went to the food court to get food and she was at her little incense kiosk and we got to chattin'.

She told me that she loved me, that I had a sublime side to me but then an aspect that she didn't understand, she even brought up a sexual memory which is very uncanny for an ex to do, especially a married one. 

I had the smoothest line before I left that still makes me feel like it was out of a old romance movie lol.

I told her that ...over the past year I had grown colder, almost extinct of emotion and built some defenses around myself but that when I saw her eyes all of that melted away.

She insta teared. I hadn't seen her again since last night, so this topic is fitting.

To make matters worse she is my best friends Aunt, they live together. I was really close with the fam, and now I don't go there too often. I went last night to play some 3v3 Fifa, and she had a get together with her friends at the same time. She would pop in the room and dance in front of the tv in my way to distract me, at one point she even threw an empty cup at me, and also made fun of my hair lol.

The sexual tension was strong, but what really sucks is still being "in love" with each other and having to proceed like it hasn't left a thorn in your brain. Women are weird.

But that is the power of love. It is great to see someone you've been so far removed from for an extended period of time still have that love for you, even though I can not possess it, I know it is there.

I did learn a lot from all of this #$%* though.

When you are young you might think that getting laid and all of that #$%* is top priority. That is fine but just do not cheat. It hurts your partner, and in the long run it will hurt you too.

For awhile I was like !%%+ love and on that whole !%%+ #$%#%$+ mentality...but you will always find something missing.

I learned that love matures as you do. 

/soft !++ rant
TroyMcClure and Sillyputty

Good stuff brothers
A lot of knowledge dropped in this thread.. Most of you guys have a lot to learn in regards to "real relationships.."
I've never had a reason to cheat, always made sure of that before myself and someone else ever got serious..

Leave the cheating for the video games people :ohwell:
When I've been in an actual official relationship, I haven't cheated.

But while in the dating faze(before making it official), sadly I have. It wasn't with some random women though on some meaningless *%@$. It was with others from my past where mutual feelings still existed & I just wasn't 100% sure what I wanted. There were/are a lot of emotions running through my mind and what ifs. As a young man, I had to see which path(girl) was the best choice as the other 2 were quality/potential girlfriend types as well. It's still wrong, and I know if my girl knew she would be devastated. But in my mind and heart I had to see what my "what ifs" had to offer before I take it to the next level with my girl.

The main girl is pretty much perfect. She's beautiful, smart, and she's crazy about me. I know I seem foolish to explore others while in this stage of the relationship, but in my case I had to explore all the options that I had.

Once I make it official though, I will not cheat. Cause in the end, even though I've explored other potential gfs, this one has/will always stick by me through thick and thin. It's a tough situation that I'm currently going through though.
What needs to be discussed in this thread, is what's the solution to rampant cheating in men especially-And this isn't a new phenomenon, men have been cheating since monogamy became what's hot in the streets and men stopped beings allowed to have multiple wives and concubines
do this all the time...just can't help it even though i try so hard not to...
for me, it feels good but then again....there's always karma that bites you in the +#@ in the end
and i've proven that time and time again..

just trying to find the right girl for me and i always end up in something that was suppose to be but not...

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

What needs to be discussed in this thread, is what's the solution to rampant cheating in men especially-And this isn't a new phenomenon, men have been cheating since monogamy became what's hot in the streets and men stopped beings allowed to have multiple wives and concubines
I don't think there's a system wide solution. The man just has to care about his SO enough to overcome the natural polygamous urges and not to do anything to potentially hurt her or put the relationship in jeopardy. Whether the motivation comes from religious reasons, high "moral fiber", or just really truly caring about a person.

I've cheated a lot but the one girl who I thought was the one I had no desire to cheat and did not come close to it. IJS
As the great DMX recently said:

"It takes too much energy NOT to trust someone. So, trust people to be themselves. If you meet a snake, trust him to bite you. If you meet a thief trust him to rob you"

In other words..."If you meet a woman, trust her to be a %%$*"
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

As the great DMX recently said:

"It takes too much energy NOT to trust someone. So, trust people to be themselves. If you meet a snake, trust him to bite you. If you meet a thief trust him to rob you"

In other words..."If you meet a woman, trust her to be a %%$*"

thats real talk.

Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

When I've been in an actual official relationship, I haven't cheated.

But while in the dating faze(before making it official), sadly I have. It wasn't with some random women though on some meaningless *%@$. It was with others from my past where mutual feelings still existed & I just wasn't 100% sure what I wanted. There were/are a lot of emotions running through my mind and what ifs. As a young man, I had to see which path(girl) was the best choice as the other 2 were quality/potential girlfriend types as well. It's still wrong, and I know if my girl knew she would be devastated. But in my mind and heart I had to see what my "what ifs" had to offer before I take it to the next level with my girl.

The main girl is pretty much perfect. She's beautiful, smart, and she's crazy about me. I know I seem foolish to explore others while in this stage of the relationship, but in my case I had to explore all the options that I had.

Once I make it official though, I will not cheat. Cause in the end, even though I've explored other potential gfs, this one has/will always stick by me through thick and thin. It's a tough situation that I'm currently going through though.
I mean, I dont think its cheating if you guys havent agreed to be exclusive to each other, but still........
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

jus had to tell my girl i had been cheating...

feels batman

she would never cheat on me though, if she did id be jus as devistated as she was and she knows id dead her instantly

were workin through things now and i got her a Kobe ring, so i think im gucci on the her tryna get "even" front

i thank god every day i got a good one, now
You do realize she's gonna question your every move now right? Not worth the hassle to me but to each his own
real talk tho. The girl im with, when we were on a breakup. I slept in another girls bed (I didnt do nothing though
, held my urges that night). It was a week after the breakup so deepdown i felt bad about the whole night. well two months later i got back in the relationship with the girl i was with. I told her straightup what happened and she dont believe me that all i did is slept in that girls bed. She accuses me that i done it with other females. So now she questions my EVERY move. Go hoop with co workers, she trips out. Fall asleep after a long day of work she trips out. Post a song on fb about a topic she doesnt like, she trips out.

but yeah. Feels Batman.
Originally Posted by 2o6

i never have and never will cheat on anyone i am emotionally tied with.
i think there is never ever an acceptable or justifiable reason to have sex with anyone behind my girls back. I could never stay with someone who cheated on me either.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

What needs to be discussed in this thread, is what's the solution to rampant cheating in men especially-And this isn't a new phenomenon, men have been cheating since monogamy became what's hot in the streets and men stopped beings allowed to have multiple wives and concubines

That's like asking for a solution to going to the bathroom 

In my opinion, it's as natural forme to $%+* women, as it is for snow to fall in December in my hood, I don't actively go out looking for victims to replace my girl with, I just want to $%+* other women. Is that such a sin? If so, I'll be the first to ask, why was I made this way then? 
Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by 2o6

i never have and never will cheat on anyone i am emotionally tied with.
i think there is never ever an acceptable or justifiable reason to have sex with anyone behind my girls back. I could never stay with someone who cheated on me either.

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by 2o6

i never have and never will cheat on anyone i am emotionally tied with.
i think there is never ever an acceptable or justifiable reason to have sex with anyone behind my girls back. I could never stay with someone who cheated on me either.

Man you dont even wanna know the things this girl did to me.
Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by 2o6

Man you dont even wanna know the things this girl did to me.

That's why your avy is my iss avy from 08 then?
I'll wait...

ill give you your explanation when you come up with one for why your avy is a picture of me from LAST MONTH.
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