Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Jesus Christ someone is pissy this morning.

I just said wallabees shape is odd, how do people wear those, you said same way mocassins. My Mocassins aren't wide at all though, which is why I asked that.

Why do I come in here? :lol:
Pull your skirt down B. You've been catching feelings on here waaaayyy too often. First you wanna throw hands for someone dissing your team in the NBA seasons thread and now you wanna throw hands cause someone likes wallabees ? Get off NT and go get some Fresh air.
Jesus Christ someone is pissy this morning.

I just said wallabees shape is odd, how do people wear those, you said same way mocassins. My Mocassins aren't wide at all though, which is why I asked that.

Why do I come in here? :lol:
Pull your skirt down B. You've been catching feelings on here waaaayyy too often. First you wanna throw hands for someone dissing your team in the NBA seasons thread and now you wanna throw hands cause someone likes wallabees ? Get off NT and go get some Fresh air.


1. I didn't wanna throw hands Cuz of a team. It was because I was called uneducated. Butttt, I already said I was wrong and moved on. That was extremely childish of me. *shrugs* for some reason people I've never met can still get me riled up. Used to be worse, but it's still childish. But yeah

2. And I don't wanna throw hands with nycgame. We were just having a friendly discussion. no harm no foul.
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Do you guys with leather souled shoes have them topy or just wear em' and then have the souls replaced.

I have some deadstock cordovan shoes from Alfani but I don't want to mess them up if it'll be expensive to replace the souls. I think it has that goodyear welt I read in here too.
I'm pretty sure it's Alfani. I don't have anything from Alden. They make those Indy boots, correct? These are dress shoes with the designs all over the toe area. It looks like a rounded "W" with holes everywhere. Sort of looks like a wing.
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Some recent pick ups, entry as f***


Jesus bro. Those Corthay wingtips are flames. 

What you know about Bestetti though? Any experience with them? Those are gonna be my first $1k+ shoes I think. Them or some G&G. 
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Black cuffs like on a bomber would work...unless its a double rider jacket. That hybrid ish would be
Well here are some fit pics... clearly the sleeves are far too short. Clealry I have not cleaned/conditioned it yet...

This is the amount of sleeve leather the tailor will have to work with, about 1.25"

Considering my investment in this jacket to date is $0.00 ... I am hopeful my tailor can work some magic. I don't mind breaking style barriers.... if 3" cotton cuffs ala bomber style are my only option, I might just give it a shot.
The end result.... after 10$ total investment. My tailor is unreal, tapering selvedge denim for $7. Extending leather jacket sleeves and adding cuffs for $10.
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