Dude touches your girls @+@. Does it GO DOWN? VOL. True Story

Originally Posted by ripfan816

Originally Posted by The Harlem Shake

At this party yesterday that my GF asked me to go to so ofcourse ima go for her. Saw hella people I used to know back in my childhood days. Talk to all of em let em know who my girl is. So night goes on and my girl comes up to me and goes babe I gotta tell you something but you gotta promise you wont do anything. She goes should I tell you now or after I chose now. She tells me one of my boys from BACK in the day who knew she was my girl grabbed her @$* and my girl (who can handle herself) goes "ohh helllll no. you must be trippin i gotta man" and he walked away hella quick. I got STONE FACED when she told me. 1. He was my boy. 2. He was drunk. 3. You already know. So her best friends tell me dont worry you know she can handle herself. Hes drunk. Just drop it. So I just sat down and didnt do anything about it upon her request. Later he comes up to her trying to apologize and she goes its not me you need to apologize to its my man. So he does and its squashed.

I went home asking myself. Should i have gotten up and done something or is what I did and trusting my girl and knowing that she told him off the good thing to do?

If he was drunk let it slide............

This time
WRONG, yall need to realize that his bein drunk is not an excuse. Do u say that about a drunk driver who just critically injured someone inaccident "Oh, he was drunk, it's ok this time..." Drunk words/actions are sober thoughts. Ol boy knew what he was doin, theliquor just hindered his carin or lack there of. Violence is not the answer and u were there bigger man for not beatin him down and I commend u. Just know thathe been wantin to do it, just needed an excuse (bein drunk) to do it.
Your straight man. He was drunk. He apologized. I don't even know if it would be possibly worth losing a friend over.
Dude apologized so its nothin...but I kno u was tight as hell...if he didn't and didn't apologize then that's a diff. Story
some people might not even apologize. It's even worse if that person is a best friend but at least it's squashed.
you did the right thing since he apologized
if he does it again then you have to take some action
it was the right thing to do for a couple of reasons
1. He was your Boy
2. He didn't keep on doing it
3. dude was drunk
4. he apologized
he was drunk and you were sober--guess who would have had a knockout on their record...smh @ you letting the opportunity slide
It couldn't have been me
... I woulda bodied the guy, drunk or not.

people are saying he apologized, that @%!! means nothing
Good question.... tough question.... in the end I probably would have abided by my girlfriend's wishes, however I would have been VERYtempted to get in dudes face.

EDIT: Didn't even realize I'd posted in this thread already

im not gonna front it depends. good thing your friends didnt juice your head up. Dont trip on it bro if you see him around then you do.
you guys are crazy, i donno what yall be sippin on but even when im "drunk" i kno what the hell im doin. if dude knew that was ur girl n still didthat i would of atleast said somethin to homie. atleast a "yo you kno thats my girl right, and you kno she told me you was grabbin on her right" thenif he apologized i woulda let it slide, but you should have confronted him about it IMO. no need to get all crazy, but just speak your mind next time.
Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Naw Fam you gotta call the GOONS for this....CUUKOOOOOO


i havent heard anybody say that in a long time, but i remember whendudes use to be at outta town parties, or a party of our own n dudes started actin up, that was the "squad up" call haha. CUUUKOOOO
Shoulda put son in the Boston Crab and made him repeat something demeaning 5 times in a row. But w/e you did was cool too I suppose.
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