E3 Thread of confusion, rage, and other stuff.

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by SonOfTony

any way to get that battlefield 3 beta?
its public, so it will be available for download 
People who have Medal of Honor will get access to the beta first.
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

sole vintage wrote:

is this battlefield footage only PC, if so console users are going to get shafted 

Exactly... dudes is getting their hopes up thinking it's going to look that nice on consoles... yeah okay

Doesn't matter though that %%$# can look nice and polished if it doesn't play well it won't keep their interests.

I think it will be good gameplay wise though because EA said they're aiming for BF3 to be the best FPS out... pretty bold statement but we'll see.

I'm not getting my hopes up that it will look like that on consoles. I will be playing the PC version. The console version could very well be one of the best looking console games though.
Also PC supports up to 64 players, consoles only 24.


Launching in early October, the Wireless Speed Wheel is completely wireless and controlled intuitively with precise steering, standard controller buttons/triggers, and haptic feedback with rumble. The device is compatible with all racing games right out of the box*. The Wireless Speed Wheel will be available for $59.99 (U.S. ERP) and will ship to retailers worldwide beginning September 26, 2011. This device combines a fun and immersive driving experience with the biggest racing game of the year, the best rated “Forza Motorsport.
infam0usP wrote:

 if shareholders are worried. People said Apple would lose money when they did the iPhone 3GS (it only added faster data speeds for a "new" model that would be sold for a fiscal year) but they just made more $$$; they said the iPad would flop "oh its just a big iPod Touch" but its the best-selling tablet in the US & they can't even keep iPad 2s on shelves. Back to Nintendo though...even if HALF the Wii owners upgrade to a Wii:U, they will STILL make plenty bank.

It's hard to compare other companies to Apple.  People would line up overnight if Apple released a carton of spoiled milk.  But Nintendo will continue to make money no matter what.  It just depends on if sales meet their expectations.  They have plenty of time til the release.
Anyone else kind of excited for the new Assassin's Creed?  The demo looked nice and we were left with a good cliffhanger in Brotherhood.  It's good that this is Ezio's last game though.  The a new character would be refreshing for the franchise if that's how they choose to move forward.
Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by Putting In Work

sole vintage wrote:

is this battlefield footage only PC, if so console users are going to get shafted 

Exactly... dudes is getting their hopes up thinking it's going to look that nice on consoles... yeah okay

Doesn't matter though that %%$# can look nice and polished if it doesn't play well it won't keep their interests.

I think it will be good gameplay wise though because EA said they're aiming for BF3 to be the best FPS out... pretty bold statement but we'll see.

I'm not getting my hopes up that it will look like that on consoles. I will be playing the PC version. The console version could very well be one of the best looking console games though.
Also PC supports up to 64 players, consoles only 24.

64 players
 that's insane.

I never going into any of the COD games because I mostly play Halo, but even when I played Big Team Slayer on Halo I hated that crap... and it was only 16 players max.

You dudes must be racking up kills non stop with 64 players playing at one time on one map.
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by Putting In Work

Exactly... dudes is getting their hopes up thinking it's going to look that nice on consoles... yeah okay

Doesn't matter though that %%$# can look nice and polished if it doesn't play well it won't keep their interests.

I think it will be good gameplay wise though because EA said they're aiming for BF3 to be the best FPS out... pretty bold statement but we'll see.

I'm not getting my hopes up that it will look like that on consoles. I will be playing the PC version. The console version could very well be one of the best looking console games though.
Also PC supports up to 64 players, consoles only 24.

64 players
 that's insane.

I never going into any of the COD games because I mostly play Halo, but even when I played Big Team Slayer on Halo I hated that crap... and it was only 16 players max.

You dudes must be racking up kills non stop with 64 players playing at one time on one map.
Thats nothing compared to MAG. 256 players on one map.
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

Originally Posted by sole vintage

is this battlefield footage only PC, if so console users are going to get shafted 
Exactly... dudes is getting their hopes up thinking it's going to look that nice on consoles... yeah okay

Doesn't matter though that @@*@ can look nice and polished if it doesn't play well it won't keep their interests.

I think it will be good gameplay wise though because EA said they're aiming for BF3 to be the best FPS out... pretty bold statement but we'll see.
I know it's for PC, but obviously you guys haven't played Battlefield: Bad Company 2, one of the best looking multiplat FPS to date. The Frostbite engine is wonderful, much better than anything that Infinity Ward or Treyarch has put out with there Call of Duty versions. Frostbite 2.0 looks WAY better, plus they are using tech from the FIFA crew, Dice knows what they are doing. 
Originally Posted by sole vintage

is this battlefield footage only PC, if so console users are going to get shafted 
I read somewhere that when someone asked DICE about graphics on consoles.
He stated that there were bits aand pieces of the trailer that were takin from the 360 & PS3. And said if you can tell which clips belong to which platform.

Obviously it could be a rumor and/or wishful thinking that the console version is atleast somewhat close to the PC version.

But I played MoH which was basically somewhat of an engine test for DICE. and i must say MoH's Single Player looked real nice .. I was disappointed wen they didnt bring that to the MP side.

So if BF3 looks like MoH's SP in both BF3s Campaign & MP or even better looking/more polished & fluent then ill be happy.

Also, heres Gameplay from MoH for those who havent played the game (SP) on the 360

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Krazyrodzilla

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by Putting In Work

I was just looking at MSNBC where they talk about the market and they talked about the video game industry because that's a sector that is making so much money even though the economy is doing so bad... especially Activision BLizzard.

Any way they talked about E3... they said a lot of market analysts are bombing Nintendo and saying they will fail because that niche market they had with the Wii... grew up and older so it's not going to be there like how it was before.

Nintendo's stock went down by like 42 and Sony's went up by like 23... Nintendo better have an ace up their sleeve if they plan on not going the Sega route and make software only.

What am I saying... I said the same thing for the Wii and they sold the most consoles.

Not good for Nintendo, shareholders will be up in arms right now
Where have you guys been the last 5 years? Nintendo makes the most money and sells the most systems. NOT EVEN CLOSE!

Nintendo Wii - 87 million.
Xbox360 - 54 million (plus it came out a year before the other 2).
PS3 - 50 million.

This happens all the time. TRUST ME when I tell you this. Market Analysts don't know ANYTHING when it comes to videogame stocks, sales, etc. They get it wrong ALL THE TIME. They said that about the Wii before it dropped and it's the best selling console of ALL TIME. DS too. 

How dare you say Nintendo will go the Sega route.... The most idiotic comment in the whole thread. If anything you will see Sony and Microsoft go that route first. 

One thing I don't get about Nintendo hate is that there are no facts to back it up at all. It's seriously people forcing themselves to believe a lie.


Who's forcing who's hand here? 
Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21

Originally Posted by sole vintage

is this battlefield footage only PC, if so console users are going to get shafted�
I read somewhere that when someone asked DICE about graphics on consoles.
He stated that there were bits aand pieces of the trailer that were takin from the 360 & PS3. And said if you can tell which clips belong to which platform.

Obviously it could be a rumor and/or wishful thinking that the console version is �atleast somewhat close to the PC version.

But I played MoH which was basically somewhat of an engine test for DICE. and i must say MoH's Single Player looked real nice .. I was disappointed wen they didnt bring that to the MP side.�

So if BF3 looks like MoH's SP in both BF3s Campaign & MP or even better looking/more polished & fluent then ill be happy.�

Also, heres Gameplay from MoH for those who havent played the game (SP) on the 360
MoH single player is Unreal Engine 3 not Frostbite. The multiplayer is frostbite 
All I care about is Battlefield and Mass Effect
That new Tomb Raider looks dope as hell though. Also Nintendo has been absolute garbage for years now, but my mom bought a Wii....my MOM. So Nintendo still printing money, amazing how they can still move units. Wish Sega would come back though smh.

-The Juice
Originally Posted by welcometothetonezone

Spoiler [+]
LOL at the Saint's Row girls outside of Staples
If you were the first 50 to pull into this parking lot [which, if any of you are attending E3, is FREE parking of up to 500 spaces], you get your car washed by these ladies.
Tomorrow's your last chance if your whip needs a new wash, folks!
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Is that royce gracie writing autographs?
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Lots of pics to come tomorrow but I have an early day working our booth tomorrow.
What game are you standing in for @ your booth?
Should I just stand in the middle of your booth and tap tap pull or what?
Originally Posted by ddouble



Launching in early October, the Wireless Speed Wheel is completely wireless and controlled intuitively with precise steering, standard controller buttons/triggers, and haptic feedback with rumble. The device is compatible with all racing games right out of the box*. The Wireless Speed Wheel will be available for $59.99 (U.S. ERP) and will ship to retailers worldwide beginning September 26, 2011. This device combines a fun and immersive driving experience with the biggest racing game of the year, the best rated “Forza Motorsport.
damn Hayashi is ruining the ninja gaiden series

gaiden 3 is looking like god of war with all the QTE gameplay

I don't need the game to be telling me which buttons to press and I don't need the action to slow down either

at least  we can always go back to ninja gaiden black and its perfect gameplay
Originally Posted by knightngale

damn Hayashi is ruining the ninja gaiden series

gaiden 3 is looking like god of war with all the QTE gameplay

I don't need the game to be telling me which buttons to press and I don't need the action to slow down either

at least  we can always go back to ninja gaiden black and its perfect gameplay

This gamplay vid dosent look as bad a the others but I concernedaboutsomthings:

1) I really hat the QTE especially since they look like theydon'tserve any purpose

2)The climbing sections (not shown in the vid). I mean why does a ninja, who can run up walls waste time climbing it?

3)This demo looks way to easy, I hope itsbecauseits the e3 demo. I mean in Ninja Gaiden 1 & 2 you always feel like theenemiesare trying to take you down by any means nessecary but in the demo it looks like they are just waiting to get hit.
Originally Posted by Hop

Originally Posted by knightngale

damn Hayashi is ruining the ninja gaiden series

gaiden 3 is looking like god of war with all the QTE gameplay

I don't need the game to be telling me which buttons to press and I don't need the action to slow down either

at least� we can always go back to ninja gaiden black and its perfect gameplay�

This gamplay vid dosent look as bad a the others but I concerned�about�somthings:

1) I really hat the QTE especially since they look like they�don't�serve any purpose

2)The climbing sections (not shown in the vid). I mean why does a ninja, who can run up walls waste time climbing it?

3)This demo looks way to easy, I hope its�because�its the e3 demo. I mean in Ninja Gaiden 1 & 2 you always feel like the�enemies�are trying to take you down by any means nessecary but in the demo it looks like they are just waiting to get hit.
-it looks like you can spam that ultimate technique anytime you want out of thin air

-the boss fight was laughable...it seems that you do need the QTE moves to finish off the boss's legs
the boss looks ******ed...its just a giant robot spider that can barely move

-hayashi is a clown

EDIT: hayashi also said there are only swords as weapons in the game
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