End of an Era...Niketalk is finished

Niketalk.yuku.com is now SneakerTalk.com! New look and new name, but all posts and forum history are live so just start posting!

Lol, this is what it says on YUKUs niketalk address. The part that gets me the most is that Dude on that site are trying to be MODS and trash talk NIketalk. LOL.

Where are all the MODS, Meth, Dirty, Nelson etc..... Has meth said anything about the change? Can someone post the link to that please.
Didn't even see that.. :smokin Old smileys are being re uploaded :nthat: they're workin on it, guys.. patience.

Ur right, hopefully that stuff get corrected when it's all said & done. I had to dig my avy up

We should probably give an official eulogy to the old NT though. This could be an upgrade, server wise and we'll all get used to it eventually but still, things will never be the same.
RIP to the Old Era of NT :frown::smokin

:nthat: much easier this way
NT used to pride itself on not having ads.. there used to be a treasure box to keep NT up and ad free.. The minimal ads were ok because it still kept NT the way it was and nothing changed.. "relevant" ads? What the **** is cool with ads?

I've been here since 2000, i know this. We're going to have ads anyways, why not ones we use? and i swear you dudes are slow, if you just want to see the forum view with the same minimal ads, then bookmark just the forum, not the home page, niketalk.com/f/.

And as much as i love NT, post count? join date? maybe because i'm older and have been banned many times before and have enough insignificant things to deal with in real life why that **** doesn't matter to me.
Not feeling this at all...hopefully it grows on me...damn why they have to change it...feels mad cheesy...
Whining already? :lol: :lol:

:lol: **** is sad. Dudes get what they want and STILL complaining.

But I will say this, the main page isn't needed imo. NT was a message board, we don't need all that extra. But its cool. I'll just go to niketalk.com/t now instead of niketalk.com
NT looking like hood.talk when somebody snitched on the B&H forum and kicked us off ezboard. Feel like making a flame thread just to rebel against this ctap! Bout to cry b.
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