ENVY 14/17 (Real Macbook Pro Killer)

Until HP fixes the overheating issues, I'm never buying another. I had to put my laptop to sleep earlier because I almost burned my hand by picking it up.

But I'd still take an Envy > Mac any day.
Until HP fixes the overheating issues, I'm never buying another. I had to put my laptop to sleep earlier because I almost burned my hand by picking it up.

But I'd still take an Envy > Mac any day.
Originally Posted by Noskey

Until HP fixes the overheating issues, I'm never buying another. I had to put my laptop to sleep earlier because I almost burned my hand by picking it up.

But I'd still take an Envy > Mac any day.

i'm guessing you have the DV series.  those are straight doodoo.

there's zero issues with heat.  it does get warm where the GPU is, but that's expected of any laptop.

Originally Posted by DUB 253


And if you can't get a i5 MBP for under $1,800 you're looking in the wrong places...
if you're talking about stolen goods.....

otherwise, link me to something cheaper than $1700 (amazon)
Originally Posted by Noskey

Until HP fixes the overheating issues, I'm never buying another. I had to put my laptop to sleep earlier because I almost burned my hand by picking it up.

But I'd still take an Envy > Mac any day.

i'm guessing you have the DV series.  those are straight doodoo.

there's zero issues with heat.  it does get warm where the GPU is, but that's expected of any laptop.

Originally Posted by DUB 253


And if you can't get a i5 MBP for under $1,800 you're looking in the wrong places...
if you're talking about stolen goods.....

otherwise, link me to something cheaper than $1700 (amazon)
Originally Posted by Mo Greene

Originally Posted by Noskey

Until HP fixes the overheating issues, I'm never buying another. I had to put my laptop to sleep earlier because I almost burned my hand by picking it up.

But I'd still take an Envy > Mac any day.

i'm guessing you have the DV series.  those are straight doodoo.

there's zero issues with heat.  it does get warm where the GPU is, but that's expected of any laptop.

No. G60. It's good, but the heat gets unbearable sometimes. Warm is an understatement. And sure the overheating isnt a constant problem, but it's shut itself down once before due to heat. And there's been multiple times where I've put it to sleep as a precaution, i.e. tonight when I could have burned my hand if I'd kept it under the computer for more than a few seconds.

My Sony laptop never got that hot, for comparison.

And why are you guys complaining about the Envy's design? It looks like a Mac? Good. Those are sleek as hell. And it's not like there's a bunch of different ways to design a laptop.
Originally Posted by Mo Greene

Originally Posted by Noskey

Until HP fixes the overheating issues, I'm never buying another. I had to put my laptop to sleep earlier because I almost burned my hand by picking it up.

But I'd still take an Envy > Mac any day.

i'm guessing you have the DV series.  those are straight doodoo.

there's zero issues with heat.  it does get warm where the GPU is, but that's expected of any laptop.

No. G60. It's good, but the heat gets unbearable sometimes. Warm is an understatement. And sure the overheating isnt a constant problem, but it's shut itself down once before due to heat. And there's been multiple times where I've put it to sleep as a precaution, i.e. tonight when I could have burned my hand if I'd kept it under the computer for more than a few seconds.

My Sony laptop never got that hot, for comparison.

And why are you guys complaining about the Envy's design? It looks like a Mac? Good. Those are sleek as hell. And it's not like there's a bunch of different ways to design a laptop.
It does have the i5 but with OSX I think a core2 runs faster. And I dont know about the video card. The mac still looks way better.
It does have the i5 but with OSX I think a core2 runs faster. And I dont know about the video card. The mac still looks way better.
Updated the front page with Video and some more detailed articles about the design since some are still talking about Heat, HP's past quality control issues vs Apple quality control issues and design aesthetics.

More detailed Hardware specs for the ENVY line coming soon. HP actually re-engineered the ENVY 14, 17 and 15 for better quality control.
Updated the front page with Video and some more detailed articles about the design since some are still talking about Heat, HP's past quality control issues vs Apple quality control issues and design aesthetics.

More detailed Hardware specs for the ENVY line coming soon. HP actually re-engineered the ENVY 14, 17 and 15 for better quality control.
No matter how you slice it down a Apple computer will still retain more value over any Windows computer. Even if its the Envy series. I have the 1st unibody macbook 13' i paid 1299 for I can still get sell it for at least 900-1000 on ebay or craiglist and I still come out wining. If you buy a Windows Computer that was the same price in '08 you proablay looking at the $300-$500 range.

Just because the Hp Envy series has better specs it does't mean it has a more bang for your buck if you were to buy a macbook with lesser specs with higher price point. Still though OS X> Windows OS any day in terms of which OS can you lesser resources and still give you the power you still need. OSX can unlock more GPU Cores frequency than instead of relying on memory.
No matter how you slice it down a Apple computer will still retain more value over any Windows computer. Even if its the Envy series. I have the 1st unibody macbook 13' i paid 1299 for I can still get sell it for at least 900-1000 on ebay or craiglist and I still come out wining. If you buy a Windows Computer that was the same price in '08 you proablay looking at the $300-$500 range.

Just because the Hp Envy series has better specs it does't mean it has a more bang for your buck if you were to buy a macbook with lesser specs with higher price point. Still though OS X> Windows OS any day in terms of which OS can you lesser resources and still give you the power you still need. OSX can unlock more GPU Cores frequency than instead of relying on memory.
I call these the immigrant-old people hustle.

You make something that looks like some else in order to get sells from people that do not know better. “Well it looks just like it, and it has more features so it must be better
I call these the immigrant-old people hustle.

You make something that looks like some else in order to get sells from people that do not know better. “Well it looks just like it, and it has more features so it must be better
Okay, I understand that the marketing department at apple is the best in the industry and if you tell people long enough that paying a premium for slightly older technology in a really cool design isn't such a bad idea, it can ingrain strong personal attachment to a particular brand. We aren't exactly posting on Adidas or Reeboktalk if you get what I'm saying and how many retro's has Nike rolled out showcasing old tech in a beautiful package.

I also understand the benefits of putting a really pretty shell on Unix (Major Linux and OS X fan here) from a security perspective. Hell I'm a Software Developer/Computer Engineer that uses all 3 every day. However, with Windows 7 raking in profits unlike anything ever seen before in the industry, that's a harder sell these days. Look, Windows 7 is solid and as much as I love Linux and OS X, I can finally honestly say I'm not afraid to give my Grandmother a computer with windows 7 on there. I never could have said that with XP and I might have still been hesitant with Vista. However, Windows 7 vs OS X is like comparing a Ferrari to a Lamborghini. Both have strong points, but in the end, there really isn't much of a gap (7 is honestly slightly ahead on some usability fronts). It's just personal preference

I love it when people try and quantify their personal preference throwing out one extreme scenario regarding competing products. Look, you paid more for a Macbook Pro and to legitimize that decision, you have convinced yourself you had legitimate reasons based on how you use a computer. It's standard human psychology to defend our choices, no matter how little real validation we have. However, since I know 90% (useless but clever and true statistic) of all people use a computer for Email, music listening, Reading niketalk (Internet Surfing), Youtube, and Facbook/Twitter you're reasoning is a bit faulty at that high of a premium. I make a living with my computer so all the daily use stuff aside, take it form someone that doesn't eat unless their computer performs; the ENVY line this year is a beast. Dedicated components for Audio creation should you decide to produce music / Outstanding Graphics card with the best screen available on a laptop period (and i'm a big thinkpad fan and love their old IPS screens) / and the latest and greatest Intel processors for general computing. The Macbook Pro recently rolled out an update to their processor line, but they're still behind the ENVY chipsets offered.

I'm not attacking the Macbook Pro (Bought moms an iMac the other day), I'm just pointing out that if you take the emotional appeal (Marketing department) that makes you believe you're a little cooler for having a glowing apple on the back of your laptop there is a new king in town. Do the research and you'll come around to a different tune.
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