espn's gay propaganda is a new low

FOH. :stoneface:


There is a healthy amount of Americans that feel this way.

There probably are, but it takes a special kind of clown to go out of his way to make anti ESPN/gay twitter accounts. Most bigots don't care THAT much
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Guys, follow me @USABoycottESPN if you are interested in joining my cause.  
I almost feel bad for you
Don't feed the troll. @Methodical Management has had to toss him out of at least one such thread in the past.
He's been removed from this thread as well, and obviously his topic attempt has been deleted.

NT isn't going to be a staging ground for that nonsense.  It's part of our "civility agenda."  
There probably are, but it takes a special kind of clown to go out of his way to make anti ESPN/gay twitter accounts. Most bigots don't care THAT much

Technically he just changed his @ name. Probably not smart because if someone equally as nutty as him on twitter decided they wanted to confront him in person he'd be pretty easy to find.

A 3 second google search and I found his full name, his picture, and where he lives.
just watched tv today and saw highlights of michael sam kissing his boyfriend.

i didn't feel tempted to turn gay or try gay things even though it was on tv and it being on tv didn't influence me in any way, shape, or form.

just felt like sharing that since i see posts about some supposed "gay agenda" which no one can provide a good description of. 
It's more annoying than anything. I don't need to see the same clip/picture everywhere I turn. He and ESPN knew what they were doing. It has nothing to do with him being gay because I felt the same way about Lin (Tebow) when ESPN fed into that 2 years ago.
Sports talk radio has been going crazy this week with it. The callers are 
. I havent decided if the "progressive, condescending radio host" or the "ridiculously intolerant and homophobic callers" are worse. I'm ready to have this subject over with
Today they show the top class of picks in practice then show Michael Sam after clowney and bortles :lol:
Dude is gonna have the whole world mad at him

Casual football fans, his teammates, Conservatives, Liberals, gay community, etc.

Because he refuses to just let it go. He's doing so much to make it  a spectacle and put the spotlight on him rather than just, in the wake of being drafted, getting back to focusing on the game.

I have no problem with the him being gay, with him sharing a kiss with his boyfriend after a joyous moment in his life, or with ESPN putting it on the television.  But now its getting ridiculous. Oprah. Documentaries. C'mon.
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Dude is gonna have the whole world mad at him

Casual football fans, his teammates, Conservatives, Liberals, gay community, etc.

Because he refuses to just let it go. He's doing so much to make it  a spectacle and put the spotlight on him rather than just, in the wake of being drafted, getting back to focusing on the game.

I have no problem with the him being gay, with him sharing a kiss with his boyfriend after a joyous moment in his life, or with ESPN putting it on the television.  But now its getting ridiculous. Oprah. Documentaries. C'mon.

They came to their senses and delayed the show
I find it odd that Greek and Roman culture was a lot more accepting of homosexuals, and that was over 1000 years ago. Shows we haven't evolved much in our thinking, actually regressed. 
Friggin gay agenda, haven't seen them on tv in like a week. I know they're plotting though, won't fool me.
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