Established Nt'ers, how long did it take you to get where you are? vol. quarter life crisis.

Jan 23, 2008
Basically I just turned 25 recently and I'm pretty much at the same position I was at right after high school. I do have a job that pays alright, but it doesnt help that I've racked up a pretty good amount of unnecessary debt that a good chunk of my checks go to. I can't help but think everyday about how much time I've wasted since high school, and havent even started to build a foundation for my future. I've been seriously looking into a few medical tech program at the community college, and if/when I do finish, jobs in the field start at around $30 an hour. I can't help but to think if only I started fresh out of high school, I would've been established by the age of 21. Even though I'm not old by any standards, I feel as if time is running out and by the time I get to where I want to be, I wont be able to enjoy life as much as I would now. So to my Nt'ers that who are about that adult life, how long after high school did it take you to figure out that #*$ is real and you have to prepare for the real world? I'm hoping to hear some bum to baller stories from someone who's been in the same predicament as I am.
It was probably when I was working retail in my first semester at community college. I was going part time and pretty much working full time. I noticed that a lot of people I worked with in their late 20's doing the same thing as me living paycheck to paycheck and realized "I really have to get my @#$ together"

I ended up finishing my first year at CC with a 3.8 GPA and transferred to a big University and graduated last Spring with a Bachelor's from a ranked Business Program (I've always been interested in majoring since HS).

Now I am working in Finance for a large firm starting out at 65k. I'm 23 btw.

Try and REALLY understand what makes you happy and pursue it. If it's in the medical field then do it. You just have to be able to commit and put in all the extra tedious work that is associated with it. (licenses, tests, certifications, etc.) 

I've seen far too many people switch professions that they end up miserable and don't know how to navigate their future. Luckily for me, I had some idea of what field I wanted to get in at a younger age and stuck to it.
Originally Posted by Beacon ave south

Basically I just turned 25 recently and I'm pretty much at the same position I was at right after high school. I do have a job that pays alright, but it doesnt help that I've racked up a pretty good amount of unnecessary debt that a good chunk of my checks go to. I can't help but think everyday about how much time I've wasted since high school, and havent even started to build a foundation for my future. I've been seriously looking into a few medical tech program at the community college, and if/when I do finish, jobs in the field start at around $30 an hour. I can't help but to think if only I started fresh out of high school, I would've been established by the age of 21. Even though I'm not old by any standards, I feel as if time is running out and by the time I get to where I want to be, I wont be able to enjoy life as much as I would now. So to my Nt'ers that who are about that adult life, how long after high school did it take you to figure out that #*$ is real and you have to prepare for the real world? I'm hoping to hear some bum to baller stories from someone who's been in the same predicament as I am.
Do what you love, the money will come.
I feel the same

but I try to learn new things everyday and something will click. Its just a matter of time and opportunity

gotta be ready to catch those when they come
Originally Posted by Ecook0808

Originally Posted by Beacon ave south
Do what you love, the money will come.

No, He is 25 already. Go back to school. Put in work in whatever program you decide to go into, it will pay off in the end when your graduate and go looking for a job.
I know that feel man. I'm just a little younger, but I went back starting last summer, best decision I've ever made. I actually enjoy going to some classes, and it's a lot easier than high school was, probably because I'm actually doing what I should in class.�

I too regret waiting, but honestly I hated high school, and had I went to college straight out, I'm not sure I'd be doing as well as I am now. I know what it's like to work a sucky job, it was a wakeup call man, I want to have a stable career doing something I think I'll enjoy.

Go sign up for Spring classes at your local Community College, jump straight into it man.�

Word to this guy 

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by Ecook0808

Originally Posted by Beacon ave south
Do what you love, the money will come.

No, He is 25 already. Go back to school. Put in work in whatever program you decide to go into, it will pay off in the end when your graduate and go looking for a job.
I know that feel man. I'm just a little younger, but I went back starting last summer, best decision I've ever made. I actually enjoy going to some classes, and it's a lot easier than high school was, probably because I'm actually doing what I should in class.�

I too regret waiting, but honestly I hated high school, and had I went to college straight out, I'm not sure I'd be doing as well as I am now. I know what it's like to work a sucky job, it was a wakeup call man, I want to have a stable career doing something I think I'll enjoy.

Go sign up for Spring classes at your local Community College, jump straight into it man.�

Word to this guy�

Spoiler [+]
He might not be happy doing that stuff...I graduated with my bachelors and love with I am doing (sports writer)...The pay isnt amazing, but its very solid for first yr out and watching sports all day. Cant just worry about cash.
I read that a large majority of people these days don't start solidifying a career until they're 30 years old. Given my situation, I'll agree with this...Just one year ago I was 25 and in your shoes, but before hitting the panic button I hit the grindstone and got a much better paying job and I'm now on a path in having a great career going for me.

I've paid off one credit card with one to go, but it's much easier to tackle once you get one down. I've started putting savings away for emergencies and because my employer matches up to 5% for a 401(k) after one year, I put my benchmark to paying off that second CC in August (one year) so that I can start putting away around 15% of my paycheck to retirement. I'm catching up...Quickly!

Point is, last year I was just like you. I could afford to live, but I was scraping by. Rent/CC/necessities ate 99% of my check and I was miserable...Now, things are getting better every week. Hang in there and keep looking at your options (school/promotion/new field) and you'll find what you're looking for. Good luck.
Dude your still young..I was in your position a couple years back...After high school I went to CC but I was just interested in girls and throwback jerseys lol so I eventually dropped out for an year, I worked 2 dead end jobs and looked at people my parents age at the same job unhappy and struggling so I said forget that, I'm going back to school..I did some research on what I want to do, decided to do Physical Therapy and ever since then I just dove in and never looked back...Fast forward to today I am graduating this year and it feelsgoodman...Basically just do some research, have motivation and a drive for what you want, and you will be golden. Also I don't recommend you look into a get a job quick majors (techs, assistants) if you are just trying to get a degree in a rush..Why settle with being an assistant or tech when you could be the actual health care professional..(No offense to those who are techs and assistants) like I said you are still young, go for the whole 9 dude..Good luck 
Originally Posted by Beacon ave south

Basically I just turned 25 recently and I'm pretty much at the same position I was at right after high school. I do have a job that pays alright, but it doesnt help that I've racked up a pretty good amount of unnecessary debt that a good chunk of my checks go to. I can't help but think everyday about how much time I've wasted since high school, and havent even started to build a foundation for my future. I've been seriously looking into a few medical tech program at the community college, and if/when I do finish, jobs in the field start at around $30 an hour. I can't help but to think if only I started fresh out of high school, I would've been established by the age of 21. Even though I'm not old by any standards, I feel as if time is running out and by the time I get to where I want to be, I wont be able to enjoy life as much as I would now. So to my Nt'ers that who are about that adult life, how long after high school did it take you to figure out that #*$ is real and you have to prepare for the real world? I'm hoping to hear some bum to baller stories from someone who's been in the same predicament as I am.

What jobs are u looking into after u graduate
I also say go back to school OP...IF it's gonna get you where you want to be later on in life. It's the next stepping stone for some.

I graduated college @ 26 years old after doing business administration for 2 years + and realizing it wasn't for me. Now i'm doing applications for graduate school and by 29-30 i'll finally have my's been long process and it wasn't without it's missteps but i'm glad I found out what I want to do which will hopefully lead me up to the third act of my play.

If you feel that you could/should be somewhere better in your life then your probably right.
Im 25. Still live with parents. Got a better than slacker avg amount in the bank.

This cant be real life, but i also am not up for being a drone for 30 years working 9 to 5 for a 40k to 90k salary.

Never too late to start, but also never too early to start. I wish i could go back in time and set myself up for a better prime.
i just turned 23...4k in the bank and about 1.5k in debt

I'm not doing good, but im not doing bad either so ill enjoy complacency for 2 more years
I have learned the majority of people spend their 20s figuring out what they want to do and can do. And 30's establishing success or stability doing so. I am fortunate to start seeing stability in doing what i want to do and love around 28. We started our business at 24. It took 4 long, hard, persistant, struggling years to start seeing the payoff. And when it came, it came out of nowhere. So you really just have to put faith in the process and know one day it will pay off, and be ready when oppurtunity knocks. Before i was 28. I never had 2500 in my savings account ever. at 28 i thought i was balling with 5k in my savings. at 29 i was able to put over 20k in my savings in one, and buy a new car, move to a bigger place etc. Now i messed up my credit, money, and good jobs at an early age. I could have accomplished a lot of this in my Mid 20s if i was not stupid with money and credit and listened to my old heads. But i also realized i could change things around and handled future opportunities with better care.

Figure out a plan. Be realistic and honest with yourself in that plan. Even if its embarassing, its only you who has to know of it. Then be persistent and patient. Things will turn around. When you start trying to win the game with base hits, and strategic moves, not heroic home will start to win.

Best of luck
if you are in the same place you were when you graduated from high school

Is it safe to assume you did not go to college?

That step is usually where people get on the career tracks.
I guess I can relate. I'm 26 and I've been working full time in finance for 3 and a half years. I make pretty good money, have a good 401k, no debt besides student loan which aren't too much, and good credit. The thing I've realized over the past few years though is that I don't really enjoy what I do, and since work takes up a majority of my time, I find myself going through the motions most of the time. I shouldn't be living life like that. I plan to go back to school later this year and get my master's in something I have a genuine interest in.
Thanks for the input and motivation fellas, makes me feel better knowing that a lot of you went through and conquered what I'm going through. I'm currently looking into a career in radiation therapy, I do enjoy interacting with people and a job in the medical field should be pretty secure. It's not exactly my true passion but its something i could see myself doing for a long while.
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