Evan Turner is gonna end up one of the biggest draft busts of all time...

Wow that enphan dude is annoying how do you guys even give him the time of day by taking him seriously 
Wow that enphan dude is annoying how do you guys even give him the time of day by taking him seriously 
this that same dude who made that baseball bashing thread?

Evan Turner sucks... he had me fooled, too.
this that same dude who made that baseball bashing thread?

Evan Turner sucks... he had me fooled, too.
Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Larry David Swag = Ennphan or however you spell it
common knowledge.

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

 carmelo anthony, who was taken no. 4 overall, right?
I've come to the realization that you just don't know what you're talking about.
All I see is:







EDIT - "sans like 3 names, ive never even heard of these dudes" - after he listed 4 players. Brilliant. 
Hilariously childish tactics, but I'm entertained
Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Larry David Swag = Ennphan or however you spell it
common knowledge.

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

 carmelo anthony, who was taken no. 4 overall, right?
I've come to the realization that you just don't know what you're talking about.
All I see is:







EDIT - "sans like 3 names, ive never even heard of these dudes" - after he listed 4 players. Brilliant. 
Hilariously childish tactics, but I'm entertained
Originally Posted by erupt107th

I get what you're saying and last year was a relatively weaker draft but when you can't tell me that there is no better player besides Turner in that draft. Ask the Sixers GM in private whether he'd want to have Cousins, Monroe, or any other rookie over Turner right now and I guarantee he would say yes in a heartbeat.

I still think Turner can be a very serviceable player. 15-5-5 type of guy. However I think Cousins and Monroe can be All-Star caliber big men.

I'm fully expecting you do either ignore this or find one or two relatively irrelevant points of my post and pick them apart. I hope you respond with a serious response tho.

dude, the argument is "is evan turner the biggest bust of all time" which is so ridiculous, noone will even waste time answering it...

so instead, i went down the list of people

cousins is the only dude doing DRASTICALLY better than turner.....

i'd personally go with a big over a slow hybrid guard ANYWAY, but that's just me.

i never claimed to be a hughe NBA fan, or even knowledgable....because that doesnt matter lol

you dudes with all your self-taught sports genius are over here telling me one marginal player is so much better than another marginal player.....just because they were taken high in a garbage NBA draft...that was one of the worse NBA drafts we've lived through, dude....

no, im not a cornball who will highlight a spelling error and not respond.

Ah, yes, the season averages argument. Since you have so much knowledge of everything basketball,
eh, stats arent the end-all, be-all to discussing a player, but when we're sitting here talking about WHO HAD THE BETTER SEASON...yes, we will have to go with stats, guy.

i mean, why even keep stats, then?


when did i say i have so much knowledge of basketball? prolly my 3rd fav sport.....

what does my knowledge of basketball have to do with anything?

evan turner is just as marginal as the rest of marginal dudes that got drafted....lol he's no bummier or no better than the 8-10 dudes you named that DIDNT play for Kentucky last year.

everytime i even post ONE opinion, i get attacked....of course imma argue back...thats what this forum is for.

i said "man, who was expecting him to be amazing?"


"what difference does that make?"

then i got a list of "better" players

not being familiar with most of the players, because i dont care, i look up the only quantitative information i can; SEASON AVERAGES


but that's just so ridiculous to you guys.


ganging up to cyber bully me out of S&T isn't going to work. If you not feeling my comments, ignore me. or better yet, block me through yuku. we will all be happier.

i mean, i got my entire argument broken down to "you will defend any and everything ohio state"

and that couldnt be further from the truth....

7.9, 3.8, and 1.1 which is closer to 8-4-1 than 7-3-1 like you said.
*#!+ like this. oh, i left out the .8? its closer to 4? oh, so he's averaging ONE more point than evan turner does, and ONE less assist, so really, turner provides more scoring to his team, with that extra assist, than your boy does with his one point, right?

, lemme guess, you dont subscribe to the statistics arguments, huh?


But that's beside the point. My main problem is that when someone has a different opinion than you you just say the same thing over and over and post laughing faces.

dude quoted my entire post and said "melo wasnt 4th" like that was even a slight basis of my argument...

not that the draft melo, bosh, bron and wade were in was infinitely better than this draft, so the top 5 picks in that draft had MUCH GREATER expectations than the top 5 picks in this draft, NOOOOOOOO, ITS ABOUT WHICH NUMBER CARMELO WAS DRAFTED.....


you think i like repeating myself? its like you dudes cant process information you read...if you even read it.

what does it matter, to my argument, that all these dudes are all equally marginal, none of them are "busts" or "gods", at least not TODAY, that i dont know what team gus johnson plays for?

again, yall always either

a.) tell me im annoying

b.) refuse to acknowledge my argument


d.) commit fallacies, such as "oh, you didnt know gus johnson played for x team? how dare you have an opinion on a completely different NBA player you do know...or even the sport of basketball in general. in fact, since you dont know who he plays for you shouldnt even be allowed to play pick-up basketball"

e.) just basically cry about me being on NT

and this is SPECIFICALLY this forum.

you telling me a, b and c are having better seasons, but im pulling up the only way we have to quantitatively (without opinion or bias) compare these players is with stats....and you showing me a 8-4-1 dude compared to a 7-4-2 dude.....that's basically the same to me...one isnt having a better season than the other. oh, you dont agree with my OPINION, oh, well, please, voice your OPINION, sir...

but then again, you're the mighty all-knowing basketball guru who watches every minute of every rookies season.....you even watch the kids while they sit on the benches, huh?


Since the All-Star break:
oh, so i cant use statistics as evidence in MY arguments, but you can in yours, oh.

i also wasnt aware the NBA's pre-season exhibition matches go all the way up to the all-star break.

i mean, so if im outhooping you the 1st half of the season, and you outhoop me the last month of the season, and we finish with equal stats, you've outplayed me? even though i was dogging you the first 3 months of the season?


TO MY KNOWLEDGE none of these dudes is finna go to the playoffs.....so, in reality, they're all equally marginal players putting up marginal statistics that are all a toss up between them. personally, if i had to pick between them all, im not going to pick a big man getting 3.8 rebounds a game, bro, however, i WILL go with a big man over a guard all day....but that's just me.

to say evan turner came in with no. 2 pick pressure as if he was the talent of melo or wade is dumb, even if it is only to try and prove your point that some kid whos 20 years old is a bust.

uh, oh, i didnt check that he was 20, i maybe wrong, and someone will skip the other 300 words and highlight that...and say i cant have an opinion on basketball cause i thought evan turner was 20


but nice guess about how i was finna respond. i be on here to kill time at my boring desk job. i will have intellectual, respectful discussions with yall, and i will break out into emoticon clowning mode, as well...

it really depends on the replies to my OPINIONATED COMMENTS
Originally Posted by erupt107th

I get what you're saying and last year was a relatively weaker draft but when you can't tell me that there is no better player besides Turner in that draft. Ask the Sixers GM in private whether he'd want to have Cousins, Monroe, or any other rookie over Turner right now and I guarantee he would say yes in a heartbeat.

I still think Turner can be a very serviceable player. 15-5-5 type of guy. However I think Cousins and Monroe can be All-Star caliber big men.

I'm fully expecting you do either ignore this or find one or two relatively irrelevant points of my post and pick them apart. I hope you respond with a serious response tho.

dude, the argument is "is evan turner the biggest bust of all time" which is so ridiculous, noone will even waste time answering it...

so instead, i went down the list of people

cousins is the only dude doing DRASTICALLY better than turner.....

i'd personally go with a big over a slow hybrid guard ANYWAY, but that's just me.

i never claimed to be a hughe NBA fan, or even knowledgable....because that doesnt matter lol

you dudes with all your self-taught sports genius are over here telling me one marginal player is so much better than another marginal player.....just because they were taken high in a garbage NBA draft...that was one of the worse NBA drafts we've lived through, dude....

no, im not a cornball who will highlight a spelling error and not respond.

Ah, yes, the season averages argument. Since you have so much knowledge of everything basketball,
eh, stats arent the end-all, be-all to discussing a player, but when we're sitting here talking about WHO HAD THE BETTER SEASON...yes, we will have to go with stats, guy.

i mean, why even keep stats, then?


when did i say i have so much knowledge of basketball? prolly my 3rd fav sport.....

what does my knowledge of basketball have to do with anything?

evan turner is just as marginal as the rest of marginal dudes that got drafted....lol he's no bummier or no better than the 8-10 dudes you named that DIDNT play for Kentucky last year.

everytime i even post ONE opinion, i get attacked....of course imma argue back...thats what this forum is for.

i said "man, who was expecting him to be amazing?"


"what difference does that make?"

then i got a list of "better" players

not being familiar with most of the players, because i dont care, i look up the only quantitative information i can; SEASON AVERAGES


but that's just so ridiculous to you guys.


ganging up to cyber bully me out of S&T isn't going to work. If you not feeling my comments, ignore me. or better yet, block me through yuku. we will all be happier.

i mean, i got my entire argument broken down to "you will defend any and everything ohio state"

and that couldnt be further from the truth....

7.9, 3.8, and 1.1 which is closer to 8-4-1 than 7-3-1 like you said.
*#!+ like this. oh, i left out the .8? its closer to 4? oh, so he's averaging ONE more point than evan turner does, and ONE less assist, so really, turner provides more scoring to his team, with that extra assist, than your boy does with his one point, right?

, lemme guess, you dont subscribe to the statistics arguments, huh?


But that's beside the point. My main problem is that when someone has a different opinion than you you just say the same thing over and over and post laughing faces.

dude quoted my entire post and said "melo wasnt 4th" like that was even a slight basis of my argument...

not that the draft melo, bosh, bron and wade were in was infinitely better than this draft, so the top 5 picks in that draft had MUCH GREATER expectations than the top 5 picks in this draft, NOOOOOOOO, ITS ABOUT WHICH NUMBER CARMELO WAS DRAFTED.....


you think i like repeating myself? its like you dudes cant process information you read...if you even read it.

what does it matter, to my argument, that all these dudes are all equally marginal, none of them are "busts" or "gods", at least not TODAY, that i dont know what team gus johnson plays for?

again, yall always either

a.) tell me im annoying

b.) refuse to acknowledge my argument


d.) commit fallacies, such as "oh, you didnt know gus johnson played for x team? how dare you have an opinion on a completely different NBA player you do know...or even the sport of basketball in general. in fact, since you dont know who he plays for you shouldnt even be allowed to play pick-up basketball"

e.) just basically cry about me being on NT

and this is SPECIFICALLY this forum.

you telling me a, b and c are having better seasons, but im pulling up the only way we have to quantitatively (without opinion or bias) compare these players is with stats....and you showing me a 8-4-1 dude compared to a 7-4-2 dude.....that's basically the same to me...one isnt having a better season than the other. oh, you dont agree with my OPINION, oh, well, please, voice your OPINION, sir...

but then again, you're the mighty all-knowing basketball guru who watches every minute of every rookies season.....you even watch the kids while they sit on the benches, huh?


Since the All-Star break:
oh, so i cant use statistics as evidence in MY arguments, but you can in yours, oh.

i also wasnt aware the NBA's pre-season exhibition matches go all the way up to the all-star break.

i mean, so if im outhooping you the 1st half of the season, and you outhoop me the last month of the season, and we finish with equal stats, you've outplayed me? even though i was dogging you the first 3 months of the season?


TO MY KNOWLEDGE none of these dudes is finna go to the playoffs.....so, in reality, they're all equally marginal players putting up marginal statistics that are all a toss up between them. personally, if i had to pick between them all, im not going to pick a big man getting 3.8 rebounds a game, bro, however, i WILL go with a big man over a guard all day....but that's just me.

to say evan turner came in with no. 2 pick pressure as if he was the talent of melo or wade is dumb, even if it is only to try and prove your point that some kid whos 20 years old is a bust.

uh, oh, i didnt check that he was 20, i maybe wrong, and someone will skip the other 300 words and highlight that...and say i cant have an opinion on basketball cause i thought evan turner was 20


but nice guess about how i was finna respond. i be on here to kill time at my boring desk job. i will have intellectual, respectful discussions with yall, and i will break out into emoticon clowning mode, as well...

it really depends on the replies to my OPINIONATED COMMENTS
cool, then stop addressing me, then.

"son, nobody is going to read alot of words on a message board we frequent to have discussions and kill time when we're bored"

even tho you asked...


good comeback, "son, noone is going to read that"

you totally pwn3d me
cool, then stop addressing me, then.

"son, nobody is going to read alot of words on a message board we frequent to have discussions and kill time when we're bored"

even tho you asked...


good comeback, "son, noone is going to read that"

you totally pwn3d me
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