Ever get pissed seeing people not appropriately dressed for winter?

Jan 30, 2008
I live in Northern California and it's actually quite chilly out nowadays. But I stay seeing people wearing t-shirts and jean shorts. It'sflabberghasting.

I went to Whole Foods last night and it was foggy, like 40 degrees out, and I walk into the store all layered up with a beanie and scarf wrappedaround my mouth. And right when I walk in I see this guy standing in the produce section wearing a Red Sox jersey t-shirt and khaki shorts. Damn it, that pissed me off!
A kid I know is still wearing gym shorts and t-shirts
Is it stupid? Yes but I don't care. If they want to get sick that's fine by me. They can go to class in 30 degree weather wearing shorts and moccasinsall they want.
my environmental solutions/studies teacher wears shorts all year around as if seasons don't exist.. it's funny.
I sometimes wear a hoody and some basketball shorts in the 40's/50's if im just running to the store or something...if im not cold...why put on pants?
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

I went to Whole Foods last night and it was foggy, like 40 degrees out, and I walk into the store all layered up with a beanie and scarf wrapped around my mouth.
40 degrees aint cold enough to be wearing a beanie and scarf covering your mouth. Looking like a ninja inside whole foods smh.
OP you sound like a girl......a scarf wrapped around your mouth....40 is not that cold....I live in Michigan, its 20 degrees our right now (not including thewindchill) and I step out of the house with just a polo hoody..... you sound like you are dressing for a blizzard...man up...
New Yorkers always mention how strange they think it is when we wear jackets with shorts. Or just today my homegirl thought it was weird girls were wearingflip flops.
it pisses me off when it snows and i see kids walking around in cargo shorts and flip flops. i hate when i see people wearing glasses at night time
i hate when i see people walking around in rain boots when the sun is out. today it was 28degrees and i saw kids walking around in tshirts.
DISCLAIMER: no im not MAD angry or anything of the sort...i'm just sayin...why do that?
It's snow on the ground, and less than 40 degrees here in Cleveland, and I saw somebody wearing flip flops with socks with a winter coat.

I've also seen someone wearing a North Face vest, capris and flip-flops...
Originally Posted by yarrh

40 after the windchill is perfect for t-shirts

i'm from San Diego everyone out here acts like 65-70 is freezing

i always trip when i see girls wearing, skirts, tank tops a scarf and those ugg boots when its freezing out.
I walked out the door wearing a t-shirt with some jeans to class today. It was sunny so I was like no need for a jacket but it was 47 degrees and there werepeople still cold even with a jacket. While I was like
i stay in jordan shorts and a hoody in the winter when i go to work... or the grocery store..
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