Ever get pissed seeing people not appropriately dressed for winter?

I'm from n Nor Cal also. I'm wearing basketball shorts, t-shirt, and a zip-up hoody. I just don't get really cold and if I was covered up, I wouldbe really hot.
Originally Posted by Yoda

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

I grew up in Long Island so seeing kids wear cargo shorts in the middle of january is common.

There was one idiot who would dress like that, but then wear his warm clothes toward the end of school

Guilty on both counts. Not the warm clothes towards summer though.
Nah youre just a lame

put some damn clothes on...and use less hair gel
This is my first winter in Iowa. I've lived in Orlando, Sacramento, and Montgomery and I'm still wearing shorts outside (It's 16 degrees).
it pisses me off when it snows and i see kids walking around in cargo shorts and flip flops.

man when it was raining in irvine id still see people wearing flip flops. i just dont get it.
I have been wearing basketball shorts w/ a hoody. My legs don't really get cold like that. As long as my arms and head are covered I'm solid.
especially white people in shorts.....

taken from "Stuff White People Like" #86:
It is a known fact that white people believe that they can bring spring early by wearing a pair of shorts on any day that is above seasonal temperatures. This myth runs so deep that they will often wear shorts the following day when temperatures drop, at which point they will refuse to recognize that it is cold.
Originally Posted by iNiNe5

especially white people in shorts.....

taken from "Stuff White People Like" #86:
It is a known fact that white people believe that they can bring spring early by wearing a pair of shorts on any day that is above seasonal temperatures. This myth runs so deep that they will often wear shorts the following day when temperatures drop, at which point they will refuse to recognize that it is cold.

wisconsin we already got about 8 inches of snow and people still wear open toed sandals and shorts..doesn't make me mad though. more funny then mad...
Some white people are weird... and don't like wearing a lot of clothes when it's cold (or wear flip-flops still)... it is what it is

(I'm white)
I work in a store and it gets hot inside so I still wear shorts. The other day I didn't put my sweats on b4 went outside since I was just going to getsomething out of my car and the looks of people as I passed by were like
I even heard a couple of "He's out here in shorts. it's freezing." I was just like
I see a kid walking up to the bus stop every day wearing a hoodie, athletic shorts, and a pair of dirty J's. I don't get mad, but I'm a littleconfused. I'm from Minnesota, so I'm naturally warm, but it's 20 degrees out, kid. What's really confusing is people who mix and match summerand winter clothes. It's not uncommon to see girls wearing parkas and flip-flops (with socks, like that helps) when there's 4 inches of snow on theground.
I grew up in the midwest, so seeing girls + sandals on snow days always = fail. How could you do that. But I know what you're saying L4L. When I gotoschool I
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

I live in Northern California and it's actually quite chilly out nowadays. But I stay seeing people wearing t-shirts and jean shorts. It's flabberghasting.

I went to Whole Foods last night and it was foggy, like 40 degrees out, and I walk into the store all layered up with a beanie and scarf wrapped around my mouth. And right when I walk in I see this guy standing in the produce section wearing a Red Sox jersey t-shirt and khaki shorts. Damn it, that pissed me off!

man up homie
I dont even wear beanies or scarfs and I live in chicago
40 degrees aint even cold to me, just a light sweater and even then Ill only wear it cause people will keep bothering me asking if im cold when im not
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

I live in Northern California and it's actually quite chilly out nowadays. But I stay seeing people wearing t-shirts and jean shorts. It's flabberghasting.

I went to Whole Foods last night and it was foggy, like 40 degrees out, and I walk into the store all layered up with a beanie and scarf wrapped around my mouth. And right when I walk in I see this guy standing in the produce section wearing a Red Sox jersey t-shirt and khaki shorts. Damn it, that pissed me off!
thats your problem right there.....
central cali & food maxx FTW!

but seriously, i see that here all the time too, then people shivering & what not
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