Ever put hands on your significant other?

No, I have too much love and respect for my wife to ever put my hands on her like that. Any dude that hits a woman deserves to get beat down and go to prison.

So if she sitting there beating you with a bat im suppose to take that? Naw b she getting molly whomped she put herself in a mans place take this beating like a man.

Unlikely scenerio.

If you're ever in a situation like that, I'd suggest to evaluate yourself and the choices of woman you choose in life.
Unlikely scenerio.

If you're ever in a situation like that, I'd suggest to evaluate yourself and the choices of woman you choose in life.

Pretty much....if your wife pulling out a bat to beat yo **** you are a terrible judge of character to have married sOmeone that wants to kill you :rofl:

Women are emotional beings and can lose their head and throw a tantrum, swing a few slaps, nothing that should put any man in fear for his life...dodge and weave those swings and walk away or grab some iced water and cool her **** down....don't ever swing on the woman you supposedly love...there is no coming back from that...

If it's some random skeez on the street getting her Tyson on you, by all means 8Ball that bird
Sometimes in life you've got to strong arm an individual. **** capital and politics. Strength will always get respect.
They ask me "come on man, you sure you didn't just tap her?" [emoji]128528[/emoji][emoji]128528[/emoji][emoji]128528[/emoji] **** outta here...

But you technically did throw her down so what's wrong with that question? 

Nah, he just pushed her to gain distance so he can be out, imo nothing wrong with that.

Now if he Baby Boy Jody'd her... That's a different story! His cunnilingus game better be on point!
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But you technically did throw her down so what's wrong with that question? 

I took offense to the question because they were trying to play me like I was stupid. If she just told them she fell, why are you still asking me if I "tapped" her? I'm not gonna incriminate myself, if I had said "you know what officer, I might have gave her a lil nudge...", I would have been cuffed before I finished the sentence.
my last relationship was very toxic. she seen her moms get beat so she had the ideal of it would never happen to her. She put her hands on me a couple times, and to defend myself i grabbed her hair or twisted her wrist to calm her down.

crazy how before her i could and after her still cant ever see myself putting my hands on a woman, but she would push me to the limit. one time the cops showed up and i went to the door with my shirt off not thinking and my chest was scratch the hell up. glad i didnt marry her aint no telling what road that relationship wouldve went down.
Never have. Never will

Make better choices in females and you won't have that problem..

Nope not ever. I'm in control of my emotions. I can get upset, yell and ****, but I don't have to put my hands on her to get my point across. I say how I'm feeling with my words. I'm a grown *** man dawg. Not to mention, I'm big and strong. **** I look like trying to hurt a delicate little woman? That's supposed to make me feel better?

Besides, my roast game is next to none, if I absolutely must get immature with it, she's in for a long night bruh. The homie got hella jokes. I keep a full file of disrespect in my head under the label 'Just In-Case'. I peep everything and I don't forget anything.

i'd never raise a hand to my girl. i've wanted to shake the **** out of her tho
she's done some dumb **** that got me angry x put herself in danger.

i think hitting your significant other crosses a line. it shows a lack of restraint and disregard for their wellbeing in the event of tempers flaring. doesn't really illustrate a strong relationship if you are cool engaging your girl in fisticuffs.
So based on YOUR logic, she doesn't respect you or love you if she is willing to put her hands on you. Or does that not apply to them?
Yep... And she deserved it.

I'm not gloating. I felt bad... I know what signs to look for and get away from it early, though... And haven't had the problem since.

Buy there is a certain line as humans that you don't cross...

And no amount of societal norms will excuse that.

"Never hit a woman" has a ton of chicks feeling untouchable
Nvm ... Not getting into this.

Just know that although I don't belive in violence, I do believe in respect.

If a man or a woman decide to put their hands on the other, its only normal that they should expect for that person to put their hands on them.

Keep your hands to your self.
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Last time my wife got crazy I legit stripped her naked....she didn't know how to react and realized she looked silly trying to act tough butt *** naked

:lol: an ex of mine asked me why I never did anything like this when she got made at me. Yea right, I am not about to get set up :lol:

But to answer the question OP, I've never hit a woman, mostly cause I just wouldn't, and the fact that me being non-reactive to chaos scares women more than anything.

Also, I had dated this chick for a bit, and she would always tease me then put a halt on me initiating sex. Then one time on the phone, she said "Sometimes, I wish you would just rape me, just hold me down and take it." I was like "what" :rofl: :x :rofl:
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Last time my wife got crazy I legit stripped her naked....she didn't know how to react and realized she looked silly trying to act tough butt *** naked
how the **** did you do that?

My girl got drink once and I tried to put clothes on her...

**** was hard as hell.

160 lbs of person is NOT easy to maneuver
You ever put your hands on her and she liked it, though?

Dead srs. Not like really hard though, where you might cause bruising.

my coworker is into this ish! She likes some hardcore, choke to the point of black out, punch fighting sex. I've never found out for myself though. She said one guy got scared and ran out on her because she is too into the violence and getting beat.

where's Celticspride to make sense of all this?
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