Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

might as well go out guns blazing, if they capture him LAPD will water board and beat the shh outta him |I
Didn't the cops shoot innocent people while looking for him? What's the difference? Cops shoot and kill innocent people ALL THE TIME..... Remember SEAN BELL?
Sean Bell tried to run cops over with his car. But let's not let facts stand in the way of your argument.

Anyway can't wait till this scum gets killed. Hopefully the cops go after his family too. Because that's fair.
I can keep going .......what about Oscar grant?

Don't forget Kelly Thomas

And Biggie
Imagine it was the family's of some of the NTers rooting him on that he had tied up right now? I'm sure they'd be begging the same cops to help them out.
Look man I'm not saying that if that was the case I wouldn't want to see him caught or justice served. But where was his justice when he reported the wrong doings of others and got black balled because of it. I'm for EVERYBODY receiving justice not just certain people.
And u know what sometimes people just want the underdog to win
Missed it.

Dude said somethin like, "Ronnie the Limo driver shot and hit Dorner" then the news lady started asking him a question and he said, "You're such a dumb *** don't you realize this is a prank call?" :lol:
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