Explain Yourself Chicago..... How You Get 15 Out Of 4 And 7?

So from a law enforcement and political perspective they don't care enough. They don't care to put an end to or even curb a bunch of gangs that have no leadership and are in the streets committing dumb crimes.

I can't completely buy you putting this on the incarceration rate and lack of good gang leadership. The whole reason you need an okay for a hit in LA from top brass is because of how severe their law is. Nobody want these kind of problems for the entire fam when **** goes down let alone when some punk makes a dumb move that can put everybody away. So they instill fear and a pretty strict organized structure. So if the Chi lacks that it should be even easier to round up a bunch of idiots with guns that don't value their lives.

I do not think it is easy to round up all the idiot gang members with guns who don't value their lives. There is an estimated 70,000 gang members with the city of Chicago. Also mass incarceration 9ie the war on drugs) has led to male leadership in the home and on the street vacant, so I really don't see how you cant determine this to be a factor.

I agree with you the strict laws in California do play some role. Some of the gang injunctions in California include already illegal such as selling drugs, vandalizing property and possessing weapons. Other activities that they are restricted from doing have included associating with other named gang members, curfew or riding bicycles. We see the stop and frisk policy in NY and some contribute that to the reduction in crime (They dont 95% of stop and frisks find no contraband). 

Although these methods may work they are short term solutions and one's that i believe violate our basic human rights and perpetuate racism and stereotype. They increase the tension between youth of color and police and perpetuate the stereotype that youth of color are criminals. You go to any urban community in NY and CA when the police role up all everyone known to get against the wall to be searched. Laws like stop and frisk and crimes like riding bikes violate our 4th amendment rights which prohibits unreasonable search and seizures and sets out requirements for search warrants based on probably cause. Just because you are a person of color does not give the police or anyone a right to search or bring you to jail because of suspicion of illegal activity.

Lastly locking people up is the last thing we need. These gang members are still people who are capable of doing great things with their lives. Many of them are so young with their brains still developing. They are not animals or people who are considered less than and should be looked down upon. Like any person who is hurting they need help. And prison is not a rehabilitation center it is a punishment. Not only that, our brown and black brothers are punished even after they paid their debt to society by being labeled felons. Felons have more difficulty finding jobs are not allowed to apply for government assistance (food stamps, WIC, section 8 housing, college loans etc). They are also unable to perform their basic democratic right of vote and serve on a jury. 

IMO proper mental health diagnosis needs to be performed. Many veterans of war are diagnosed with PTSD, which is induced from witnessing or experiencing traumatic events. Individuals with PTSD are far more prone to substance abuse, unable to sustain relationships, and violent outbursts. All of which we see in crime ridden communities. And we all know these communities are just as violent as war.
I aint say nothing about no stop and frisk.

Giuliani didn't need no stop and frisk to curb crime in nyc. I mean you giving me a lot of info here but it seems to me the chicago pd simply sucks balls at their jobs.

Actual police work, constant patrols, routine traffic stops, an actual police presence in these specific areas where all the killing is going on would be a start but it sounds like since it's only happening in these specific areas the police have resigned themselves and are okay with these young fools killing each other off.

Hey I don't care that much for the nypd now and think they've gone too far given they're the biggest gang in the city but I aint gonna deny how bad it was in the 90s and early 2000s. What was done to decrease violent crimes and drug related crimes actually worked. **** if the youth don't have a good relationship with the police. Also you talking about gang members with potential who shouldn't be locked up and I'm talking about murderers with all sorts of illegal firearms committing senseless killing and other crimes. I say **** their potential; lock em up or kill em. There's plenty other youth in the area trying to do right with potential that aint killing ppl. As far as I see it you take a life you forfeit your own, you give up all your privileges and liberties. That's how it works in any modern society. You don't deserve more chances. You telling me they're so undeveloped they don't' understand the concept of taking a life?

To be clear ppl with mental illnesses is a whole other topic. If you're telling me they're vets with PTSD and mentally handicapped joining gangs in Chi town killin ppl then yall got a bigger problem than I thought.
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Ok to be really really specific it wasn't JUST Guliani, and the decrease started with Dinkins, but it was social theory and data metrics employed by the NYC that have made a difference. A lot changed for the better on Guliani's watch. I don't even really care for the guy too much, but during his tenure the city became a beer place.

I agree with you that homicides in general have gone down in a lot of the major cities though. Understand this though Chi has more homicides than NYC although NYC has 3 times more people than Chi. Chicago still has a ways to go my dude.
Completely agree, but i think there are many variables that play in NYC favor over other cities in the US ( as to why i brought up the global appeal of NYC) as to why change could occur so quickly. 
[COLOR=#red]NYC should be the model city of how to slowly change a huge violent crime ridden metropolis into a reinvigorated vibrant city. What people don't know that the Times Square area of Manhattan used to be the prostitute ridden, 3 pr0n shops on every block, vermin infested mug-a-thon area. Now it's one of the biggest tourist areas in the city. After Guliani came in with his controversial tactics New York City has turned its entire image around for the most part. Basically it takes a strong leader who gives no dams about people complaining bout how the city is changing.

Red Hook Projects which was one of Brooklyn's most notorious areas now has an Ikea...Harlem is cleaning up, and even Brownsville area of BK is being revitalized. Chicago can be fixed...NYC is a much larger and complex city and it worked for them...no excuses.[/COLOR]

Out of curiosity, what exactly caused the change?

Did the people change or did they get pushed out?

If the same people are there that's an amazing story but if not what was the purpose?
the police should be forced to live in inner city areas. you should have to police the area you live in. if you put them in those areas, they'll work harder cuz it will actually affect them.
I aint say nothing about no stop and frisk.

Giuliani didn't need no stop and frisk to curb crime in nyc. I mean you giving me a lot of info here but it seems to me the chicago pd simply sucks balls at their jobs.

Actual police work, constant patrols, routine traffic stops, an actual police presence in these specific areas where all the killing is going on would be a start but it sounds like since it's only happening in these specific areas the police have resigned themselves and are okay with these young fools killing each other off.

Hey I don't care that much for the nypd now and think they've gone too far given they're the biggest gang in the city but I aint gonna deny how bad it was in the 90s and early 2000s. What was done to decrease violent crimes and drug related crimes actually worked. **** if the youth don't have a good relationship with the police. Also you talking about gang members with potential who shouldn't be locked up and I'm talking about murderers with all sorts of illegal firearms committing senseless killing and other crimes. I say **** their potential; lock em up or kill em. There's plenty other youth in the area trying to do right with potential that aint killing ppl. As far as I see it you take a life you forfeit your own, you give up all your privileges and liberties. That's how it works in any modern society. You don't deserve more chances. You telling me they're so undeveloped they don't' understand the concept of taking a life?

To be clear ppl with mental illnesses is a whole other topic. If you're telling me they're vets with PTSD and mentally handicapped joining gangs in Chi town killin ppl then yall got a bigger problem than I thought.
You brought up stringent laws in LA (ie the gang injunction) and I brought up a stringent law in NY both based on the violation of one's civil rights. I agree man cops should be everywhere but that's just not possible. What does a police presence look like? Is it searching or pulling over people who look like gang members? Chicago has around 12,000 police officers. And like I said there is an estimated 70,000 gang members, the odds are stacked against them. 

And yes man for these youth it's all they know. Chicago has a rich history in gang culture. You have some moms, uncles, grandparents all banging for the neighborhood. For some kids it is all they know.

Whether they are committing murders or getting into petty theft I am just not about locking EVERYONE up. These people need help not to be locked up like animals. It costs us tax payers almost $29,000 to house a prisoner for one year. That money could be used for mental health services, work release programs, early childhood education etc. I just feel like constantly throwing money at the end of a problem doesnt work. We must help these people before they get to jail.

I am not saying veterans with ptsd are joining gangs, But people who have witnessed or experienced violence (veterans and people in these violent communities) suffer from symptoms of ptsd.

Here is a little snippet of a good article.

"According to some medical experts, a diagnosis we most commonly associate with troubled military combat veterans now fits many thousands of people in our poorest neighborhoods: post-traumatic stress disorder.

PTSD symptoms include intrusive, upsetting memories; nightmares; chronic anxiety and fear; memory loss; diminished interest in life; emotional numbing and angry outbursts. But it’s the effect of these symptoms that tears at the fabric of families and communities and produces the dysfunctional neighborhoods we see today. A war vet who suffers from PTSD is more likely to be unemployed, stuck in an abusive relationship, addicted to drugs or alcohol, mired in poverty and subject to violence. The same is true of people living in this city’s most impoverished neighborhoods. And it’s not a coincidence.

PTSD has been studied most in soldiers. But in research conducted in Philadelphia, Drexel doctors John Rich and Theodore Corbin have found PTSD rates of more than 70 percent among young men who survive being shot or stabbed. Steven Berkowitz, of Penn’s psychiatry department, citing the research conducted so far, suggests the PTSD rate among the urban poor at large could be as high as 40 percent."

link to article http://www.phillymag.com/articles/philadelphia-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-gun-violence/
Asked my homeboy from there if tearing down the projects was the problem. This was his stance.

I'd say half the problem. It caused many people to relocate and keep in mind the gangs that were in different projects. So relocating them to another neighborhood or no hood at at all cause gang tension meaning more death, your putting them in another environment set for failure. It's easy to say "well why don't they just read a book and go to school" it's just like saying well you want to be financially rich but why aren't not? Because it's something holding you back may it be themselves or the encoriement. In this case it's the environment. I believe the city hasn't made stronger efforts then what they portray on the street. These cops consider themselves untouchable sometimes but you can't use that charisma and influence change. They know (black) people in the areas where this happening don't like them yet they aren't trying to be bigger and compromise a potential war. They figure, "they'll kill each other and then we'll just build more condos and make Chicago more Eco friendly. Gentrification is at it's all time high out there fam. When they tore down the projects which were originally built to help those returning from the war they replaced them with town homes that those same people in the projects could not afford. Then the city threatens to close schools down WHAT IN THEE ****?!?! you got kids that already don't like school. Then All of the sudden you have new faculty plans to open more jails? Tell me this isn't a race thing...... Yes the parents need to be blamed yes it is their responsibility but majority of these parents aren't in these kids lives. Even worse they are at the same grade level of education as their children. So I now challenge the education system for not putting forth a further effort because if you don't teach them media will, rap will entertainment will, the streets will. You now have a misguided generation. They usually live with a grandma who may not have the strength to tell a 16-18 year old boy what he can and can't do when he feels he is a man. It's a cycle due to history and segraryion and racism in Chicago. It starts from there.
the police should be forced to live in inner city areas. you should have to police the area you live in. if you put them in those areas, they'll work harder cuz it will actually affect them.

Some of the lowest rungs of society become police. That policy would just force even more scumbags into blue uniforms.
Seems you actually do not know what gentrification is :smh:

It seems that way to me as well

Please enlighten me brethren.
Gentrification isn't simply investment and development. Also it has nothing to do with education.

Gentrification is the practice of going place to place developing an area in to a viable economic hub no matter the cost of others. Back when this nation wasn't the developed it was easier. You'd find a vast plot of land, build the infrastructure, establish transportation, create jobs, create homes, etc. In the modern age however most areas chosen to be gentrified already have a community existing there. Now while it could be making more money over the years ppl move in and some of these areas become less than pleasing to ppl of a certain income status. Those ppl looking to gentrify your area have no problem in pricing you out of your homes and jobs, thus destroying the community and history of the area. It may get rid of undesirables but it also gets rid of everybody and anything else that gave the area any meaning to the community that lived there.

Some times it's good and some times it's bad. If the area is straight up slum status riddled with crime that's one thing to make an attempt to overhaul but when it's solely for profits and it destroys a community you get a whole lot of ppl angry and speak out against that. That's what NTers who know what gentrification is talk about when they mention it in a negative light. The areas targeted usually have jobs, ppl, etc. and because some rich investors see it as prime real estate to set up a mall or new housing complex, or sports arena or store or w/e those who can't afford to fight it lose out. The main thing though is it's a cycle. People who have been in an area for 30-50 years and made the community great will get pushed out for what replaces them only for another 30-50 years down the line for those same ppl that came in will get pushed out when gentrification comes back around.

In past threads, even some Chi NTers brought up the half ***** gentrification attempted where those running it tried to just move the problem instead of addressing it. think they tore down a few project housing and moved the ppl living their to the outskirts of town in some neighborhoods and mixed them altogether. so all they did was the move the problem out of sight so now the killings and all other crimes happened elsewhere while they got the real estate to develop w/e they wanted in the area the ppl use to be in.
I aint say nothing about no stop and frisk.

Giuliani didn't need no stop and frisk to curb crime in nyc. I mean you giving me a lot of info here but it seems to me the chicago pd simply sucks balls at their jobs.

Actual police work, constant patrols, routine traffic stops, an actual police presence in these specific areas where all the killing is going on would be a start but it sounds like since it's only happening in these specific areas the police have resigned themselves and are okay with these young fools killing each other off.

Hey I don't care that much for the nypd now and think they've gone too far given they're the biggest gang in the city but I aint gonna deny how bad it was in the 90s and early 2000s. What was done to decrease violent crimes and drug related crimes actually worked. **** if the youth don't have a good relationship with the police. Also you talking about gang members with potential who shouldn't be locked up and I'm talking about murderers with all sorts of illegal firearms committing senseless killing and other crimes. I say **** their potential; lock em up or kill em. There's plenty other youth in the area trying to do right with potential that aint killing ppl. As far as I see it you take a life you forfeit your own, you give up all your privileges and liberties. That's how it works in any modern society. You don't deserve more chances. You telling me they're so undeveloped they don't' understand the concept of taking a life?

To be clear ppl with mental illnesses is a whole other topic. If you're telling me they're vets with PTSD and mentally handicapped joining gangs in Chi town killin ppl then yall got a bigger problem than I thought.

You brought up stringent laws in LA (ie the gang injunction) and I brought up a stringent law in NY both based on the violation of one's civil rights. I agree man cops should be everywhere but that's just not possible. What does a police presence look like? Is it searching or pulling over people who look like gang members? Chicago has around 12,000 police officers. And like I said there is an estimated 70,000 gang members, the odds are stacked against them. 

And yes man for these youth it's all they know. Chicago has a rich history in gang culture. You have some moms, uncles, grandparents all banging for the neighborhood. For some kids it is all they know.

Whether they are committing murders or getting into petty theft I am just not about locking EVERYONE up. These people need help not to be locked up like animals. It costs us tax payers almost $29,000 to house a prisoner for one year. That money could be used for mental health services, work release programs, early childhood education etc. I just feel like constantly throwing money at the end of a problem doesnt work. We must help these people before they get to jail.

I am not saying veterans with ptsd are joining gangs, But people who have witnessed or experienced violence (veterans and people in these violent communities) suffer from symptoms of ptsd.

Here is a little snippet of a good article.

"According to some medical experts, a diagnosis we most commonly associate with troubled military combat veterans now fits many thousands of people in our poorest neighborhoods: post-traumatic stress disorder.

PTSD symptoms include intrusive, upsetting memories; nightmares; chronic anxiety and fear; memory loss; diminished interest in life; emotional numbing and angry outbursts. But it’s the effect of these symptoms that tears at the fabric of families and communities and produces the dysfunctional neighborhoods we see today. A war vet who suffers from PTSD is more likely to be unemployed, stuck in an abusive relationship, addicted to drugs or alcohol, mired in poverty and subject to violence. The same is true of people living in this city’s most impoverished neighborhoods. And it’s not a coincidence.

PTSD has been studied most in soldiers. But in research conducted in Philadelphia, Drexel doctors John Rich and Theodore Corbin have found PTSD rates of more than 70 percent among young men who survive being shot or stabbed. Steven Berkowitz, of Penn’s psychiatry department, citing the research conducted so far, suggests the PTSD rate among the urban poor at large could be as high as 40 percent."

link to article http://www.phillymag.com/articles/philadelphia-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-gun-violence/
I did not bring up any LA laws. You said NYC did not have a long history of gangs when I brought up how NYC turned around it's crime problem which was a small part to you mainly talking about the large amount of incarceration in the Chi and how the problem with all the killings were the lack of good leadership. You then brought up the gangs in LA and the Mexican mafia and their leadership in keeping dumb young criminals from doing dirt without permission from higher up. I simply replied that in LA the reason it's like that is smart criminals set up a organizational structure to better maneuver and defend against law enforcement. I aint mention 3 strikes law, I aint say nothing about stop and frisk in nyc or even the Rico laws. All I said was smart criminals adapted so it wouldn't be harder for them for them to do what they do.

Quite frankly I'd have to ask even if all the gang leaders from the Chi are incarcerated that doesn't address them not having a similar organizational system to control and guide their gang affiliates on the outside. You've repeatedly made it seem like all the leaders and possible criminals in charge are all locked up leaving the young and dumb gangs to run around killing ppl with no coordination or leadership. I'm saying if that's the case it should be even easier for the police to stop that kind of crime. I'll continue to focus on the police and the ADA and the politicians that lets this type of increasing crime flourish like it aint no thing. Seems since it remains in specific areas they don't care about those ppl and are fine with them killing each other off.

Anyway to address, this post more directly. If the whole family banging then put the whole family under the prison. Aint no room for letting a culture of gang banging continue to spread in the community. There should be no excuse for the culture of the community to be banging.

Again I'm not talking about petty theft. I'm talking about murderers. This thread is about the murderers. Not vandalism, not loitering, not public intoxication. I'm talking about putting all of the murderers away. I'm talking about getting rid of the majority of illegal and insanely dangerous firearms find their way in to the hands of teenagers. You may want to seek a different solution for those specific ppl but that's where we will disagree. It's gonna cost money tp do that and I understand that perfectly.

As for the vets with PTSD I'm stil understanding why you're bringing that up other than to say the tax money used on prisons could be used for mental health issues. I'm saying putting away murderers is more important. We could compromise and just bring back capital punishment in Illinois full bore. I don't believe you're trying to suggest that cuz of the long history of gang banging and killing in these Chi areas that some of these killers have PTSD and should be sent to seek help instead of imprisoned. Can't be. If so that's an indictment of the whole damn state for gross negligence and incompetence.

If you telling me gang members in the Chi got PTSD and other post war trauma it's time for federal martial law.
I just came back from Chicago over the weekend. The local cnn said the bulk of shootings were in roseland, gresham and englewood. The also ran a segment after saying its social media blowing the killings out of proportion and the cities no more violent than it's ever been. As long as the killings stay south of south loop, the city will continue to sweep it under the rug. I can't speak for west but the south side has a ton of cribs that can be rented for $600-$700 a month, and it's not prime real estate because it's far out from downtown, so good look with trying to change all that.
I did not bring up any LA laws. You said NYC did not have a long history of gangs when I brought up how NYC turned around it's crime problem which was a small part to you mainly talking about the large amount of incarceration in the Chi and how the problem with all the killings were the lack of good leadership. You then brought up the gangs in LA and the Mexican mafia and their leadership in keeping dumb young criminals from doing dirt without permission from higher up. I simply replied that in LA the reason it's like that is smart criminals set up a organizational structure to better maneuver and defend against law enforcement. I aint mention 3 strikes law, I aint say nothing about stop and frisk in nyc or even the Rico laws. All I said was smart criminals adapted so it wouldn't be harder for them for them to do what they do.

Quite frankly I'd have to ask even if all the gang leaders from the Chi are incarcerated that doesn't address them not having a similar organizational system to control and guide their gang affiliates on the outside. You've repeatedly made it seem like all the leaders and possible criminals in charge are all locked up leaving the young and dumb gangs to run around killing ppl with no coordination or leadership. I'm saying if that's the case it should be even easier for the police to stop that kind of crime. I'll continue to focus on the police and the ADA and the politicians that lets this type of increasing crime flourish like it aint no thing. Seems since it remains in specific areas they don't care about those ppl and are fine with them killing each other off.

Anyway to address, this post more directly. If the whole family banging then put the whole family under the prison. Aint no room for letting a culture of gang banging continue to spread in the community. There should be no excuse for the culture of the community to be banging.

Again I'm not talking about petty theft. I'm talking about murderers. This thread is about the murderers. Not vandalism, not loitering, not public intoxication. I'm talking about putting all of the murderers away. I'm talking about getting rid of the majority of illegal and insanely dangerous firearms find their way in to the hands of teenagers. You may want to seek a different solution for those specific ppl but that's where we will disagree. It's gonna cost money tp do that and I understand that perfectly.

As for the vets with PTSD I'm stil understanding why you're bringing that up other than to say the tax money used on prisons could be used for mental health issues. I'm saying putting away murderers is more important. We could compromise and just bring back capital punishment in Illinois full bore. I don't believe you're trying to suggest that cuz of the long history of gang banging and killing in these Chi areas that some of these killers have PTSD and should be sent to seek help instead of imprisoned. Can't be. If so that's an indictment of the whole damn state for gross negligence and incompetence.

If you telling me gang members in the Chi got PTSD and other post war trauma it's time for federal martial law.
I just came back from Chicago over the weekend. The local cnn said the bulk of shootings were in roseland, gresham and englewood. The also ran a segment after saying its social media blowing the killings out of proportion and the cities no more violent than it's ever been. As long as the killings stay south of south loop, the city will continue to sweep it under the rug. I can't speak for west but the south side has a ton of cribs that can be rented for $600-$700 a month, and it's not prime real estate because it's far out from downtown, so good look with trying to change all that.
Someone gets it.

This isn't an "American problem". It's an "American creation". These things are happening because they are SUPPOSED to be happening. The plan is to let them kill each other off in their own isolated areas.

When you pull up the most violent cities in the world...there is a reason why the majority of the lists are made up of places in third world countries. These are places in extreme poverty with a complete lack of resources. So ask yourself...how is what's happening in Chicago and other inner cities...happening in America? The land of "freedom and prosperity". The land that is still the supreme world power and leader in GDP despite a "collapsing economy"? 

How is this happening? If you believe that the people caught up in this ******** are solely responsible for why and how they got there...you're as dumb as they are.

Keep thinking that this is a "black problem" and that it's ONLY happening because of a "lack of family values and education. Let's talk about why and how those things came to be in the first place...and then we can talk about a solution. 
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Auto correct I guess. I was tryna type media
In that case...no...this isn't happening BECAUSE of the media. They don't cause it...they just sensationalize it.

Answer this for me...why has there been such a HUGE focus in the media on what's going in Chicago within these past 4 years...when the murder rate was actually higher in the 4 years prior?

Guess what big movement coincides directly with the spike in media coverage...
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I did not bring up any LA laws. You said NYC did not have a long history of gangs when I brought up how NYC turned around it's crime problem which was a small part to you mainly talking about the large amount of incarceration in the Chi and how the problem with all the killings were the lack of good leadership. You then brought up the gangs in LA and the Mexican mafia and their leadership in keeping dumb young criminals from doing dirt without permission from higher up. I simply replied that in LA the reason it's like that is smart criminals set up a organizational structure to better maneuver and defend against law enforcement. I aint mention 3 strikes law, I aint say nothing about stop and frisk in nyc or even the Rico laws. All I said was smart criminals adapted so it wouldn't be harder for them for them to do what they do.

Quite frankly I'd have to ask even if all the gang leaders from the Chi are incarcerated that doesn't address them not having a similar organizational system to control and guide their gang affiliates on the outside. You've repeatedly made it seem like all the leaders and possible criminals in charge are all locked up leaving the young and dumb gangs to run around killing ppl with no coordination or leadership. I'm saying if that's the case it should be even easier for the police to stop that kind of crime. I'll continue to focus on the police and the ADA and the politicians that lets this type of increasing crime flourish like it aint no thing. Seems since it remains in specific areas they don't care about those ppl and are fine with them killing each other off.

Anyway to address, this post more directly. If the whole family banging then put the whole family under the prison. Aint no room for letting a culture of gang banging continue to spread in the community. There should be no excuse for the culture of the community to be banging.

Again I'm not talking about petty theft. I'm talking about murderers. This thread is about the murderers. Not vandalism, not loitering, not public intoxication. I'm talking about putting all of the murderers away. I'm talking about getting rid of the majority of illegal and insanely dangerous firearms find their way in to the hands of teenagers. You may want to seek a different solution for those specific ppl but that's where we will disagree. It's gonna cost money tp do that and I understand that perfectly.

As for the vets with PTSD I'm stil understanding why you're bringing that up other than to say the tax money used on prisons could be used for mental health issues. I'm saying putting away murderers is more important. We could compromise and just bring back capital punishment in Illinois full bore. I don't believe you're trying to suggest that cuz of the long history of gang banging and killing in these Chi areas that some of these killers have PTSD and should be sent to seek help instead of imprisoned. Can't be. If so that's an indictment of the whole damn state for gross negligence and incompetence.

If you telling me gang members in the Chi got PTSD and other post war trauma it's time for federal martial law.

So from a law enforcement and political perspective they don't care enough. They don't care to put an end to or even curb a bunch of gangs that have no leadership and are in the streets committing dumb crimes.

I can't completely buy you putting this on the incarceration rate and lack of good gang leadership. The whole reason you need an okay for a hit in LA from top brass is because of how severe their law is. Nobody want these kind of problems for the entire fam when **** goes down let alone when some punk makes a dumb move that can put everybody away. So they instill fear and a pretty strict organized structure. So if the Chi lacks that it should be even easier to round up a bunch of idiots with guns that don't value their lives.
Maybe you should re-read what I said instead of going back to quote me cuz yeah I think something got confused.

You brought up LA and the leaders of their gangs, mafia, criminal organization. I explained why some new banger would need the okay to do something and why it's like that. All of that was in response to you bringing it up. I did not independently bring up or their laws. It was in response to you talking about how LA had crime leaders and the Chi didn't cuz they're incarcerated.

The whole war vets thing just confused me but I see what you were trying to compare and connect in your post now.
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In that case...no...this isn't happening BECAUSE of the media. They don't cause it...they just sensationalize it.

Answer this for me...why has there been such a HUGE focus in the media on what's going in Chicago within these past 4 years...when the murder rate was actually higher in the 4 years prior?

Guess what big movement coincides directly with the spike in media coverage...
South Chicago was wild scary when stateway, ickies, tre bomb, dearborne, robert taylors etc... was active but the media wasn't even trying to show how ugly that was. Cabrini of course had to go because that was near north prime real estate, Mohawk Ave is amazing now. Social media gives people a more personal connection to issues, but if you been thru the area today is a better day to be in Chicago than in the past. I only know two areas, DC and Chicago and the gentrification like they did in DC would take too long in a city like Chicago, the geography and demographic is completely different. 100,000 blacks to a near mill between south and west is a different scenario.
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Until these kids change their mentality nothing will change in Chicago.
Everything in life starts out first as an idea.

And somehow they have the idea that gangs hold some kind of actual importance in real life. To the point that they will kill or even die for their gang. When arent they really all the same?
Its the pinnacle of stupidity. Why play a game that you know is designed for you to lose?

And Im not buying that whole" thats all they know" bs *** garbage *** excuse either. It was one thing in the 90s when gangs were killing each other because they were isolated to their own cities and neighborhoods. But now the internet and social media exists. Everybody from everywhere is up on the same ****.
Anyone can aspire to be anything these days, and all the collective knowledge about how to achieve that goal is right at anyone's fingertips.

The problem is these fools aspire to be gangstas. And at a young age when they dont know **** but think they got the entire world figured out.
At that age when egos and foolish pride means more to them than anything else.

Its a shame what our communities have been reduced to, due in large part to the extreme amounts ignorance that we knowingly accept.
Its sad really
The solution is so easy to understand, if we took the time to look within.

Use your mind friends.. be safe, spread the love nd most of all .... Stay freshhhh !! :smokin :smokin :smokin

lol this kid is freshhhhh !! :smokin :smokin :smokin .. he stay reppin :nthat: :nthat:

And another useless post by this guy.

Estimated minimum 5 reps.

With all due respect, i could care less lmaoooo.. just being honest :smokin :smokin .. but its all good brother, no shade. Live your life :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

#5rep minimum lol #niceeeeeeeee !! :pimp: :pimp:

- much luv, stay freshhhhh !! :smokin :smokin :smokin #smileyboys :wink:

.. ps check out the music forum today, i posted something pretty cool.. vibe to it :nthat: :nthat:

http://niketalk.com/t/600164/koudie...te-session-whiskey-strippers-ep-smokin-smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin
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