|| FIFA 17 Thread || Release Date-- Sept. 27 || Demo is out

Another French/Ligue 1 fan :smokin  That attack is looking mean
Have you tried Aurier at RB? Kinda wish I did that Kurzawa sbc. I use TOTGS Sidibe as my LB and he's great but would've liked to try out Kurzawa too. Back when I played a 4321 I tried out Di Maria but didn't really like him. I always used Ousmane Dembélé as my RF and Memphis as LF before switching to a 41212-2 formation

I use Aurier pretty often. Also sub in Coman, Ben Arfa, and Tolisso
Lost 4 games in pks so far during this weekend league :smh:

Won my last 10 games to make it to elite 3 though. :smokin Lost two straight before that and thought Gold was as far as I was going to get

Teams were more stacked since the last time I played WL. Played TOTY ronaldo 5 times :x
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Why does it always feel like my players move slower than my comp on ultimate team
My first instincts are lag and input delay. A more unpopular opinion is scripting/momentum favoring your opponent.

How I battle this is to pause whenever my fastest player gets caught more times than not. I change my analog sprint to off. If its off already, I turn it on. For some reason it works a majority of the time. Gotta fight the lag/scripting by improvising sometimes :lol:
Promoted to Div 4 for first time, gonna see if I can finally qualify for weekend league.
@Colombia peep da Belgian diamond
That Belgian greatness 

Ironically I don't have a single Belgian player in either of my 2 squads 
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Ive used Dendoncker in a few hybrid belgian sqauds in the past that 90 card for him got me interested

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Won the KO tourney and got the Sigurdsson card.

He's a little bit slow on the ball, but he can hit some long shots.

Also a FK specialist.
Won the KO tourney and got the Sigurdsson card.

He's a little bit slow on the ball, but he can hit some long shots.

Also a FK specialist.
I'd throw an engine chem style on em. Would bring up his pace a little and his agility and balance which should help him run alot better on the ball
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Kane cant get it sinces hes already in BPL TOTS. Imagine the hurt to pack his in form but not his TOTS lol.
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lol true.

but still, 7 goals in 2 games.

Something tells me they're gonna do some type of SBC for his golden boot award.

because EA only gives a **** about the Prem.
Wished I placed in the top 100 for this TOTW :wow:

EA going out with a bang. Glad I sold Son :lol: . Going to sell that ST Martial and buy his first IF now
I would LOVE golden boot SBC for Kane. it would be poetic to retire my POTM Kane for that SBC if it was one of the requirements to use a special Kane 
They would have to make the SBC incredibly challenging and expensive. almost like the David luiz one.

No funny business like they did for son.

Keep his rating the same as his TOTS. Like they did for kante with his TOTS and PFA card.
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That 90 CAM Son would be too expensive for me anyway, glad I got the POTM which was relatively cheap for a god-tier player.
I just looked at all the stats on that TOTS Gleson Martins and holy ****. Imma get that card for my bench. Pozuelo too I like their stats on their TOTS
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