Final : ******** [13] Cowboys [7] - 9.12.2010 - Sunday Night Football - WK 1


Man I swear Garrett is so overrated man. That offense is WAY to good to only score 6 points in ANY game against ANY defense.

Man I swear Garrett is so overrated man. That offense is WAY to good to only score 6 points in ANY game against ANY defense.
Originally Posted by SomethingDunk

Trelvis Tha Thrilla wrote:
This will be a sloppy game. Cowboys win 17-10.
Cool. I was wrong. It happens. Not like I predicted something outrageous.

Game was sloppy though.
Originally Posted by RoOk


Man I swear Garrett is so overrated man. That offense is WAY to good to only score 6 points in ANY game against ANY defense.
He needs to get the axe. I'm tired of his stupid calls and and plays hurtin us. We got so many weapons to not be rollin through teams. Especially the NFC East

Originally Posted by RoOk


Man I swear Garrett is so overrated man. That offense is WAY to good to only score 6 points in ANY game against ANY defense.
He needs to get the axe. I'm tired of his stupid calls and and plays hurtin us. We got so many weapons to not be rollin through teams. Especially the NFC East

Originally Posted by SomethingDunk

Trelvis Tha Thrilla wrote:
This will be a sloppy game. Cowboys win 17-10.
Cool. I was wrong. It happens. Not like I predicted something outrageous.

Game was sloppy though.
3 seconds to go, you cant throw that flag... come on... let em play it out... game was *%+*@!@!... take a knee at the half... and dont wait till 2 mins left to turn it on... i swear these fools play like the lakers... why not come out with that energy on the opening drive... ugghhh
3 seconds to go, you cant throw that flag... come on... let em play it out... game was *%+*@!@!... take a knee at the half... and dont wait till 2 mins left to turn it on... i swear these fools play like the lakers... why not come out with that energy on the opening drive... ugghhh
I'm sorry, but Jason Garrett is an idiot. 1) for not running the ball...Barber/Jones would have been the death of the Skins and, 2) that AWFUL playcall before the end of the 1st half. Sure, Phillips could have overturned it...but who makes a call like that? Wow....also in thinking about it, Romo should get some blame for the lateral rather than throwing the ball can blame Garrett, Phillips, Romo, and Choice...all of them dudes are at fault

Dez Bryant is strong as %%%%, but DeAngelo Hall did a nice job on him all night. They were forcing throws to him and made it easy for DB's to stop him before he could get some YAC. I hate everything about Miles Austin from his teeth to his facemask, but damn....that dude is a frickin beast. Last year was no fluke.

*Laron game in his Skins career. Aside from that missed tackle of Romo, dude looked like he knew what he was doing out there. 17 tackles
Keep that dude close to the LOS at all times...if the skins wanna slow down the Texans next week, he's going to have to bottle up Foster.

It was an ugly win, but I'll take it. In years past, Skins usually found a way to lose that game....

**Random...but why do Romo's sleeves on his jersey go to his elbows?  Got that Terry Bradshaw look
I'm sorry, but Jason Garrett is an idiot. 1) for not running the ball...Barber/Jones would have been the death of the Skins and, 2) that AWFUL playcall before the end of the 1st half. Sure, Phillips could have overturned it...but who makes a call like that? Wow....also in thinking about it, Romo should get some blame for the lateral rather than throwing the ball can blame Garrett, Phillips, Romo, and Choice...all of them dudes are at fault

Dez Bryant is strong as %%%%, but DeAngelo Hall did a nice job on him all night. They were forcing throws to him and made it easy for DB's to stop him before he could get some YAC. I hate everything about Miles Austin from his teeth to his facemask, but damn....that dude is a frickin beast. Last year was no fluke.

*Laron game in his Skins career. Aside from that missed tackle of Romo, dude looked like he knew what he was doing out there. 17 tackles
Keep that dude close to the LOS at all times...if the skins wanna slow down the Texans next week, he's going to have to bottle up Foster.

It was an ugly win, but I'll take it. In years past, Skins usually found a way to lose that game....

**Random...but why do Romo's sleeves on his jersey go to his elbows?  Got that Terry Bradshaw look
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