From Seattle Times:
It can now be told secondhand at least: The man behind the big bash at Gas Works Park Saturday night was big-time Seattle businessman Stuart Sloan. That's according to the fellow who runs the concession stand at the park. George Wood said he'd been given Sloan's name by Gary Tucker, spokesman for The Workshop, which staged the event. Tucker did not return calls today.
Wood said the party was celebration of Sloan's wedding and that partygoers arrived via Ride the Ducks tourist boats.
Sloan has been a longtime newsmaker in Seattle with interests that have ranged from the QFC grocery chain to Seattle's University Village shopping center to high-tech companies. He was also the man behind an eight-year program of $1 million-a-year gifts to the Central Area's T.T. Minor Elementary School.
Last week, some neighbors in Wallingford were grumbling that a private party could take over part of Gas Works Park, but others were just curious to know who was behind what looked to be a pretty pricey event.
Several large, white tents resembling the shells of the Sydney Opera House went up last week, followed by lighting and sound equipment. Performers could be heard rehearsing in preparation for the main event.
Even people who live beyond Wallingford heard the fireworks Saturday night, which were loud enough to set off car alarms across Lake Union.
Seattle parks officials said last week that the permit for the party requires that the tents be gone by Monday.
Joelle Ligon, a parks spokeswoman, said it's not unusual for private groups to rent Gas Works Park for events. This year the park has been the site of 18 weddings, 145 picnics, 12 film sessions and 12 special events, she said.
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