Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties

Ain’t nothin gonna change any time soon. Too much money/power in the NRA and their supporters to get any significant changes surrounding any gun control

Everybody gets offended by everything now, so it’s gonna be a **** storm of debate from both sides, but much isn’t gonna change
I think this shooting actually happened. The footage in the school looked too real. Sandy hook on the other hand, joint seemed fishy. I haven't ruled out crisis actors for that; YouTube the videos. Don't know what false flag is.
Ain’t nothin gonna change any time soon. Too much money/power in the NRA and their supporters to get any significant changes surrounding any gun control

Everybody gets offended by everything now, so it’s gonna be a **** storm of debate from both sides, but much isn’t gonna change
Wheres the debate? One side is providing facts and evidence to support a valid claim while the other just keeps pointing at an amendment that doesn’t even back their argument since there is no militia in question to begin with.

The fact is white christian men won’t surrender their generations of genetic physical inferiority in exchange for logical safety.

When the guy asking the question says "hold bad guys accountable" i wonder exactly what he has in mind. Criminal accountability isn't the issue, prevention is the issue. We know they're wrong, but we don't have a way to stop it.

I swear it's so strange how people worship the constitution and amendments like it was written by a Godly figure.
I'm not sure these republicans realize that most of those senior kids will be old enough to vote come November. Their days are numbered :lol
“Rifles don’t have to be registered in Michigan .”

Yet if you get caught driving an unregistered car it is illegal here. Smh.
The suggestion to arm teachers with guns lets you know how far away we are from any sort of solution to this epidemic.
There is no solution because there is no problem.
These are instances....wait let me rephrase....
I believe they are instances.
The coverage a shooting gets can be likened to the thrill one gets when they roast someone on Twitter/IG and get hundreds/thousands of likes/retweets.
Try and ban guns or arm teachers? Won't help. Kids will build guns or shoot teachers. Build bombs.

Are mass shootings a problem, yes.
But to approach these instances as of they are problems with a solution such as banning Guns or arming teachers, is a circle jerk.

Nobody wants to admit the true problem.
If there is one.

Tornados are going to ravish my State for generations to come. They are instances.

Can we ban tornados? No more than we can ban Guns or arm teachers and call it the solution.
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