Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties

How’d that middle school kid even get those guns? Families should have guns locked up tight. They make their damn cellphones hard to unlock but they don’t know their kids took their guns and brought them to school.
I'm very aware of issues such as toxic masculinity, media, mental health, etc etc.

Insane gun culture, and laws that hurt the general public and benefit the gun lobby are still a MAJOR part of the problem. And in theory is the lowest effort (vote the right people into office) highest yield solution to this problem. To ban assault rifles. It's much more straightforward than breaking down and reconstructing concepts of masculinity etc.

I'd ask if you're for having legal ownership of those killing machines, but honestly I don't really even care and have no interest in debating it. I'm against it and any sensible person that even half-way understands the value life should be as well.

saying this implies that a middle schooler is worried about his male image which caused him to bring a gun to school. value of life has been debated endlessly in these gun debates. and i dont care to explain once again why someone who values saving the most lives possible wants to attack the tool responsible for the least amount of deaths when it comes to guns. Gun culture combined with the KIDS lack of value of life = a school shooting every other week. kids have been around forever. guns have been around forever. schools have been around forever. the only thing new is school shootings being an epidemic.

How’d that middle school kid even get those guns? Families should have guns locked up tight. They make their damn cellphones hard to unlock but they don’t know their kids took their guns and brought them to school.

bingo. parents imo are MORE to blame than the kids themselves. kids are inherently dumb. if you have a kid in the house and you're a gun owner you have to be held and hold yourself, to a higher standard. some parents believe in educating their kids about guns so they "respect" them. they tell their kids theres guns in the house and show them where they are. i dont even know where i stand on that tbh. i want to teach my kid guns are not toys, and are last resort POWERFUL weapons. and when they see em to SCRAM. period. but then a part of me looks at todays society and wants them to know the basic info like counting shots, and to unload them EVERY time they get the chance to. but i duno i feel like that is planting a seed.

these parents leave their guns around trusting that their under 18 year old kid will make a mature decision when their feelings are hurt. and its stupid. and it costs peoples lives. parents should be charged with whatever their kids do, along with tacking on criminal negligence and a host of other ****. bet parents tighten up when they know its their *** on the line too. like why the hell does your MIDDLE SCHOOLER know where your gun is? like really????
Gun violence in the United States will never end.
its not that it wont EVER end. its that our entire country is sick. and we will remain sick until we confront all the issues head on. and our nation just isnt ready for that. half the nation still believes racism is a thing of the past, and that a racial divide FORMED under obama. theyre not ready to tackle issues that face everyone like gun violence yet. we're another 100 years off at minimum. or... we need a common enemy to unite us. either way, its a looooooong ways off.

video shows the mindstate of this kid. "im gonna be the next school shooter of 2018. my goal is at least 20 people." "[...] its about to be a biiiiiiiiiig event. when you see me on the news, youll all know who i am. hehehe youre all going to die. pew pew pew pew pew pew."

this is EXACTLY what ive been talking about nonstop. hes talking about being a school shooter like thats a desirable title to have. he has a goal of bodies to drop. dude calls it an 'event' like its something to behold, and not a massacre or tragedy. then of course, hes looking forward to being all over the news. these kids want ATTENTION. infamy. blame the gun all you want. but when the kids have this sort of mindset and outlook towards human life... that other kids are just pawns to be sacrificed in order to get on the news and be known worldwide... aint no law stopping that. these kids are ****ing sick.
Annnnnnnd where are the parents? Good kid right? There’s absolutely no reason why the parents don’t notice him being gone, guns missing, etc. this is yet another sign of parental negligence

Enough BS side stepping, there are 2 major problems here

1. Parent (lack of) support
2. Guns
Should still ban semi automatic rifles and limit clips to 4-6

Y'all can pretend to have big dicks with bolt action rifles. Everyone wins.
Annnnnnnd where are the parents? Good kid right? There’s absolutely no reason why the parents don’t notice him being gone, guns missing, etc. this is yet another sign of parental negligence

Enough BS side stepping, there are 2 major problems here

1. Parent (lack of) support
2. Guns

There's usually signs, but parents (or loved ones) usually ignore them because they don't want to believe that their child has a mental illness.
Man you gotta come up with something better than this every single time. It’s not even an answer that benefits your stance. It actually just doubles down on more regulation across the board

My stance is that all guns kill and if you are shooting unarmed, unprepared people from the distances that school shootings usually take place anything Ibigger than a .22 is going to cause wanton death.

If you are looking to kill people at close range which is the distance what most school shootings take place an AR-15 isn't even the gun to use.

It actually is a shotgun and now one has been used we are still talking about semi automatics and magazine capacities even though the Parkland shooter had 10 round magazines.
My stance is that all guns kill and if you are shooting unarmed, unprepared people from the distances that school shootings usually take place anything Ibigger than a .22 is going to cause wanton death.

If you are looking to kill people at close range which is the distance what most school shootings take place an AR-15 isn't even the gun to use.

It actually is a shotgun and now one has been used we are still talking about semi automatics and magazine capacities even though the Parkland shooter had 10 round magazines.
AGAIN, NONE of that helps your stance on gun ownership. Your counterpoint to keep a deadly weapon is that there are more deadly weapons.

We can end it at that becuase I already know where you’re going next.

1. You can’t take all the guns away
2. You can’t stop everyone
3. Is our right

I’m good
AGAIN, NONE of that helps your stance on gun ownership. Your counterpoint to keep a deadly weapon is that there are more deadly weapons

Frankly at this point nothing I type on this message board is going to change anyone's stances, I'm simply trying to provide an informed opposing viewpoint.

As long as children want to kill other children to the point to where they don't care about the consequences the tools they use aren't as important as why they keep thinking this action is a solution.
Only sell muskets, no other guns. Takes like 2-4 minutes to reload them with putting the munition and powder in with a rod.
Frankly at this point nothing I type on this message board is going to change anyone's stances, I'm simply trying to provide an informed opposing viewpoint.

As long as children want to kill other children to the point to where they don't care about the consequences the tools they use aren't as important as why they keep thinking this action is a solution.
No no I’m not sitting here attempting to change your mind, nor am I saying any of this in an offensive manner. We can disagree and be fine

At this point all I’m saying is the “what about this shooting??” argument isnt valid.
That’s why I said stop selling guns. At least stop selling to white people. If the parents don’t have them, the kids can’t take them.

damn never i thought id see u talk against white ppl like this

esp after how you came at me for talking about white people

There's usually signs, but parents (or loved ones) usually ignore them because they don't want to believe that their child has a mental illness.

bingo. nobody wants to believe their little timmy is dangerous. so what, he just killed a few animals for no reason. hes just being a boy! so what i caught him playing with my gun when i came home... hes just being curious! ok ok, sure timmy might have some anger/rage issues that make him violent... but that doesnt mean i need to infringe on MY rights and have my guns put up somewhere he cant get to them

If you’re present the way you’re supposed to be as a parent there are ALWAYS signs.
oh this is flat out ignorant. you telling me you never hid anything from your parents? i had girls sleeping in my room overnight, upstairs, and my house had a full alarm system that i figured out how to silently bypass on a single entry at a time, as a 15 year old. ive had the swat called to my house before and my mom still doesnt know. PLENTY of secrets exist in that damn house lol. a parent being "present" doesnt mean anything. if there are signs, then cool...dont ignore em. but dont just write off all situations as oh mustve been a bad parent if the kid is a **** up.

My stance is that all guns kill and if you are shooting unarmed, unprepared people from the distances that school shootings usually take place anything Ibigger than a .22 is going to cause wanton death.

If you are looking to kill people at close range which is the distance what most school shootings take place an AR-15 isn't even the gun to use.

It actually is a shotgun and now one has been used we are still talking about semi automatics and magazine capacities even though the Parkland shooter had 10 round magazines.

wanna make a small correction here. a .22 was actually the weapon of choice for a while for the mobs and mafia. bullet is too common, too cheap, and because its small bounces around like crazy. its also the only round you can completely silence just like in the movies.

but. yes. in a school setting any gun is doing big damage. also. shotguns have BEEN used. columbine in fact. but the narrative is to stop ARs so thats what everyone will focus on.

That’s why I said stop selling guns. At least stop selling to white people. If the parents don’t have them, the kids can’t take them.

stop selling guns, and the value of the 300 million in circulation just skyrocketed. backdoor and under the counter sales skyrocket. meaning a lot more illegal/untraceable transactions. saying if the parents dont have em, kids cant take em... shifts blame off the parents. its like when fat people say "dont put x delicious food in front of me, cuz im on a diet." no. removing a stimuli doesnt solve a problem. cuz as soon as u can get to it, youll engage it. removing the DESIRE to react to stimuli is solving the problem.

example, if you're fat... you need to get to a point where you can see fast food and sweets etc and not be tempted to pull over. liken this to saying as long as kids dont have guns in front of em they wont kill anyone... that just means you have a bunch of murderous psychos waiting for the opportunity. so taking guns from parents, isnt the answer.

also. if you were to single out white people to do a gun ban on... ALL HELL WOULD BREAK LOOSE. the rust and bible belt gun owners would very likely wage war on everyone else. and by day 3 you'd be calling for all minorities to arm themselves just to resist against it. lets not even go down that road.
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