Yeah I don’t like offsets either, I gave mine away.

I get better results with my Webber kettle than the offset but can’t fit a whole lot in there when you’re smoking.

Lunch for today supporting my Hawaiian food spot in Cerritos. I was craving it today and definitely worth it :pimp:

808 Hawaiian Grill
Jack-In-The-Box Taco style. Guilty pleasure of mine when I was still eating meat...or in the case of those tacos “meat”...
Bean Curd

But it was so good, until I got food poisoning once. I think it was the cheese. Pissed from my *** for like 2 weeks.

Never went back but i can already taste those tacos in my mouth, with the hot sauce.
what else does she put in it or is it just the oxtails
when i ask my wife to make my plate
i tell her just pick out the oxtails
i dont want nothing else
no rice on the side
not other stiff that was in the pot
just give me the meat
I like that consistency.
Sometimes I add a little peanut butter.

You can though.
What is your ratio of Soy Sauce to Vinegar? I made some Chicken (Boneless thighs) Adobo 2 weeks ago and it came out much better than the first time I tried.

I used a CUp of Soy and 1/3 of VInegar.

I added corn starch to thicken it.

Yes, with rice. Brown.
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