Pause bout bust

Fiyah fi dat

I think "bragging" is a stretch. For me, at least.

I just legit don't understand the appeal. Loaded with sugar and empty calories to where the enjoyment: health detriment ratio is completely out of whack.

This extends to all sugary drinks though. I'm not a beverage boy by any stretch of the imagination. Not something I ever crave.
I think "bragging" is a stretch. For me, at least.

I just legit don't understand the appeal. Loaded with sugar and empty calories to where the enjoyment: health detriment ratio is completely out of whack.

This extends to all sugary drinks though. I'm not a beverage boy by any stretch of the imagination. Not something I ever crave.

the appeal for me is the ice cold sweetness + carbonation next to a super salter burger and fries (most fast food). outside of that type of meal, it's not something I would ever crave
I think "bragging" is a stretch. For me, at least.

I just legit don't understand the appeal. Loaded with sugar and empty calories to where the enjoyment: health detriment ratio is completely out of whack.

This extends to all sugary drinks though. I'm not a beverage boy by any stretch of the imagination. Not something I ever crave.
Same here. I just don't like the taste of sodas. Kinna like pineapple pizza. Not my thing.
Thats some lucky ****.

Its like when you see mold on a piece of bread.

You can't just rip that piece off and eat the rest.

The mold is all over the loaf by that point.

****** done got food poison from the most delicious of meals.
jape jape explicitly stated that you need to look at your food.

It should be understood that mold floating around in a plastic bag on a porous food is a no-go.
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