Red chilli flakes and or tapatio on my pizza
parm and red pepp, keep the rest
Every pizza joint ever has that fat lil glass jar of red pepper at every table. I've always had trouble with spicy **** so I never bothered to try.
Tried it once a few years ago. Not too much. Few little sprinkles, but all over the gooey cheese. I had my phone so I recorded the experience:
Ranch enjoyers are second-class citizens.

The only reason I ever eat ranch or have ever had it in my fridge is because of my wife. She took the liberty of drizzling a decent one she "made" on my dinner last night before I took a pic for NT. :lol:

Blue cheese is the superior white dipping sauce.
There’s a difference in application and if you won’t acknowledge that then I shall assume you’re a Neanderthal that puts ketchup on their fries to eat it, rather than dipping it.
Nice try deflecting from your poor taste spike
If you like Ranch with your pizza, just ask yourself: When was the last time you saw Ranch dressing used in Italian Cuisine? Exactly :lol:
I love black pepper, but on pizza red pepper flakes is the way to go...some red pepper, garlic, and oregano :pimp:

Ranch>>>blue cheese for wings etc...but Ranch on pizza?! :smh: Thanks some psycho behavior like putting pineapple on pizza
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