Absolutely. I'm very passionate about this issue and I try to spread the gospel whenever possible. A grill can't possibly provide the crust that a cast iron can. My only concern about your steak is the exterior you present in your pictures. Are you a "one flip only" type of person, or do you flip continuously until the exterior reaches its desired crust? I'm a "one flip" person and I like my exterior to look like this:

That crispy exterior with the juicy/tender interior makes all the difference.

That is some good color
I prefer the smokiness that cooking a steak on a grill gives.

The crust I usually get from that direct fire is usually on point
I prefer the smokiness that cooking a steak on a grill gives.

The crust I usually get from that direct fire is usually on point
It's different schools of thought, really. If I'm thinking "smoky," I'm thinking big hunks of BBQ (brisket, pork butt, beef ribs, etc.) cooked low and slow on the smoker or marinated cheaper cuts of steak.

More expensive/marbled steaks deserve special treatment. A nice thick ribeye or NY strip deserves the cast iron treatment with the rosemary/thyme/garlic butter baste.
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