Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

[h1]Wife chops off cheating husband’s penis, twice[/h1]
Fan Lung, a dad of five, sealed his fate when he decided to use his wife’s cellphone to send his secret lover a hot and heavy email, Central European News reports.

The 32-year-old forgot to log out of his account after the message was sent, which is how his 21-year-old wife, Feng — who is now under arrest for grievous bodily harm — came across the saucy exchange and snapped.

The jilted wife went berserk, grabbed a pair of scissors, stormed into their bedroom and cut off his penis while he was sleeping.

Lung was rushed to the hospital, where doctors were able to save the appendage and sew it back on.

But Feng was able to sneak into the recovery room, where she chopped his penis off a second time and threw it out the window, according to CEN.

Despite desperate search efforts, authorities were unable to find Lung’s manhood. Police believe it may have been stumbled upon by a stray dog or cat, according to CEN.
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Don't know if I should embed

she sliced my mans stuff off TWICE? Either death penalty or under the jail. Nothing else is an acceptable punishment. Thats actually heinous. And who let her into his room to begin with!? HES HERE BECAUSE HIS WIFE SLICED HIS MEAT OFF... WHY WOULD YOU TELL THIS WIFE WHERE HES RECOVERING!?!?! everybody gettin sued.

the stance and the thank u to himself is awesome :lol:

i know he slipped up but it's classic regardless ...
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