FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
apocalypse didn't even make it passed this movie. Thought he was the most powerful mutant? An entire movie about his egyptian life would have been better.
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I got around to watching it...smfh. Cut it out with Mystique. Source material. Sure, take your own creative liberties. But the comics are templates. Make use.
Apocalypse should never be a one-off villain. Didn't do the character any justice. We can all agree the appearance was terrible. Dude wasn't even menacing man. How you the height of your disciples fam.
I'm not tryna sound like a MCU stan, I have my gripes with them too. But in this instance they should have taken a page from them and follow suit. Like Thanos, Apocalypse should have been the ominous threat looming over a couple of films. The final battle was meh, anticlimactic. These characters were wasted. I wanted to see Jubilation Lee twiddle her fingers to pop just one firework son. One. Cyclops making boss moves off rip was great. Fassbender & McAvoy as always, great. And again the greatest highlight, second movie in a row. Was Quicksilver.
Two Hollywood Director That Helped Get Deadpool Made

While Ryan Reynolds and Tim Miller are widely acknowledged as the pair that helped get the hugely successful Deadpool off the ground, it seems there was another Hollywood twosome that assisted in getting the film the green light; directors James Cameron and David Fincher. According to co-screenwriter Rhett Reese, the unwavering support from the two directors helped convince Fox to go ahead with the project, though Fox aimed for a PG-13 rating at first. “They read the script each of them at two independent key moments during the script's development” said Reese.“And each one of them was kind enough to go to 20th Century Fox and essentially throw in their good word just saying 'Hey, what are you guys doing with Deadpool? You should be making this!' David was a help before Jim and he was just kind of nudging along the way. And then Jim ultimately weighed in in a key decision node moment and got Fox to free up some money to try a PG-13 draft at the time - that was not Jim's idea, that was Fox's idea. But I think a project that is dormant often just suffers from neglect, and I think having those powerful people weigh in at certain times just lodged with Fox and I think it had a cumulative effect more than anything.”

Director Tim Miller also had high praise for Cameron and Fincher: “First of all they're probably mad at me for ever having... because that was never intended to be public knowledge! Listen - the industry listens to tastemakers and you could not find two gentlemen who have better taste in what should become a movie or be made into a movie and so I just thought that maybe they could help push the boulder up the hill a little bit, which they kindly did.”
Wow that's cool. Even the most talented saw the potential.

It would be :wow: if Cameron or Fincher were willing to helm the he X-MEN or other movies in the universe.

Cameron just needs to ditch Avatar. Come back to his former glory since his last good movie he directed that wasn't a doc was Titanic (and to be clear since then he's only directed Avatar, it's like he semi-retired).
Wow that's cool. Even the most talented saw the potential.

It would be :wow: if Cameron or Fincher were willing to helm the he X-MEN or other movies in the universe.

Cameron just needs to ditch Avatar. Come back to his former glory since his last good movie he directed that wasn't a doc was Titanic (and to be clear since then he's only directed Avatar, it's like he semi-retired).

I don't Fincher would ever do a CBM just doesn't seem his type of films, but YES to Cameron.

He won't drop Avatar sadly , I mean he made the most successful movie box office wise. He had the visuals and just made dances with Wolves in space basically and made billions :smh:

They should have kept Vaughn, but I think he didn't want to. I'm big fan of Jeff Nichols ( take shelter, mud and midnight special) dude is extremely talented and has made great movies with limited budgets but solid ideas, Midnight special is one of the better independent sci if movies I've seen sense Moon.
Vaughn left to do Kingsman. I'm pretty sure if they would have waited (reminds me of the X3 thing) he would have done it.
Oh yeah I know Fincher won't :lol: but I can entertain that dream with my imagination.

However, he did direct Alien 3 and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Couple that with the tone of Seven and you got a dope superhero movie. Just need to find the right character or hell create one.

And yeah, Vaughn totally chose to do Kingsman instead and I don't blame him but I will say he's the one that gave us mutant and proud JLaw as Mystique in the first place :x I also wonder if he would've went with the decade a movie thing.
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Oh yeah I know Fincher won't :lol: but I can entertain that dream with my imagination.

However, he did direct Alien 3 and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Couple that with the tone of Seven and you got a dope superhero movie. Just need to find the right character or hell create one.

And yeah, Vaughn totally chose to do Kingsman instead and I don't blame him but I will say he's the one that gave us mutant and proud JLaw as Mystique in the first place :x I also wonder if he would've went with the decade a movie thing.

I don't think he would have done that. The big jumps in time just seem like Singer is in a rush to get to present day but keep the same actors.
Oh yeah I know Fincher won't :lol: but I can entertain that dream with my imagination.

However, he did direct Alien 3 and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Couple that with the tone of Seven and you got a dope superhero movie. Just need to find the right character or hell create one.

And yeah, Vaughn totally chose to do Kingsman instead and I don't blame him but I will say he's the one that gave us mutant and proud JLaw as Mystique in the first place :x I also wonder if he would've went with the decade a movie thing.

I can excuse Jlaw for the dope *** Magneto and Prof X.
At first I could too. Fass and Mac are so damn good but 3 movies she begins to take away more than making it easier to ignore her.

Mainly cuz JLaw stops trying acting wise so you don't even get her best effort (it's like she's tired of playing this sort of female character), the more importance she's given and then the repitive storyline between Magneto and Xavier. It does not evolve, there's no real arc. End of DofP gets ignored via 10 years passing :smh:
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I still don't get how at the end of DOFP she's disguised as Striker and takes Wolverine ...but he's with Striker in this movie.

Wtf ??!? Did they forget the end of th previous movie :lol:
James Cameron would be a great look..

Fincher, I would love for a wolverine movie or batman.. Would be cool to see him do watchmen
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I still don't get how at the end of DOFP she's disguised as Striker and takes Wolverine ...but he's with Striker in this movie.

Wtf ??!? Did they forget the end of th previous movie :lol:
I mentioned it too.

Its like he's saying despite Mystique saving him, being the first mutant she saves mind you that gets picked up on in this movie, it doesn't matter Stryker still captures and experiments on him.

Its similar to the same **** he pulls by having these movies 10 years a part so things can happen and a character can just mention it did with not much explanation. Word to the majority of the First Class cast being killed off :lol: Strongly imply a Brotherhood fighting the gov. but never show. Same way with Mags killing JFK of all presidents.

A year or so back before I knew details about this movie I figured the best way to give Wolverine his admantium back was to make him a brainwashed of Apocalypse. Its what they did in the comics when he lost them that time. But that's before I knew they weren't trying to have Wolverine in this movie at all. So we just get the pointless Weapon X scene.
At what point does singer stop getting the benefit of the doubt and people just call him a bad director

There are a whole lot of film makers who have 1 solid film to their credit

Damn. CBG19 got a studio show now.

They dumb as hell if there are plans for a mystique movie. No one gives a crap about that character or see it just because lawrence plays her.
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I knew what you were referencing right away but I ain't start blurting out laughter till I clicked that spoiler :rofl: :rofl:

Taking it back like 14-15 years :lol:
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