So in essence no waffle yesterday because basically the ppg value wasnt met :lol:

The point of a waffle isn't solely for the benefit of the participants, he had 4 slots unaccounted for, what did you expect him to do? Lose out on 40$ because?
Hard to lose out on money you never paid though..... :nerd:
Especially when metallic dooms value literally just shot up less than 2 months ago
Miss me with that
So in essence no waffle yesterday because basically the ppg value wasnt met :lol:
Yup which is even more insane considering we talked about the whole system for like 3 days and said dont expect getting full ppg for a lot of stuff. Especially with that piece being non stickered. It was already worth10/20%less anyway.
I would have understood if only 5 out of 15 slots were filled. But 11 out of 15 were.
This is the type of stuff that ruins waffle fun.
The common waffles arent seem to working out thats cool because the 2 ran so far have still given their pops out to the people interested.
Dont waffle it off if youre afraid of losing a little bit of value.. especially value you know you didnt pay anyway.

Can it still be rectified? Yes, but now we know about ya....
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He's fine. The premise was all slots needed to be filled.

@onlyXVbutHAVEallXIX glad you could put the gift card to use. How much was on it?

Not copping anything in stores today but I ate off that unexpected Walgreens drop yesterday :pimp: I was the first on eBay to list these three for pre-sale. Set a really high price, saw a bunch of other auctions pop up an hour later for around the price I set, then I came back in with the adjustment and set the lowest price on eBay. Everything flew. That strategy right there is one of the secrets of selling pops and how I absolutely crushed it on SDCC.

View media item 2189443
As soon as I get shipping confirmation for my Ahsoka order, I'll do a FREE waffle for her.
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See that's the issue with you guys and running these waffles....always too concern with how the waffler flourishes, how much they paid as opposed to how much they waffle for, etc...completely bypassing the fact that if you win, you scored a pop for maybe 1/10th its value...

Leave the waffles for the waffle groups, where everyone understands the nature of it and people don't catch feelings...

A waffler sets the price per slot, if slots are not filled, the waffler can run specials if they chose to, expecting the waffler to give away for 10$ slots just so that the participants can flourish is selfish....specially when the waffle wasn't even set above PPG....that's already a hook up in itself.
Hard to lose out on money you never paid though..... :nerd:
Especially when metallic dooms value literally just shot up less than 2 months ago
Miss me with that
Yup which is even more insane considering we talked about the whole system for like 3 days and said dont expect getting full ppg for a lot of stuff. Especially with that piece being non stickered. It was already worth10/20%less anyway.
I would have understood if only 5 out of 15 slots were filled. But 11 out of 15 were.
This is the type of stuff that ruins waffle fun.
The common waffles arent seem to working out thats cool because the 2 ran so far have still given their pops out to the people interested.
Dont waffle it off if youre afraid of losing a little bit of value.. especially value you know you didnt pay anyway.

Can it still be rectified? Yes, but now we know about ya....

Bro that's 4 10$ slots :rofl:

I could understand if we was talkin 4 2$ slots or some ***
But setting the waffle at PPG and then taking the hit 40$ below that because people don't want to participate in it, it's not cool....ya wanna enjoy waffles, fill the slots.

In the waffle groups, dude more than often set the value at 50$+ PPG or more specially for Grail pieces....nobody gets upset over it.
This is not the facebook waffle group tho. Dont compare us to them. Especially knowing NTers never want to pay full price. Yes someone can win a good piece with only 1/10 of the price but its a shady move to cancel your waffle all together because you couldnt get 150. And only was getting 110 for a piece only worth 130 at best.
This stuff isnt going to be fun to do if people keep pulling out for that foolishness. Again if he only had 5 people out of 15. Understandable. But 11 out of 15. Youre still getting a good value. Again i understand wantimg to get your money. But that couldve been a slot someone else filled for this so you can take ur piece over to ebay to get your additional 30/40 bucks.
Henny gave away 3 items valued more than what he got.
Omar giving his 3 away for the only 3 slots he had sold.
I ran/running my with the 3 other people interested.
Again its the fact youre taking away from the fun/point of these waffles because you want to squeeze out every last penny.
At worst case why not just keep the 15 slots sell em for 8. Make 120?
Squeezing every penny out is lame.
Miss me with the "keep it in real waffle groups to people who understand" we had 3 days of waffle negotiations you know what youre getting in to. You had since sunday to guage interest. Shouldve just told us Tuesday without the 4 slots you werent going to waffle why wait til wednesday.
This pitch forking couldve happened a day ago. Or more people couldve offered to take the spot or a different waffle in general.
Bro I've legit made friends on those groups just like you guys here...hell dudes have sent me free pop stacks and even a couple of free pops, this is not the only place with a sense of not about squeezing every penny, is about a way to move these around that we can all benefit and have fun with it...if I set my waffle with a certain value in mind with a number of slots, and each is worth 10$ and I'm 4 short I might run a special to fill those last 4, but if I don't is not MY fault it didn't cap, is ya fault for not filling them....expecting the waffler to take the L because of lack of participation is not fair, that's not the way these things bring that attitude to the groups that handle these things way better than NT could and you'll be banned with the quickness....they don't play that **** and that's why the ground s are fun and everyone enjoys it and everyone flourishes....I don't give a damn about the profit the waffler is making, good for him/ boy had 6 of 10 slots he won through mini waffles for a headless Ned, valued at 900$ waffle was pulled because at the end it didn't happens.....why didn't you buy another slot if you wanted the waffle ran so bad? Or anyone else for that matter so that it could have been filled? win you'd still be profiting
in my opinion the raffles benefit the seller more than the buyer... 10 a spot for a 16 people raffle thats like 160 bucks and the pop they raffle off is not that much...this is why i wouldnt do it...
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I didnt buy a slot because ialready have 2 dooms. Im caping for my NTers (if thats what you want to call me doing) i dont know how many times i need to reiterate i understand if he was only getting 50 or 60. But again trying to get full pog for a non stickered exclusive.....and one that just recently raised to the ppg that it is. Again it may be worth 130 shipped at best without the sticker. Homie couldve gotten not 40 but 20 dollars less.
Hell what happened to the joker waffle.? Why seperate the 2 why not had just joined them together?

I typically stay out of the arguments like this, but again this was all set up for NT fun. We voted. We wanted this. Theres even a rule of not getting over on people and thats whats happening.
But i digress..
Of course the man who's been fortunate enough to eat of raffles won't have anything bad to say. However, look at the clearer picture here and run the damn raffle as expected. Because you don't get max PPG, or more like we see Peru and Hennessy trying to do; yes we see y'all pimps handing out turkeys on thanksgiving to the poor; you're all of a sudden not going to run it? Some of y'all are overvaluing the market value of your pops.

And to Steezy, this isn't your damn corny Facebook group! These raffles were set with the intent of being a fun thing for everyone here but not delivering on a raffle simply because you didn't get the level of monetary return you'd like it's over for the rest? Nah that speaks volumes about you as a person withno integrity. Get off your high horse kid.

Oh, and Henny, don't think we don't see past your raffle where you blatantly said you wanted to do something for those in here because you may be seen negatively and tried to buy members of the group with your raffle.
Im really getting burned for not running it huh, I've said it time and time again in my raffle that it will only be done IF all the slots are filled. So what if I wanted PPG for it? Maybe I got it for that price and just trying to get my money back? And it's not even ppg, I'm shipping from Canada where it will cost me atleast $18 to ship one pop, did you see me going over PPG to compensate for that? Hell no. Ya'll could've told me about the price/slot when I was just asking for raffle suggestions. And don't even get me started with Joker, Only 6 slots were claimed, you really want me to run it with more than half of the spots unclaimed? Cmon son. There's a reason I dont ask for payment until ALL slots are claimed

I'm not gonna go into this furthermore, paint it how you want it idgaf. I'm out
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Glad to see you guys eating I'm headed to the mall later to cop kitty pryde and kj joker. If anyone needs me to cop you something PM. Cost plus shipping obviously.
I just don't like how PPG for some reason HAS to be the end all be all on prices. Like just because you see it up there for that much, you really don't HAVE to sell it for that price. You're already making more than triple the $9-12 you initially paid for it, so what's the big deal if you lose a little of it.

But anyway, about to make rounds to the stores with my sister. I'm not buying anything so lemme know if any of you miss out and I'll try to cop for you. :nerd:
Which is also something on the front page we discussed.
I dont know why there is that Woe as me im not making an extra....
Im really getting burned for not running it huh, I've said it time and time again in my raffle that it will only be done IF all the slots are filled. So what if I wanted PPG for it? Maybe I got it for that price and just trying to get my money back? And it's not even ppg, I'm shipping from Canada where it will cost me atleast $18 to ship one pop, did you see me going over PPG to compensate for that? Hell no. Ya'll could've told me about the price/slot when I was just asking for raffle suggestions. And don't even get me started with Joker, Only 6 slots were claimed, you really want me to run it with more than half of the spots unclaimed? Cmon son. There's a reason I dont ask for payment until ALL slots are claimed

I'm not gonna go into this furthermore, paint it how you want it idgaf. I'm out
you had them close to the same price anyway. Why not had just joined the 2?
(Which is what i thought you'd initially do, winner gets choice) then you couldve sold the other later and still made your bread. No one is mad about u making your bread. Nor the joker one separately. But its not having the waffle for the doom. When youwere pretty much making what you needed to. 18 to ship from canada thats fine too. But didnt u win a waffle here recently? Were u charged extra for someone shipping to you in canada???

Lol there will be no Eulogy for you or anything. I just dont know why you didnt just pair them together. That wouldve been your 17 slots and u couldve even just sold them all for 8 or 9.
So yes pitch forks come out for stuff like this lol. No need to be mad about it. We all get pitch forked every now and then.
I already said you can still rectify it. Thats up to you.
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