George Zimmerman Agrees to Celebrity Boxing Match — Will Fight A Black Person


ever need someone to help you move? hire a crackhead
but hell naw, you won't have **** left to move. Either that or it'll be gone another day.
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Literally was talking to DMX like 2 weeks ago. Liq was all on his breath, dude is never chilled. X has a lot of inner demons...

He might kill Zimmerman :D
ef it man ill make some money of this wit Zimmy Got Rustled Tshirt.....don't steal my idea
so we're seriously going to see a Zimmerman vs DMX before a Mayweather vs Pacquiao?

i bet detox drops that following week.

So then why didnt he put that training to use when confronting Trayvon? Also, didnt one of the gyms he trained at say he was a poor student?[/quote]

I didn't say he was going to win, I don't plan to watch this classless BS either way.

Original question was
What makes him think he'll be able to handle a grown damn man? smh
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DMX is going to get worked. Zimmerman's probably been taking boxing lessons for months. Street fight/MMA rules maybe DMX would have a shot because he could rush him. But boxing rules he wont get out the 1st round, maybe 2nd if hes lucky and gets a little training. 
Zimmerman is going to be fully trained and prepped. Beat the crap out of Earl Simmons. They have more people turn to him as a HERO.....

Yea one my friends texted me the other day and said Zimmerman is gonna beat the crap out if DMX. And I agree. I already said it, but this isn't doughy delightfully timid Zimmerman that was presented at his trial. This is big money heavyweight Zimmerman, the real one, and he's gonna embarrass DMX.
DMX is going to be like "Get at Me Dog", but if he's Slippin', he wont be able to Party Up after he loses.

Seriously though. This whole scenario is the definition of stupid.
everyone and there mama are going to watch this, I don't care what y'all say.

People in here saying they won't watch are going to watch.
Nah, bruh.

I'm not gonna watch this ****.

If anyhing, I'll catch the highlights or watch a rip of the fight on some platform that I know will not benefit Zimmerman in any way.

I'd only watch it if I were certain that the way in which I were viewing the fight would not lead to any dollars in Zimmerman's pocket whatsoever, and since I cant really deduce that unless i'm on one of those bootleg streaming sports type sites, then i would just opt out of watching it altogether until an illegal copy is available.

This is not some event that's important enough for me to know what happened so I can talk about it the next day.

I'd rather have someone who was willing to give George Zimmerman money tell me what happened and then ask them if it was worth paying that dude to be in the spotlight a little longer.
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