George Zimmerman Rescues Family From Truck Crash

Anyone in their right mind could see this **** was phony...come on man.

Same **** the media has been pulling since the beginning. 
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Really tired of this media professor told us over the summer that he stopped watching TV back in 2000.

He's completely unplugged from it all. 

Killing a child is not a mistake and you cant leave it the past.

Can we get off that Trayvon is a "child" please? At 17 years old you can enlist in the US military, but nobody is complaining about "child soldiers" being sent to fight in Afghanistan.
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Might as well boycott the whole system. Brothas get off for murder all the time. Jay even raps about it. Now all of a sudden its not cool? OK
You mean when he was slinging Yay? 
Can we get off that Trayvon is a "child" please? At 17 years old you can enlist in the US military, but nobody is complaining about "child soldiers" being sent to fight in Afghanistan.

Did Trayvon's family sign off on Zimmerman killing him?

Then what did this silly **** have to do with what happen?

Might as well boycott the whole system. Brothas get off for murder all the time. Jay even raps about it. Now all of a sudden its not cool? OK :rolleyes

What are you waiting for Santa to bring you for Christmas?
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.45, Police Radio, and some body bags so I can join GZ in getting rid of the scum of the earth. Dude is a real life Kick A** and cats made because his first W was a black dude. Black people are soar losers.. 90% of yall wouldn't even be complaining if TM was a white dude.
This is the kind of ignorance that is so outlandish and comprehensive that all you can do is laugh at it.
its funny how thats what you find appalling and not the dumbass comment made by bigracistford

means da guy lives in his mind free, and da other guy who already has him blocked is somehow still triggered.... keep kinda how im on ur mind without fail :lol:
if u got someone ignored, why do you care what he does after that point? thats what stalker ex girlfriends do. :lol: :smh:

i don't care what da idiot said about da idiot zimmer, goes to show you who really cares about who.
Perhaps he wanted to be sure that the most possible people see the post and understand the type of poster he is.

You really don't have to exert any real energy to do something like this. I'm not sure how this implies that blastercombo blastercombo is always thinking about bigrockford bigrockford . That argument (claiming that he 'shouldn't care’) is just another corny way to discredit someone with minimal effort and/or facts. If you don't care, go about your day. Also recognize that the things you care about don't fall in line with the things everyone else cares about, and this thought process that has brought you to this conclusion isn't one that everyone subscribes to.

But since you always seem to have to stop and attempt to discredit things like this, it comes off like you have some personal stake.

That’s true corniness.
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