GET OUT -- New horror film about black man meeting white gf's parents. Looks creepy.

I just noticed that I started this thread. I forgot until I went to page one. :lol: Anyway, two women at work HIGHLY recommended that I watch. Was going tonight regardless.
NUMBERS UPDATE!!!!!! It did 33.3 million on 4.5 million budget! Word of mouth can get this to over 100 million in US alone :smokin
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NUMBERS UPDATE!!!!!! It did 33.3 million on 4.5 million budget! Word of mouth can get this to over 100 million in US alone :smokin

Yeah but you got a super tough month ahead. March looking to rival a summer month. Logan, Kong Island, Power Rangers, Ghost in the Shell, Beauty and the Beast all this month. Sprinkled in with a few indie gems i.e. The Belko Experiment (another BH film tho)

Yo that dude who gave it a negative review went hella deep with the black cinema references. And I really would take his take with a grain of salt. Looking at his past reviews, he gave Moonlight a splat while he gave Assassin's Creed a tomato? Nah b you can't do that :lol:

I can't speak from either side of the table (neither white nor black) but i can see where the divide would be. However the fact is you can take the race factor out of this and you'll still end up with a way better version of Ryan Reynold's last movie self / / less.

While the race factor plays a deep part in the movie i feel the focus on that one thing takes away in some people's eye how good this movie is n and of itself.

The fact that Chris fades the whole family at the end is no different than when Jessica Biel survives the Hewitt family. Focusing on simply the fact a black dude kills of a white family is trivial.

And the Trayvon Martin reference? Really? :smh:

Read here******-movie
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I don't see too many people mentioning how creepy the brother was. I knew what was up once I seen that trash mustache of his. Then he hit Chris like "with your genetic makeup..." I was offended.
I don't see too many people mentioning how creepy the brother was. I knew what was up once I seen that trash mustache of his. Then he hit Chris like "with your genetic makeup..." I was offended.

Bro that was a sliver of everything going on with that family, which is why Rose being a part of it hit hard lol

That part, then old white lady touching on Chris' arms to other old dude asking him about his swing it was all spooky.

Not to mention all these white folk pull up in identical black limos/SUVs looking like a Klan vampire squad :lol:

I'm still freaked out at how fast the mom's got him under. Like when she said "Sink" and he was ghost, my stomach dropped. Like someone said earlier i don't ever wanna see tea cups lol
I don't see too many people mentioning how creepy the brother was. I knew what was up once I seen that trash mustache of his. Then he hit Chris like "with your genetic makeup..." I was offended.

This whole movie hit home on every level. I had that exact exchange in high school when I first met my girlfriend at the times parents. We were at the dinner table and the dad starts telling me why I was so good at football. "You see, when your ancestors were slaves, all the slave masters wanted the strongest slaves for their plantation. So they forced the biggest strongest slaves to breed with each other and over time black people just became stronger and faster that way."

I just sat there frozen like Chris man. Just like okay, I guess? :/ Mad awkward thing to say to a 16 year old
Yeah they call it the "Devil on Your Back" or some ish like that. It's like you're in a longer than normal period of the conscientiousness state you hit right before awakening from a deep sleep. You are aware of your surroundings but you can't move. It's weird trying to explain but I know I'm not the only one to experience this.

Or maybe I was just super faded!!! :lol:

Mine actually happen during my dreams. Used to wake up shouting trying to "break free"

I don't see too many people mentioning how creepy the brother was. I knew what was up once I seen that trash mustache of his. Then he hit Chris like "with your genetic makeup..." I was offended.

Dude look like Home Alone kid's corpse all grown up.
I don't see too many people mentioning how creepy the brother was. I knew what was up once I seen that trash mustache of his. Then he hit Chris like "with your genetic makeup..." I was offended.

You couldn't help but tell dude was unhinged while he was telling that "story". I was like, "dude, where are you going with this?". Once he started sizing Chris up and wanting to tussle, the whole crowd was like :smh: . Everybody thought it was Macauley Culkin at first :lol: .
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I'm hearing nothing but good things about this movie. Gonna check it out this weekend.

Visiting my recent (white) ex's parents, in the middle of no where in Washington was scary as hell. I only seen one other black person that whole week. :lol:
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After Georgina started showing signs of "over powering" the grandma my girl mentioned that she might've been the one who was leaving that door open that led to the pictures.
After Georgina started showing signs of "over powering" the grandma my girl mentioned that she might've been the one who was leaving that door open that led to the pictures.

Man the detective work you gotta do is wild lol but it's true if you go back there's all these breadcrumbs that are being dropped and when you revisit your like ahhhh.

Like when Chris first spoke to the groundskeeper brother. While at first what he said and how he said it was spooky and on some yeah he's on her jock type ish, knowing that he's her grandfather go back listen to the words and imagine Richard Herd saying them and they fall in line with how a granddad would talk about his grand daughter. #spooky
This is the only negative review for get out... and of course its by an uncle ruckus.******-movie

So now it has a 99 instead of 100 on Rotten tomatoes. This dude is terrible. He didnt connect basic concepts in the movie. Then did that hyper analyze thing where they try to act like everything has a historic orientation and theyre the only ones smart enough to catch it.


this movie sucks cuz its stereotypical left shill by defending obama

this movie sucks cuz peele tried to make the main character resemble the one in I Am Not Your Negro

this movie sucks because the main character is supposed to be Sambo, he has dark skin and bright white teeth

this movie sucks because its a horror-COMEDY(wtf?! comedy?)
:lol: Par for the course when your realize what kind of site that is, poor right wing snowflakes. Actually helps the movie.
I also just realized that at the dinner table the brother kept talking about MMA and tried to grab Chris in a rear naked choke. The same way he ended up grabbing Chris at the end, AND the same way he took Darius in the very first scene of the movie...
I also just realized that at the dinner table the brother kept talking about MMA and tried to grab Chris in a rear naked choke. The same way he ended up grabbing Chris at the end, AND the same way he took Darius in the very first scene of the movie...

I love that part where he's tryin to school Chris on "it's like chess, you gotta think 3 moves ahead of your opponent." Then Chris sets up the leg stab like 3 moves in advance :pimp: :pimp:

I need to watch this movie again ASAP
This is the only negative review for get out... and of course its by an uncle ruckus.******-movie

So now it has a 99 instead of 100 on Rotten tomatoes. This dude is terrible. He didnt connect basic concepts in the movie. Then did that hyper analyze thing where they try to act like everything has a historic orientation and theyre the only ones smart enough to catch it.

this movie sucks cuz its stereotypical left shill by defending obama
this movie sucks cuz peele tried to make the main character resemble the one in I Am Not Your Negro
this movie sucks because the main character is supposed to be Sambo, he has dark skin and bright white teeth
this movie sucks because its a horror-COMEDY(wtf?! comedy?)
Armond White is a ****** troll and not surprising he's writing for National Review and their borderline-Breitbart selves. Have no idea why RT still takes him serious as a critic.

Reading his hit piece, he can't even get facts in the movie correct, saying we don't see Lakeith Stanfield after the opening scene :stoneface:
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so many Weebay gif moments over the last few pages..

makes me want to go see it again.
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