Girl Question - vol. 4,678... :| at the reasoning. she can do her while i wait... lolwut?

Dec 11, 2010
no pics off jump... i will throw some eye candy in, though.

also, cant really cliff note it. skip to the **** for the main question, though.

me and this girlie been off and on for awhile. been thru all kind of ups and downs. she's been a cornerstone in my life for 5 years, and viceversa. we've. for some reason, we just cant stay away from each other.

recently (one month ago)we got into it big time cuz she found me talkin greasy, basically saying she was cool, but i feel like i cant get pretty girls. the dumb part is she's really good looking.. body like a stallion w/ a cute face. loves to spend time together, partly cuz her insecurities in me, partly cuz she's just down like that.

she findsit out, gets mad, and we break up. i totally understand that.... i felt COMPLETELY disgusted in myself for what happened. i normally say i would never take stuff back in my life cuz it would change who i am today... but in my life, that's prolly one of THREE things i would def take back in my ENTIRE LIFE. its not worse than cheating with another girl, but it was completely stupid on my part.

currently (past few weeks), we been chillin as if we were together (kickin it, smashin, dates, having fun)i know she's talkin to other guys, and that's understandable cuz we arent together. i cant do anything about that. so i figure, why cant i text other girls. nothing serious. not starting a relationship or anything. just gaining different perspectives from diff people.

MY BEEF is that she is acting like we're still together. trippin on my facebook (deleted it cuz it was a headache) and twitter by constantly asking "who's this, and who's that". the other day, she asked about some girl on twitter, saying we've always flirted in the past. why? cuz i congratulated her on college graduation and she did the same to me.

so i respond "girl, i dont know why you askin all these questions about this and that. we arent together, and you not in a position to ask that. NO, i dont talk toTHIS GIRL YOU JUST ASKED ABOUT BUT I DO TEXT OTHER CHICKS EVERY NOW AND AGAIN."

she went bananas. her reasoning...

"i can text other guys cuz YOU messed up. if you was really trying to build something back with me, you would divert that attention you're giving them, and send it to me."

at first, it made sense... then i thought about it and was
at it. i say "soooo, you want me to chase you, sit around and wait on your phone calls, and give you all my attention... while you chase other dudes?"

****what kind of backwards logic is that? please tell me if i'm buggin or not.. true that i messed up (nothing involving another female, no contact with any girl AT ALL)... but does that mean i have to BASICALLY SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING while she lives her life?

the cold part is when i say we kick it, she sleeps with me every night, and its EXACTLY as if we're together. please tell me if i'm tripping for not saying "i'm going to chase you while you deal with other guys cuz i made a mistake"...

oh yeah...

if you hit me w/ a do not read....

atleast make me laugh w/ a funny gif or something.

I'll be back to post in this thread after I get my coffee. It's 5:30 here in the west coast.
If she was a real woman she would either let the %@+$ go or stop playing games and stop talking to other dudes while she's trying to get back with you and work things out.

She doesn't realize that guys are mad simple and they don't think like us women do. She wants the whole chase and all that which would be cool if this was your first go-round, which it isn't. She wants to pretty much get even cuz that's the way she feels she'll get over it. Tell her it's time to stop playing games and either try to be with you or to just leave and be friends.

Just remember that girls are emotional creatures and we think more complicatedly than guys.
****what kind of backwards logic is that?

women are filled with backward logic....thats just what they do
in the meantime tell that broad to stay out of your personal affairs if yall aint together or leave her alone.
Originally Posted by Pmighty

****what kind of backwards logic is that?
women are filled with backward logic....thats just what they do

in the meantime tell that broad to stay out of your personal affairs if yall aint together or leave her alone all together.
Originally Posted by ricky409

no pics off jump...�i will throw some eye candy in, though.

also, cant really cliff note it. skip to the **** for the main question, though.

me and this girlie been off and on for awhile. been thru all kind of ups and downs. she's been a cornerstone in my life for 5 years, and vice�versa. we've. for some reason, we just cant stay away from each other.�

recently (one month ago)�we got into it big time cuz she found me talkin greasy, basically saying she was cool, but i feel like i cant get pretty girls. the dumb part is
she's really good looking.. body like a stallion w/ a cute face. loves to spend time together, partly cuz her insecurities in me, partly cuz she's just down like that.

she finds�it out, gets mad, and we break up. i totally understand that.... i felt COMPLETELY disgusted in myself for what happened. i normally say i would never take stuff back in my life cuz it would change who i am today... but in my life, that's prolly one of THREE things i would def take back in my ENTIRE LIFE. its not worse than cheating with another girl, but it was completely stupid on my part.

currently (past few weeks), we been chillin as if we were together (kickin it, smashin, dates, having fun)�i know she's talkin to other guys, and that's understandable cuz we arent together. i cant do anything about that. so i figure, why cant i text other girls. nothing serious. not starting a relationship or anything. just gaining different perspectives from diff people.

MY BEEF is that she is acting like we're still together. trippin on my facebook (deleted it cuz it was a headache) and twitter by constantly asking "who's this, and who's that". the other day, she asked about some girl on twitter, saying we've always flirted in the past. why? cuz i congratulated her on college graduation and she did the same to me.

so i respond "girl, i dont know why you askin all these questions about this and that. we arent together, and you not in a position to ask that. NO, i dont talk to�THIS GIRL YOU JUST ASKED ABOUT BUT I DO TEXT OTHER CHICKS EVERY NOW AND AGAIN."

she went bananas. her reasoning...

"i can text other guys cuz YOU messed up. if you was really trying to build something back with me, you would divert that attention you're giving them, and send it to me."

at first, it made sense... then i thought about it and was
�at it. i say "soooo, you want me to chase you, sit around and wait on your phone calls, and give you all my attention... while you chase other dudes?"

****what kind of backwards logic is that? please tell me if i'm buggin or not.. true that i messed up (nothing involving another female, no contact with any girl AT ALL)... but does that mean i have to BASICALLY SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING while she lives her life?

the cold part is when i say we kick it, she sleeps with me every night, and its EXACTLY as if we're together. please tell me if i'm tripping for not saying "i'm going to chase you while you deal with other guys cuz i made a mistake"...
sidenote: yea, her logic is messed up. if she wants you to chase her she needs to be someone worth chasing. relationships FTL.
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

If she was a real woman she would either let the %@+$ go or stop playing games and stop talking to other dudes while she's trying to get back with you and work things out.

She doesn't realize that guys are mad simple and they don't think like us women do. She wants the whole chase and all that which would be cool if this was your first go-round, which it isn't. She wants to pretty much get even cuz that's the way she feels she'll get over it. Tell her it's time to stop playing games and either try to be with you or to just leave and be friends.

Just remember that girls are emotional creatures and we think more complicatedly than guys.

i like this advice right here.
Originally Posted by ricky409

"i can text other guys cuz YOU messed up. if you was really trying to build something back with me, you would divert that attention you're giving them, and send it to me."


Originally Posted by SamDUH562

cut her off quick if you know whats good for you
 ricky409 wro:
"i can text other guys cuz YOU messed up. if you was really trying to build something back with me, you would divert that attention you're giving them, and send it to me."

at first, it made sense... then i thought about it and was
�at it. i say "soooo, you want me to chase you, sit around and wait on your phone calls, and give you all my attention... while you chase other dudes?"


 @ her though. That's not really behavior that would attract me enough to want to go through the chase routine, that's a sucker trap.

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