Girlfriend Got raped... Need to Vent.. Updated Information at pg1

real talk i know like a handful of women who have been raped an didnt report it, including a cousin......
man, report it. A lot of people think they can get away with it because they wont report it.

Hope all ends well fam.
your not soft for standing by your girl, all we were telling you to do is make sure she not pulling a fast one on you. If you feel confident things happened the way she says then handle your business. Good luck bro.
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real talk i know like a handful of women who have been raped an didnt report it, including a cousin......

far more women are raped than one would like to imagine. I too know plenty of women who were raped (often by people they knew) and didn't report it.

It's a damn shame.... :smh:
Sounds like she got drunk and let him smashed raw.

This whole story doesn't make any sense, OP should've called her Mom,sis and everyone else he knew at that party to see what went down.

Why would a guy who tried to hit on her in the past randomly showed up at her sister's party/gathering ?

She told him to come there.

OP use your common sense, if she's in another state she's going to cheat.
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Didn't read everything but from what I skimmed through. You guys have a culprit or someone you suspected but you're not gonna do anything? So you're just gonna let this guy rape your girl? Is this real life?
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