Goin To Montreal What to DO?

greatttt city.. went a couple years ago

like they all said about the Streets. great bars. great clubs and pretty good prices.
went to i think the brew factory. good damn beers
have a good trip
Strip club i went to in montreal was a different vibe. Just chicks dancing on high stages with waitress service at tables, then this other place i went was hardcore. Chicks pulling dudes up on stage and whipping their meat out for 10 bucks at the time. I was able to cop trees everywhere. Hit up the Casino across the water. We went for spring break and it snowed everynight about 3 inches the whole 5 days, it was cool though. Hit a hockey game. Crazy experience. hockey in canada is a dif animal. Men, women, children, and even grandmas are into the game, booing little dump off passes and such. Bell Centre is a very nice arena. Chicks were cute, I can't remember names of specific bars except the Funky Monkey, was crazy blitzed and some dude in a monkey suit led us to this lilttle hole/dive bar. was fun.
Strip club i went to in montreal was a different vibe. Just chicks dancing on high stages with waitress service at tables, then this other place i went was hardcore. Chicks pulling dudes up on stage and whipping their meat out for 10 bucks at the time. I was able to cop trees everywhere. Hit up the Casino across the water. We went for spring break and it snowed everynight about 3 inches the whole 5 days, it was cool though. Hit a hockey game. Crazy experience. hockey in canada is a dif animal. Men, women, children, and even grandmas are into the game, booing little dump off passes and such. Bell Centre is a very nice arena. Chicks were cute, I can't remember names of specific bars except the Funky Monkey, was crazy blitzed and some dude in a monkey suit led us to this lilttle hole/dive bar. was fun.
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