Gotham Knight video game (new trailer) 8/22/20 p.66

I don't think BB will win because they'll go the "safe" route and pick a multiplat.
There's no way they're putting that much work into designing those characters and having them AI controlled
If they are not co-op, they are likely playable in some part of the game/maps like Catwoman was or in the challenge maps like before.

way too much potential still early on in a next gen systems life.

more than likely I'm calling flop.

I hope I'm wrong. I'm for anything that even slightly resembles red dead and/or assassins creed.

but still.

looks like a flop to me.
The Witcher might edge AK out depending on the expansiveness of the world, which is supposed to be 20% bigger than Skyrim

Wasn't Rocksteady supposed to make a Silver Age type Justice league game instead of Arkham Knight? I have to say I would have been way more interested in that.

I'm ready to see Rocksteady flex their muscles with a superhero besides Batman. We see now that Superhero games can be GOTY contenders with the right development, let's explore other avenues.
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Not into those type of games. May check it out tho.

Would love to see A justice league game. My god that'd be :wow:
I'm playing the witcher 2, there's no way the witcher 3 will be a flop.
So many people complaining about Robin's look...did no one play Arkham City?

That new trailer tho :wow:
This game will be well worth the wait.

way too much potential still early on in a next gen systems life.

more than likely I'm calling flop.

I hope I'm wrong. I'm for anything that even slightly resembles red dead and/or assassins creed.

but still.

looks like a flop to me.

The assassins creed games stopped being fun years ago. The Witcher 3 looks awesome though.
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