Groupon is a DISASTER... Vol. Pump and Dump in effect... are we in another tech-bubble?

Originally Posted by Cant Break The Unbreakable

Dumb as hell that Dropbox didn't accept Apple's offer to buy them either. Not in the billions of an offer like Google but I heard it was 9 figures. What Dropbox is doing is so repeatable. Their service isn't unique whatsoever.

Dropbox’s ascent has been just as stunning. The 50-million-user figure is up threefold from a year ago, and it has solved the “freemium
I still continue to buy Groupon's from time to time..actually I bought a groupon for this restaurant in the Bronx a while back..I returned to them is good..

Everyone loves good Groupon is good in my book but I see how it can easily affect business owners..
Originally Posted by SoLeCiTy

Yea is a disaster for cancelling my (1) order of the Altec Lansing Sound Dock

Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by oK Master Chief Oo

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Meh, if I get in on the launch, I won't be holding it more than a couple of hours.

Exactly I held general motors stock for like 30 min b4 I dumped, that was the easiest money I ever made I was on the couch watching archer eating guacamole

enlighten me?
When a stock first IPO's (becomes publicly listed on the market), it usually jumps up anywhere from a couple of bucks to Idk, 30 depending on the company, in a couple of hours and then sees a pretty decent sell off. Some stocks don't sell off too much, though, like when Dunkin Donuts IPO'd. They jumped up to 29 and closed at I think 26, after opening anywhere between 20-25, don't really remember.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by Cant Break The Unbreakable

Dumb as hell that Dropbox didn't accept Apple's offer to buy them either. Not in the billions of an offer like Google but I heard it was 9 figures. What Dropbox is doing is so repeatable. Their service isn't unique whatsoever.

Dropbox’s ascent has been just as stunning. The 50-million-user figure is up threefold from a year ago, and it has solved the “freemium
^Did you not read what I posted? That excerpt is explicitly disagreeing with your perspective.

There seems to be value in being first. Same thing can be said for many iOS apps. 
Being first is so overrated now.  In a lot of cases who does it best > first.  Or who has more resources or user base > first.  I'll say it again, what Dropbox is doing is not unique.  Hell, I just got 50GB free from  And iCloud is working very well for me.  Steve Jobs was right.   They're a feature not a product.  Unless they come up with something unique/add more stuff to it Dropbox will not last in the long run.  
Take a look at this other Forbes Article:

[h1]How Dropbox Will Die[/h1]

Image via CrunchBase

Dropbox, the online file system, may be “tech’s hottest startup
groupon sucks...i dont want none of the local crap they offer me and if i did buy it it would just be waste of money impulse stuff
Who said anything about long-term survival?
I am referring to your assertion that DropBox was dumb to reject Apple's offer. When you look at evidence, DropBox is growing. To paraphrase, "Sales will double without any new users." So, the offer should increase, if this evidence is reliable. Why? I would surmise that people do not want to move from service to service regarding data storage. It is a tedious process. Sure, some new customers will gravitate to other services and eventually the new user rate will slow but there is probably a base that will remain loyal out of pure comfort. And that base will continue to pay because our computer footprints and thus the cloud, is growing for the foreseeable future.

DropBox is completely different from something like Groupon. There is a tremendous attachment between customer and service in regards to the former. There isn't one in the latter, unless I am mistaken.
edit: Did you read the comments on that article you posted? It is getting trashed. iCloud has is not platform agnostic. DropBox's features currently destroy iCloud. 
The problem with them getting a higher bid at this point is that even though they're still growing I really don't think anybody's gonna offer them any higher than Apple did. Google and Microsoft are the only 2 companies that would offer more than Apple. And the reason they're not gonna do it is because they already had their cloud service established before Apple. Apple was the only one left out of those 3 that didn't have a cloud service yet.

And I agree with you about Dropbox and Groupon being different about attachment. Once people have uploaded all their files to one cloud, a lot of people aren't gonna want to switch from service to service moving all of their files. It is a tedious process. And with Groupon there's no attachment rate to it. People will go for deals no matter who has them. But the attachment thing with Apple is that it's hardware and that's more attachment than say a service like Dropbox. And with iOS, everything's connected already, so with iCloud if you already have an iOS device or getting one then it's effortless to use iCloud since it's already built right in the OS. 250 million iOS devices have already been sold and growing. Dropbox just lost a huge chunk of users.
i get they might be cooking the books, spending inappropriately and should have sold awhile back before the bubble burst BUT 
@ all these business owners complaining-

why launch a coupon that you lose money on? then complain when groupon sells a bunch like they are supposed to?

of course they figure to get some kind of repeat business from these bargain hunters but thats on them not groupon...they tell groupon the prices, tell them how many to sell and then groupon delivers the sales...after that its on the business...

but yea i only bought one groupon and it was basically false advertising by the company - it was some limo services...called them up and they had all types of fees and automatic 20% gratuity, mileage and date restrictions etc...but shout out to groupon for giving me my $ back within 2 days 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Cant Break The Unbreakable

Dumb as hell that Dropbox didn't accept Apple's offer to buy them either. Not in the billions of an offer like Google but I heard it was 9 figures. What Dropbox is doing is so repeatable. Their service isn't unique whatsoever.


Man these guys are so smart they're dumb 

Even though the DropBox founder is a billionaire (now) he could have been PAID. 
  I'm waiting on that bitcasa, it will be much better than DropBox.
Originally Posted by Kingtre

i get they might be cooking the books, spending inappropriately and should have sold awhile back before the bubble burst BUT 
@ all these business owners complaining-

why launch a coupon that you lose money on? then complain when groupon sells a bunch like they are supposed to?

of course they figure to get some kind of repeat business from these bargain hunters but thats on them not groupon...they tell groupon the prices, tell them how many to sell and then groupon delivers the sales...after that its on the business...

but yea i only bought one groupon and it was basically false advertising by the company - it was some limo services...called them up and they had all types of fees and automatic 20% gratuity, mileage and date restrictions etc...but shout out to groupon for giving me my $ back within 2 days 

My fave Groupon was for an Boozy Brucnh for two for $25 ($50 Value) I would show up and tell em I have the coupon and they would take it with no problem. Never took it away from me or anything. Used it 5 diffretn times on maostly dates. Was damn awesome. Shorties would think I was doing it with the $15 tip eventhough they had no clue I didnt pay for anything else.

Originally Posted by Cant Break The Unbreakable

Being first is so overrated now.  In a lot of cases who does it best > first.  Or who has more resources or user base > first

I had to quote this... This is the argument I make with people saying apple steals from android.
They definitely goofed by not taking the 6 billion. Living Social been getting a ton of new investors, Amazon being the major one, plus they went on a crazy hiring blitz at the end of the summer. And there so many other copycats out they're at there is no way I see Groupon staying on top. One slip out and they will be the new Digg
Biggest knock on Tech companies is their accounting policy for revenue recogintion. More often then not, that's the riskiest part to any of these companies. They got exposed for that. I wouldn't trust their IPO, valuation or anything else because their revenue model looks completely unsustainable.

They were hemorging cash but still had enough to line some pockets via "bonus".

Screw them.

I don't think there's a tech bubble, not yet at least. There's been pull back in the market and some start ups have shelfed their IPO insisting on taking VC/PE money instead.

Using an extremely small sample (two of the more widely known, or "hot" companies) -

LinkedIn - is near their day 1 close and has been up and down with no sky rocketing price
Pandora - trading below their day 1 close as well.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9


Facebook next.
Companies like Netflix and Groupon aren't really sustainable businesses.  Netflix has to deal with content providers gouging and any change to the price ends up being a public relations problem. 

Facebook has been a private company for so long now, they have enough funding to stay private longer, they are being forced to IPO by the SEC due to the amount of shareholders.

Facebook has the social ads on lock, what search ads is to Google is what social ads will be to Facebook, and even as a private company Facebook is trying to diversify itself from just being based on social profiles.

On another note Groupons goes public tomorrow. Gonna be interesting.
I bet it goes up like a rocket tomorrow, and falls down like a rocket with no fuel next week.
Originally Posted by proper english

Groupon stay emailing me useless #$%^ such as 50% off Brazilian wax vouchers..

i cut my ties with them a long time ago. 
bought my girl the brazilian wax deal. best day of my life
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