Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

as corny as the lines were, it worked well with the tone of the movie, IMO.

some movies FORCE the corny lines into their script and i hate it :lol:

an example off the top of my head is in TDKR when catwoman kind of disappears on batman as he turns away and he says something like "so that's what it feels like.." :x
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Those nova helmets though :x  yucky

If there is a Nova he won't show up in a Gunn movie. Gunn has already stated he dont like Nova or the helmets (comic helmets); but he does like the Corps. I like what he did with the movie helmets tho

tbt I dont give a **** about the character either.

For the sake of the fans only people who like the character should be writing them.

I'm sure they could come up with something better. Nova's comIc design is probably in my top 5 favorite costumes but I never liked the helmet either. It reminds me of a Spartan helmet

The movie Nova helmets, while a nice attempt, make me think of those toy Iron Man helmets for some reason. They just looked "cheap".
as corny as the lines were, it worked well with the tone of the movie, IMO.

some movies FORCE the corny lines into their script and i hate it :lol:

an example off the top of my head is in TDKR when catwoman kind of disappears on batman as he turns away and he says something like "so that's what it feels like.." :x

someone mentioned whenever they say the title of the movie or name of the group in the movie, "we're the Guardians of the Galaxy, b-" was a billion times better than "if we can't save the Earth we'll damn sure avenge it" from The Avengers. That line was extremely corny and cringe-worthy
I'm sure they could come up with something better. Nova's comIc design is probably in my top 5 favorite costumes but I never liked the helmet either. It reminds me of a Spartan helmet

The movie Nova helmets, while a nice attempt, make me think of those toy Iron Man helmets for some reason. They just looked "cheap".

Him not showing up has little to do with the design and more to do with Gunn not liking him. Better hand him over to someone who actually gives a **** about him. Movies are better off that way.

A spartan helmet would be way better than the Nova helmet. Spartan helmets are cool, just not in this setting.
So I took my daughters today to see the matinee today and that was DEFINITELY Beta Ray Bill in the collector's case. He even turns his head enough for you to see that it's not a humanoid head at all (so it's definitely not Adam Warlock) and the skin tone is spot on.

Since this was my third time watching, I didn't focus on the main action as much and kept checking for little details in the background of the whole movie. There are so many Easter Eggs in it and great attention to detail that I can't even remember all of it. The Hand of God Nebula (which actually exist outside of the MCU) being in it, in great detail, was a really nice touch.

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Well then why is the hammer in the box. He should just plow through that prison. Only explanation is to have those mind control plates from Planet Hulk
what if it's just a stronger one of these

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Thor could have destroyed it and he actually did when he was falling but the point of that cage was with a little force it drops (or launches off) from the hellicarrier and that is what Thor was trying to avoid and why he didn't try breaking free. It wasn't meant to be indestructible.
I really hope Thanos delivers in Avengers 3.

MCU villains are so damn weak, :x

I honestly think that Abomination has been my favorite villain, not really a huge fan of Loki.

Still can't believe how my guy Edward Norton got shafted, :smh:

Winter Soldier was pretty good, too, now that I think about it.
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I was watching this recap of the stones/gems from ComocBookCast and when they showed the Collector getting the box with the Aether, the pic they showed has a guy with a red cape inside a cage too, didn't notice that before but it does look like BRB from GotG. It's at about 4:00 mark where I started the vid below.

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I was watching this recap of the stones/gems from ComocBookCast and when they showed the Collector getting the box with the Aether, the pic they showed has a guy with a red cape inside a cage too, didn't notice that before but it does look like BRB from GotG. It's at about 4:00 mark where I started the vid below.


He was thinking what I have been thinking where is the aether? I wish they would have touched on that topic in gotg.
It's implied Collector has the Aether and as I posted earlier, Gunn said that Collector likely has more than one museum so he might have something as important as the Aether hidden somewhere instead of in display.
I was watching this recap of the stones/gems from ComocBookCast and when they showed the Collector getting the box with the Aether, the pic they showed has a guy with a red cape inside a cage too, didn't notice that before but it does look like BRB from GotG. It's at about 4:00 mark where I started the vid below.


That's the Krylorians hair unless I am not looking at thte correct thing (we tahm bout whats on the right of the shot? That's hair not a cape.)

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oh yeah :lol: Makes more sense in watching it than the screencap which makes it look like a creature inside the glass. :rofl:
It's implied Collector has the Aether and as I posted earlier, Gunn said that Collector likely has more than one museum so he might have something as important as the Aether hidden somewhere instead of in display.
Oh yeah forgot about that. I wonder if the collector will show up in Thor 3 would suck to only see him in gotg. If that were the case he would be majorly underused in the cinematic universe.
The hair looks like a cape. I'll give you that. And I do have the advantage of seeing the movie 3x. But by that logic Supes with his back turned looks like Bill. I just wasnt seein it.
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