Guys ****BEWARE**** of WestChicago" Half Bear All Bull"

Originally Posted by ridikuloz

That site don't even work, your tales have been duck'd.
There is never an excuse to sell fakes! you should have burnt them or thrown them in the trash, not pass them on to some unsuspecting newcomer!

Crazy thing is, this guy is always in the legit check forum trying to tell people how to spot fakes!
Originally Posted by w3stchicago

It's ok. You guys can think whatever you want about me, I did try to sell fakes, I do apoligize to the whole community and Mr big business miami dolphins fan, you did a great job. Whenever you want to come to Cali make sure you hit me up. I owe you one for trying to flame you when clearly you got me pretty good. I joined NikeTalk in october about 2 weeks before I tried to sell them fakes. I have learned a lot from here and do now know that what I did was wrong. Mrbigbusiness like I said if you ever want to meet Joey Porter or if you even like him, hit me up I can make it happen. Once again sorry Nike Talk.

Dude, you might as well just ban yourself and start over with a new account b/c nobody is gonna buy from you on here for at least a year or two until thisblows over.

I know you worked hard for that 300+ post count so that you could sell on NT, but chances are you aren't gonna make many sales anyway now that the word isout. And if you do change accounts, make sure you switch your avy too, b/c that joint is very memorable. Just my advice, take it or leave it.

I should start a witness protection program for fake sellers that got their spot blown.
Originally Posted by w3stchicago

If you look at the description where does it say these are authentic. Never said they were authentic and to the people who email me asking me if they were authentic, I clearly said no. To me there is nothing wrong with this.

It's ok. You guys can think whatever you want about me, I did try to sell fakes, I do apoligize to the whole community and Mr big business miami dolphins fan, you did a great job. Whenever you want to come to Cali make sure you hit me up. I owe you one for trying to flame you when clearly you got me pretty good. I joined NikeTalk in october about 2 weeks before I tried to sell them fakes. I have learned a lot from here and do now know that what I did was wrong. Mrbigbusiness like I said if you ever want to meet Joey Porter or if you even like him, hit me up I can make it happen. Once again sorry Nike Talk.
Just remember he didn't say Joey Porter of the Dolphin's he just said "Joey Porter' You're going to end up with this dude:

at least he came forward like a man ......still a snake move but who are we to cast stones on him the shame is enough i feel embarrassed for him
gotta fell bad for him but then having anything to do with fakes is a no no
good detective work mr big business
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by w3stchicago

If you look at the description where does it say these are authentic. Never said they were authentic and to the people who email me asking me if they were authentic, I clearly said no. To me there is nothing wrong with this.

It's ok. You guys can think whatever you want about me, I did try to sell fakes, I do apoligize to the whole community and Mr big business miami dolphins fan, you did a great job. Whenever you want to come to Cali make sure you hit me up. I owe you one for trying to flame you when clearly you got me pretty good. I joined NikeTalk in october about 2 weeks before I tried to sell them fakes. I have learned a lot from here and do now know that what I did was wrong. Mrbigbusiness like I said if you ever want to meet Joey Porter or if you even like him, hit me up I can make it happen. Once again sorry Nike Talk.
Just remember he didn't say Joey Porter of the Dolphin's he just said "Joey Porter' You're going to end up with this dude:

I feel a little bad for him, then again not really.
Originally Posted by solezprogression

Originally Posted by w3stchicago

It's ok. You guys can think whatever you want about me, I did try to sell fakes, I do apoligize to the whole community and Mr big business miami dolphins fan, you did a great job. Whenever you want to come to Cali make sure you hit me up. I owe you one for trying to flame you when clearly you got me pretty good. I joined NikeTalk in october about 2 weeks before I tried to sell them fakes. I have learned a lot from here and do now know that what I did was wrong. Mrbigbusiness like I said if you ever want to meet Joey Porter or if you even like him, hit me up I can make it happen. Once again sorry Nike Talk.

Dude, you might as well just ban yourself and start over with a new account b/c nobody is gonna buy from you on here for at least a year or two until this blows over.

I know you worked hard for that 300+ post count so that you could sell on NT, but chances are you aren't gonna make many sales anyway now that the word is out. And if you do change accounts, make sure you switch your avy too, b/c that joint is very memorable. Just my advice, take it or leave it.

I should start a witness protection program for fake sellers that got their spot blown.
man that's a good idea! yeah ol' boy was on here alot trying to build his rep up, now you just put your foot with fake J's in yourmouth. I think we've all been scammed once or twice on ebay, I know I have, but those fakes went to the only place they belong...........the trash. Noexcuse for trying to pass those on to somebody else.
That makes you a fraud. You can kick rocks now!
Yes i am embarresed. w3stchicago who sells fakes. I was mad when i recieved the shipment and I all wanted was for me not to lose my money. So I made a hugemistake. I learned that I just didnt lose my money I lost the respect from all my fellow NikeTalkers. I dont sell shoes so I wont have to worry about notselling on here. I own nothing but legit kicks excluding that pair. I refuse to start all over, dont care about the 300 post, only interested in buyinganyways. After that incident I've read many post talking about fakes and how not to sell them after you've been scammed just throw them away and reportit to proper authorities, and I felt guilt everytime I read stuff like that. But just because I sold a fake doesnt mean I dont know info on jays. I have reallystudied my kicks really hard and have a lot of info on them. This was the past that I was ashamed of, but hopefully everybody can get through it. Im not askinganyone to forgive me, just apoligizing to the whole forum.
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